Out of dust we were created and to dust we shall return. I was 25 a few days ago, then 50 and today zap on my way back to dust. But I await my spirit entering where I belong. In this TIME in between dust to dust we are called by our Father to find, live and give show the purpose of Christ back to the Father.
The purpose of Christ in coming to earth was to give us a chance at eternal life. Life finds meaning only in the depth of this gift of love we receive from the living Christ. If what you live is The Law then you must know that misery is not your purpose. God sent His Son out of the glory of eternity to enter our realm of TIME so we could then join to Him in this TIME to live in His “time” to come of eternity. Jesus says “My words are spirit and life” (Jn.6:63).
We we bring our broken, shattered tragedy and trauma to Him so we can be born again into this eternal “time” beyond human TIME. This is the only way to “see” and live His purpose (Jn.3:3-8). Otherwise we live by obligation, hit and miss, the Law. Jesus there is only one thing that proves we have His life – His love (Jn.15:13/13:35). Can’t get any clearer than this. It don’t matter how many times you “pray a sinners prayer” or do good works if you do not walk in His love you do not walk in Him (1 Jn.4:7-8).
Let’s be honest. The idea of compassion is maybe a notch above going out of your way to be “nice”. Right? Is it basically a smile and doing some good deeds? Is there any sense of catharsis and healing to your touch of others? I mean if love is the first stage of laying down our lives and care is the second stage how much greater is compassion?
Who thinks of profound sacrifice and creativity in an expansive personal effort to help and care for the unlovable and forgotten? What if God searches for someone to give His compassion but you are too busy doing your ‘own thing’ ? This is your TIME to change, learn and to receive the Spirit of the living Jesus. We often read Bible verses and think that it is in these letters on pages that we find revelation. The living revelation of the Word of God is in the dispense of the Presence of the Father that Jesus offers.
In every N.T. encounter Jesus was present in His Fathers Presence. Men received not mere words, doctrines or ideas but the loving divine Presence of the Fathers care for them as an individual. They touched God in touching Jesus. This is our goal, to rethink compassion. We too can carry and dispense His Presence. I don’t mean to sound “out there” because actually all we are aware of is our own selfishness. As we are broken so are we brought to nothing and in this nothingness we believe and thus united in the Vine to become branches that flow with His love. There can be no sin that can keep us from Him or all His blood and agony on the cross was in vain and it was not.
One of my daughters, Ruth, sent this picture to me (above) for my 71st birthday. (Ow. It hurts to even say that number.) It made me think of two words; accountability and privilege. How serious are we about our own willingness to take our TIME as our one and only opportunity on earth? What is the real value of our life? How much TIME are we willing to invest and expand in our individual capacity to show the love of God to this world? A statement I often hear, sometimes by mere attitude, is “Oh. I’m already ‘there’. I already know all that”. Ugh. They drank the poison. The kiss of death. When any man can say he’s arrived at knowing an eternal God I pity his end.
The King of Compassion opened up the portal to eternal resources through His death and resurrection. Every disciple is an ever growing heart from ‘glory to glory’. Every week, every day, every hour and minute I am learning what I didn’t know. It is not frustrating but wonderful. Yet we can carry a unique designation in our compassion. But of course we must be in the Vine. Come on, man. Is it more important for people to know that you are “righteous” giving others out of your righteousness or learn how dispense His on the moment living compassion?
Never underestimate God’s love for you, your worth, potential your identify in the love God. When you realize how He sees you then you can convey how He sees them. All by the faith of a mustard seed. The joy of seeing yourself in God’s love starts with a budge and generates the energy of love that you receive, then give. I don’t walk in God but by faith in God. I have no mystical experience but same ways all men learn when they start to discover the ways of faith. The “mechanics” of faith necessitate the closeness of God mindful of the manifold ways of His love.
So I was sitting in my semi-truck when a bright red cardinal started flying into the outside window next to me. Bam. Crash. Wham. Poor little guy. (I feel like that sometimes). Sarah was able to take a picture of it and find this still shot below. I did some research on it.
They are trying to process their reflection and think it is another bird. It hit me that this is like “seeing” our reflection in the love God. I imagine Abraham of old sitting at his nomad campfire. He was face to Face with God. In that moment of Genesis 15:6 Abraham saw himself to be a man who loved His creator by one thing: faith. We tend to think of God’s love as conditional. If we are “good” then He loves us. If we are bad He does not love us. But “God SO LOVES THE WORLD” He gave His Son. If He only loved us when we are good then He never really loved the world because it has always been evil. The entire world, all wicked mean. It”s not that He loves the wicked, obviously, but He loves men who happen to be wicked. He loves everyone as you are, where you are. God so loves the world. When you see your yourself in the love of God you catch a glimpse or your own beauty in Him. So when we “see” our reflection as He sees us in His Son it is this love that we find that motivates us to give this freely to the world as He does.
What significance does our life really have in the fast-paced measure of TIME on earth? The actual substance of eternal life is meant to pass through us to others as we live in the love of the living Jesus. No greater joy. Even Jesus says giving eternal life is more filling than any meal a starving person could eat (Jn4
To think our lives are seen and measured by the Spirit of God and our quality of love is a beautiful thing. It requires no degree, except in reality. I stand in humble awe of what I know God alone has done and is doing, hoping others will see and understand my life is only but a witness and testimony to the living Lord Jesus.
I pray my TIME spent may motivate others to realize life is not about our meager life but the conscious awareness of purpose we are granted in the knowledge of God Who implants in our heart the purpose of redemption in Christ that He yearns for anyone, no matter how weak, how great of failure, how wicked or nothing, might discover.
It is not flesh and blood but the power of the Spirit of God within our “earthen vessel” that the world is able to be touched by the living Savior. I have so many vivid memories of God’s hand in my life over TIME. What is the purpose of our TIME? So limited, in light of eternity, but in every moment we never think it will come to an end. Time has a power that keeps our focus on the here and now. So how is that we can grasp an accurate gage on our purpose in TIME?
The purpose we pursue is determined by the reality, not in our words, but what is within us that propels us to live. I reflect back on my time gone by as little child, teenager, young adult and so many years in travels throughout 60 countries. In them I see the purpose of God teaching, leading, protecting and opening up countless for us to bring, not a generic love, but a depth of personal touch. I look back and see myself in HIs love. Hear this in His righteous but I love whom I see Him recreating me to be. Jesus promised if lose our life we shall find it (Jn.12:24-25). I remember reading it so long ago and sensing it as far more than letters on a page. It is the portal. It is the cross. It is united to Him to see who we are meant to become (Rm.6:6).
Who am I to deserve such favor? I entered a destiny found as I contemplated the life of Jesus as my mirror to see beyond my present into my eternal life. I made a “deal” with God many years that I would abandon my “life of crime” and pursue Him if He would show Himself to me. Over several years I desperately sought His Spirit. Not having a clue to what this meant. I made All-City wrestling and fullback in Grand Rapids, Michigan and ultimately earned a full-ride scholarship to Central Michigan University.
These awards got my attention because in reality I never saw myself as an elite athlete but just average. God will use anything in your life to get your attention because His love is so great for you. Any accomplishments were not really a matter of my talent but of my Viking-like will of a savage which I then switched to find and ultimately stand for Jesus in this wicked desperate world. All things work together, and God uses all things, to lead us to see ourselves in Him if indeed we are of such a heart to seek Him.
I have spent tens of thousands of hours in innumerable places contemplating how to reach this world with Jesus. Every time it comes down to my death and obedience to Him. The means is always faith. . How is it that we can reach into another persons shattered life and he can sense not his own wicked heart, not be threatened or pressured but warmed, held and see himself as he never did before in the compassion of the living Jesus?
(My blog here is in construction. I’m very busy hoping to finish it soon.)
In another way of saying what Jesus said on the cross, “They know not what they do” He was saying that we do not know how to be real with God. That is, we do not know how to break down, apply truth, implement, and use right words to interpret and express our sinful ways so that we can REAL LY walk with Him.We are frozen cold by the winter storms of life. We must Thaw into Real by His love
So a shout-out to all who are badass, atheist, Wiccan, anti-God, pagan, critic, addict, doubter, weak, gangster and skeptic. Whew. That’s a lot. Anyone left? If you are fed up, like me, with phony religion and sham Christianity, I’d love to sit together, and share the thoughts that bury us the deepest. Let us thaw to real. What I mean is this. Being real is not child’s play. In fact, for the majority, it’s a daunting task, a herculean art they will never enjoy because, tragically, they don’t want it. They love to live a lie. Crazy but true. (Mt.11:25/Jn.3:19-21/2 Thes.2:10). All our lives we are trained by culture and a deception of heart to be anything but real (Jer.17:9). Real is a power, a freedom, a joy, a love. There are multitudes of variations like the vast spectrum of colors. We choose what shade of real we want to be, on any given subject, with any given person, at any given time. We can only live in what is real…ity when we embrace the harsh humiliation of our own nothingness.
True salvation in Jesus can only begin “out of nothing”. Otherwise it is just another versionof our efforts to be righteous.
Somewhere along your past, you left footprints of your longing to be real, who you are. But pressures and insecurity of unknown life forces sent you to claim an image that drove you to do and be things that buried those traces of your deepest desires. I’d like to help you thaw into the real you. It is only here that you can get on the path to destiny in Christ.
“It is never too late to be who you might have been.” – George Elliott.
A lackey moves with the herd, oblivious to an end determined by others, never daring to find his true path as an individual. He follows the mob, no matter how wrong the mob may be or how dead he feels himself to be. He will never be an individual. I made my stand long ago. It cost me who I was. But that was good, even though I didn’t know it at the time. Today I am an individual of more life in the living Jesus than I ever imagined.
You may think that because I write so much about God you can’t relate to me but there’s something you don’t know. I have a ‘special place’ in me for you that didn’t happen by a dream or prayer. In the backstory of my journey I was pierced by various wounds. They brought me to the dark hole in me. Long story short, a spark ignited in me when I was arrested in bar fight and ended up with my face in jail sewer. I made a budge to believe God. I struck a ‘match’ against the flint of real and it ignited a flame for God that burns in me today and led me throughout the world. His fire of love cauterizes the hole. I want to give you this ‘match’ of real. Nothing to brag about. I just hated being patsy to the mob and so I became enamored with real. It led me here. I love it here, with you. I got my grit. Let me lift you.
Finding your way out of the storms of life requires you embrace being real because it is the key to thaw.No way in hell anything happens if you refuse to budge…for real.All of us live in as in an ”Emergency Ward”, bleeding out from within. I’m so sorry my brother or sister. You may think ‘No one even knows I’m here. So how could I ever hope for someone to help me?’ What I tell you is no lie but beautiful news if you can ‘hear’. The way out results from your own choice to be real. Staying where you are, frozen in the cold, is not an option.
“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson.
When you look for the Lord what do you think? Are you not more conscious of your own emotional or mental state? Unlike physical injuries, our dark hole doesn’t bleed out in a conscious but subconscious state. We hide and suppress our pain, even to ourselves, with subtle untruths, that keep us away from real. We are bewildered and feel betrayed by dark ways of our sinful humanity. If we are not real about this struggle, even to the transparency of our deepest contradiction, we stay unreal.
We fear there is no cure because we have not yet attained it. My friend the solution awaits. It doesn’t require surgery or medication but a mere budge to start being real with yourself. To restart the process of translating the pain and loneliness into a training field with the Master of the soul. It does require a journey into Psalm 51:17 and many other ports of entry into truth. What is a broken and contrite spirit? How do we navigate sorrow with faith? How do we see beyond our grief into a meaningful purpose that brings us into His Presence.
Your most real moments don’t happen with others but all alone. Remember, back in time, when you were a kid trying to figure out life. What was your source? Let’s go back there. Let’s DO SOMETHING thats not hard to do, but rare. Lets think. Let’s reverse things. It’s like moving furniture around in your head. It takes muscles in your mind and heart to replace an old smelly chair, in a dingy basement, in exchange for standing on a moutain with an overlook for a fresh restart. God says you can restart 490 times (Matt.18:22).
A pagan dude named Abraham did exactly that. He is master of the thaw. His story blows me away. One day he just up and walked out of his pagan hometown of Ur (modern day Iraq). This heathen became a wandering nomad and a father to the fatherless. His real life story shows us the beauty of change. You may be at one level of real now and another as you read, then another tomorrow, and the next day. Abraham faced danger and desolation we can only imagine. He existed at the dawn of time before all phony religious crap came along. So don’t worry about any stuff told to you. Any cursing or rage is no issue. Just settle in to this moment and be real.
”Don’t wait for the perfect moment. Take this moment and make it perfect. it may not come again” — Zig Ziglar
Abraham was an OG of pagan thought (not like complex paganism of today- just a heathen like me). The backstory of his change was that he’d seen enough, faced the truth within himself, and decided to stop denying what was real, even if everyone around him insisted otherwise. He chose to leave all city comforts of food, water and friendship to face endless miles of desert heat, scorpions and snakes. Why?
“To find yourself, think for yourself.”– Socrates
Abraham discovered contemplation (Rm.4:19). It’s one thing to define this in our culture of superficiality and anxiety. It was quite another thing for Abraham to discover it, not defining it as such, but just a choice of disposition. The priority of Abraham was to find the essence of his existence. It made him a rebel-outlaw against the norms he had grown up with, that led him into a false image of his identity. Abraham was irked and so driven by being forbidden to cut across pagan culture.
Jesus says “You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free” (Jn.8:32)
Enough already of being told that because life is hell there is no God. What then is to be made of living in an evil world as the aftermath of Adam and Eve bowing to the devil who took over the world, saturating humanity in depravity? Why should he listen to the mob curse God and deny his conscience, common sense and indiviudal intelligence that ascertains a Presence in the universe ‘speaking’ to all of what is real. Yet we must deny it because fellow heathens say it ain’t so. In his still silence of listening he ‘heard’ righteousness; what is right. as a chaldean pagan he did something very unpagan – he connected the endless white dots in the black sky and drew an image in his mind of an unseen God. he INVENTED a response that triggered god to reward him- FAITH. “Abraham believed God and it was reckoned to him as righteousness.” (Gen.15). This was not an “experience” but a resolution. Abraham claimed his identity to be real in God. God was his identity. Period. Nothing else mattered.
The constant image the Scriptures portray of being in Christ is wind (Jn.3:8). I don’t walk in God in some type of mystical experience. I walk BY FAITH in God for my time on earth. Faith holds the power to project our spirit into the Spirit. I would strongly suggest going to some park or place where ravens fly and contemplating their movements and flight patterns to see the ways of seeing and find real. The ways of being real lead us into His Spirit of Truth. It is not by emulating the moral law or righteous behavior or words. It is a freedom in the Spirit to be who you are in Him, free of your lower nature. (to be continued) (I stuck in the secular quotes to show the struggles of real are in all men.)
A Chaldean heathen sat alone by his campfire in a star lit night. Pain was eatinghim up inside.Having left a rich city called Ur he now sat alone with nothing but intense desert heat.He was vexed, trying to find some manner of life other than his sorroundings. His heart toiled with regret, existence, human desire and despair. “Who am I? What is my purpose?
This era was about 5000 yrs. ago, just after Noah and Sodom and Gommorah. The world had just exploded into a hell-hole of ravage rage against God.Satan had won mankind by seducing Adam and Eve. A perfect “Garden” had been plundered and obliterated by filth, peversion and every sort of depravity, insanity and madness. Every single person had become like an animal and wild beast. There was not one human soul that had NOT given himself over.God was “astonished” all mankind(Is.63:5)}
Onto this stage struts one unique dude; ‘starman’. Who can explain how an individual thinker can possibly emerge out of such a depraved backdrop and peer pressure? I completely identify. It is my story amidst a raucous and raunchy championship football team on which I played. When black is pitch black any speck of light stands out and in my case all all my “friends” tried to snuff it out. Jesus, that is.
I had two options: shut up and conform or be persecuted. and isolated. I chose as Abraham, the 2nd.I was elated to discover the Scriptures and how Abraham also was like a Wyatt Earp, fed up with the vile ways ofDodge City. “Enough already. I get it. You all love evil. Whopee.Next?” Society is just so evil and pat. Who can conform to such a obvious rebellion?
Abraham figured there had to be another option to life than just constant obsession with darkness. Today, it is get a job, make a buck, get ahead live for yourself. Abraham had some light in his heart and felt a depth of God’s blessing in his nightly habit of staring up at the stars. So he pursued it. In the middle of hisdark ‘nowhere’, a million miles from nowhere, a different sense of ‘fire’ arrived at the campfire,not from the outside but from inside Abraham.Let’s say Abraham brought about his own individual Nomad Fire.
In 1913 a player at Notre Damed named Knute Rockne revolutionized the forward pass to totally transform the game of football. Abraham was thinking how to transform the game of life. It didn’t have to be wicked, wicked, wicked, wicked. God saw Abrahams thinkingand pulled up along side this camel jockey to create a rap and maybe drop a beat to Abraham to use him to bring His love and blessing back to mankind.
At this some time Abraham was thinking to himself “What if I could fill the earth with a multitude of people like the stars who think about God like I do? Like maybe God is not primarily a demander but a giver of blessings” He’d be like an OG orginator and GOAT of a new race (after Adam and Noah). He contemplated “his own body as good as dead”. Sarah, his wife, laughed athaving a child. They were both a 100 yrs. old. How could they ever have a kid? And what does any of this have to do with you there in your cell? Stay tuned.
In one star lit night, like so many others, as he gazed into the skies, Abrahamgot lit by putting 2+2 together. He connected the dots of the stars to his many questions within and it created a picture in his mind of a spectacular God. More than a son, Abraham was captivated by the Character of a God Who took a personal interest in helping him. All creation had a sense of magnificent majesty relfecting a forever Creator Whose Presence eased His inner pain brought him into sense of belonging, and came together by a substance Abraham forged was formulating within himself. Suddenly, amidst a world in hatred against God, Abraham became a man of faith in God.
This deep sense of God was God. Abraham believed God and it was reckoned to him as righteousness.This one statement is repeated throughout the Bible as the foundation of new life. In a moment of time, Abraham made a budge to believe God. He did something never before done before. {It may not sound like much because today a guy says “I already know it all.”What he doesn’t realize is this statement makes him lose any chance of knowing what he doesn’t know.}
The most profound thing about the faith Abraham created is that it is born“out of nothing” but humiliation and aheathen mind set. No Bible sermons or ‘better than thou’ religiosity. You could call it a ‘namads fire’. Abraham had no affinity to The First Church of Babylon. He was a ‘thoroughbred’ heathen who created this phenomenal “mixture” out of his true desperation to connect with God. It ended up being the perfect ‘formula’ for everyone in the world. It was not evangelical hodge podge. Abraham revealed the essential elements by his statement. They were gut transparent HUMILITY.
The beginning to any man who wills to become and individual is a broken state of realization and desperation before God. It is the how and why God sent Jesus. It was the Suffering Servant Who came for “the wicked” not the righteous. For those who had come to their end to find His new beginning.
“I am but dust and ashes” he whispered, maybe as hestared thoughtfully into the dying embers of his campfire.It was in this broken attitude Abraham drew upon his heart, experience and calculation of thousand issues to create faith.
Again, I think of guys who created or shaped the game of football.Abraham was the George Halas or Vince Lambardi of faith. He created an upgrade option for existence. He is the OG andGOAT of this one “substance” that would now generate a new “human” race that did not operate according to the norms of wicked society. Abraham actually sensed the gospel. It is written“Gal.3:6ff).
“Faith is the substance of things hoped for the conviction of things not seen…those who come to God must believe He is and a rewarder of those who seek Him by faith” (Heb.11:1ff). This entire chapter shows how God wanted exactly what Abraham created.
Faith engages the very individual heart of a believer with God.Abraham “found”‘star power’ (rm.4). God was so pleased He promises blessings to anyone who responds as Abraham: ‘Way to go my man Abraham. I’m going to use what you just came up with, to givefolks around the world the way to access Me and sharein My eternity.”
When you admit you are nothing it is a thaw into reality. It is the beginning of finding the living Jesus. God’s Spirit begins to heal and replace all the devastating memories and emphasis on melodrama and psychological devastation of the past. By His stripes we are healed. We come in our brokenness and find where He Himself dwells. It is in our dark abyss of nothingness that is the perfect time to create the everything of beginning to believe God and being reckoned righteous by faith. This is what Abraham did. Paul says that Abraham actually had the gospel preached to him.
Ever feel like the lead actor in a moviecalled Disaster? Every day is another scene of grief unfoldingin slow motion. Ever notice how most popular songs are about dark times?The Ray Charles hit “Born to Lose” was my theme. We gravitate to human failure because it is the most real to the existence of our human nature. Everyone knows it so well. 7 billion folks ‘going through hell’.
My brother and sister this is gold. The world runs and hides from brokeness cuz it doesn’t feel good. But if we can accept this reality is the beginning to the end of our misery.I ask you,if failure is so familiar, in your case an entire prison resounds with this reality,why is humility is so foreign? Why is ‘Joe Prison’ so into Mr. Ego?Pride hides so well inside.
The statement “I just can’t get over my grief of shame and regret” sounds sincere but is actually pride resisting faith in the finished work of Christ. Humility is the pivotal turning point in resolving our storm.If we will believe and let go we will not recover. A humble heart brings us faith in the living Jesus.
God made Abrahamfather” ofa million sons by the faith he createdthat one night at the campsight. In the impossibility to have one he had many. Thisone is named Michael. I can smell that campfire of the Nomad. Can you? I so relate. A bar fight landed me in a jail cell in Baldwin, MI. (Expunged by my coach) Overcrowding put me on the floor with my face on top of a filthy sewer drain. Raised Catholic, I was a stray,felt my true mission was to prove I am NOT“a basically good person”. Mission Accomplished. But the repulsive stench of that sewage drain pulled me deep inside as if I were jolted into a coma of fear of being trapped in my own stench and thatthis wouldbecome my future.
I made a desperate budge (Is there any other kind?)toreach out ofthe dark hole of my soul to believe God. My budge began mythaw into His predestined love. My dear brother and sister, I beg you, let us contemplate our end abyss.It is profitable. Let us sit togehter as two soon to be skeletons when the only thing that will matter is what we did in the aftermath of our shattered lives on earth If there were a hole into hell where you could go look inside and come out again would you do so? Is that to be your future? Imagine multitudes and multitudes in every direction as far as your eyes could see in utteragony.
We are trapped in a nightmare of something we don’t understand. Sin is a three letter word that controls all men everywhere. It doesn’t have any spooky Halloween costume but rather appears just like us. But it is not our personality. It is in our anatomy. When you stand in The Yard, the cafeteria, basketball court, or your cell believe God to bring you to Himself. Hell has no regard for your self-pity or backstory.The enemiy is not from overseas with battle armor and M16s’. It is not drugs or alcohol. It is this deep irritation of our depravity and insecurity, that plundered this world. It is not put there by any crime or act you have done but by what Adam allowed all of us to inherit in our sinful human nature.
Have you ever heard the story of The Silence of the Lambs? A woman hears the slaughter of lambs and associates it with an inner trauma. She wants to silence the bleating. It symbolizes an inner wound she so wants to silence. It is like countless events of trauma to individuals throughout the human race. The actual culprit of all pain is sin but Satan uses it to to get us chasingand linking specific events to our pain. The source of all our torment is not a specific event or time, which we can never resolve, but the emotional and mental irritation of being separated from God.
Let’s put our mouth in the dust like Abraham, and dial-direct into the REAL estate of our own brokenness. Real is the only hope to escape ourselves. Abrahams faith is not the superficial byproduct sold in the market places of American Christianity. It is created out of our wonindividual pain and will to believe in the living Person of God.Jesus used Abrahams faith to build His endurance tothe agony of the cross.
Faith is a process of our deepest reponse to Who God is.A broken and contrite silences our rebellion and puts an end to the world within ourselves, to begin again.It is to defy collectism (group think)and give way to the dawning of God’s destiny for us as an individual.
I’m guessin you thought aboutchanging a time or two but it never clicked cuz it wasn’t YOU. It’s them telling you how to be and do “them”and you can’t do them. You must do YOU. The Thaw begins by a budge to be realnot in aFrank Sinatra “MY way” or a religious conformist “OUR way” but to go down deep into thesubway of your heart.
Satan is no dumbass, guys. He seeks to ‘gut’ us of any personal heart for God He knows heart is our only hope to escape the storm. Satan is no lame actor. In the fracture of a disaster, he can steal away the heartfactor. He whispers“Be a pretender. Repeat the prayer but never surrender. Repeat the line, ‘Oh me? I’m fine, a contender.’ It’s a sham and a shame because24/7they then complain ‘Why did I crumble and falter? How could I wander and squander? How did I? What did I? Why did I?’
My dear friend, it sounds sincere but a denial of everything Jesus rendered on the cross. Any evil we’ve done is not new under the sun. God rescued youfrom ‘a near-death-experience’ to show you He is serious about you. Don’t punch me for saying this,but what if this time could become your greatestreward not a punishment?Could you see outside your cellf? What if every single day is God’s“silent” love trying to getyou to awaken faith? Abraham proved our only purpose for existence in this lifeis to find God for eternal life.
I have no problem with the label “loser”. Nothing can hurt you when you’re already dead to everything. The Ray Charles “Born to lose” is true to the T of Truth. We areborn to fail because we are born in sin. David explains “in sin did my mother conceive me” (Ps.51:). Momnever intended to decieve us. She had her own storm of stress.But we fell apart from the start of our own doing. Now my sin is ever before me and the term “sinner” makes loser sound like a winner so being broken is easy for me.
“In hope against hope Abraham believed God Who gives life to the dead (losers) and calls into being things that do not exist” (Rm.4:17). It is a one-upof hopefrom the‘Shawshank Redemption” because it is backed by an oath of God that any paganwho believes will live forever despite anything done in the past. I am a son working for my Father to thaw thecold ‘hard ass’ mess in the mindset of my brothers and sisters. As He melted and mended mine He will do so for you.
The plan: Provide mankind a way to be reconciled back to God through an intimate connection through Jesus.
God strategy: Send Jesus to earth drawing any one into His Character and work and thus draw a man into divine connection.
The dilemma: Sin not only divides sinful man from a holy God but sin takes away any desire from man for God and leaves him in a state of rebellion.
Solution: God must do everything required.
Means: Faith
I love this word connection. It is my constant goal with all whom I meet. Of all words that describe my life I am to establish connection with men and women in and for the living Jesus.
I’ll do whatever I must to establish this bridge of communication. This is no easy thing. There are innumerable obstacles on my part, the part of others and facing a world of conflict and an all out assault upon each one of us from birth.
Can I help any of you to come along?
This mission of Jesus is the purpose into which I was reborn fifty years ago at the University of Notre Dame football stadium while attending a catholic charismatic conference. God had used my world of football that had brought me to Central Michigan University on a football scholarship. Actually I did not earn it out of High School because my grades were horrible. So I had to earn it by proving my abilities in Spring Ball the following year. I was a “walk on”.
But somehow in my dark world of nothingness God, my Father, intervened. I had no idea He was working through the many injuries I incurred. It “broke” me. Injury after injury. It broke my soul. I became desperate. Without football I was nothing. Not that I was anything with it but in my mind it was all that gave my life meaning. Ahh. Meaning. Purpose. These are delicious words. I love to say them. I love to chew on them. It’s what every soul craves on the earth. I do not deserve this calling.
Long story short, I gave my life to the living Jesus. He washed away all my guilt in a microsecond of time and it never returned. I was truly BORN AGAIN (John 3:3-8). And as Jesus promises in v8 my life has become like the wind. Everything inside and outside changed drastically. I became subject not to the dictates of men but the revelation of the Holy Spirit. People thought I had taken drugs or ‘gone off the deep end’. It didn’t matter to me because I knew the magnificent living Jesus. I chose then and now fifty years later not to listen to the accusations of men. I continue this walk of a warrior flashing my sword across this earth. Come Lord Jesus. Return.
Presently I am in Bucharest, Romania. This morning my family and I brought Jesus, in word and deed, to thousands of very desperate, suffering and destitute women in a facility for those who recover from multitudes of afflictions. For the next four days we will be working with thousands of men in similar backgrounds. It is what my life has become; the love of the living Jesus working through this selfish man with all I am, all I have, and searching beyond my own human parameters for that golden moment of CONNECTION. There is no greater joy than to connect a man or woman to the way, the truth and the life of Jesus that leads directly to the Father and into eternal life (John 14:6-9). At 70 years old I ain’t got much longer on this earth and so I am doing all I can with what I have. It is brutal work but the reward is eternal.
I call anyone who can “hear”to come, as you are to the living Jesus. He loves you. He forgives you. Jesus doesn’t throw you a life preserver. He jumps in the water to swim you to shore. Don’t play christianity. Become a warrior filled with His Spirit. He loves you. Fight with all you have because soon, very soon, He shall return. I love you. Can I help you?
There is no more beautiful and profound experience awaiting a man than to be “BORN FROM ABOVE” (Jn.3:3ff). No wonder this world liquidates its significance into a menial prayer.
When I first realized my need for salvation I was in college and surrounded by many “nice” campus groups and denominations. Their answer to me was to pray a “sinner’s prayer”. I grew up a catholic and felt this conventional formula sounded quite cheap and token. It was void of the depth and beauty I associated with coming to know a living GOD. For me, there was no more important issue in all of life so I had to get it right. I knew I had to go directly to the Source, all alone. After studying various other religions, I searched the Scriptures for any statement that made it clear. Long story short, I landed upon one verse where Jesus makes it very clear. He declares;
“Unless a man is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3-8).
Can’t be much clearer than the words of Jesus. The gospels clearly reveal salvation is the call of Jesus to “Come to Me”, to know HIM, to love HIM, to serve HIM, to be His sheep and hear HIS voice (Mt.11:27/John 10:27). No church or preacher died on a cross. Jesus says to “Deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Me” (Mark 8:34). To go and do what He did is not an option but a command. When you do so, in sincerity, the unspeakable joy of being born from above fills your heart with God’s compassion. This is what Jesus means to “SEE the kingdom of God” here and now, on earth. To see what He sees and want what He wants.
Never did I imagine the false accusations from hatred and jealousy, that I would bear, for giving our life to Christ, and trying to help people to know this marvelous love of the living Father. Jesus says “They hated Me without a cause” (Jn.15:25). There are those who hide away, in self-made castles of delusion, and malign those who challenge their false conclusions on what it means to be born again (John 3:19-20). We pray for forgiveness and mercy on them.
Before you judge me consider: You can’t be effective in reaching a “badass”, the homeless or mentally ill if you appear “religious”. To go to bikers, gangsters, murderers, drug lords with a suit and tie and self-righteous disposition will get you nowhere. So my armor is a mind-set to become all things to all men, no matter what others think, so that by any means I might win even one (1 Cor.9:22). This is the living Jesus. It is His love. It is when you die to yourself and the outcome of being born again..
Today, some forty-five years later, the effects of seeing eternity, while bearing, and fighting, against time, sin and persecution, have written many lines of pain in my face. The groaning for Him for Whom I long causes me to both die and rise. To die on this side of the grave, and to rise in Him on His side of the kingdom. To understand my sin and know His redemption. But most of all to be consumed with a compassion that I know is not mine that drives me with a burden for others to see Whom I see. This is all that matters to me.
I am totally unworthy of the beauty I now “see”. Coming out of spiritual darkness into the light of Christ is profound. (The story of my conversion is located elsewhere on my blog so I will not here go into details of that moment in the football stadium of Notre Dame.) My goal here is to focus on the joy of “seeing” into the heavenly realm of God’s ways and to “see” Him put His Character within me.
Over the last four months, we have given some 50 “demonstrations” (our family using theatre, dance, hip hop, trance, music, comedy, Tae Kwon Do, to bring men to repentance (catharsis) in Jesus) (1 Cor.2:4). We now go to another city in Brazil where we have so many doors open to us. We are in on-going relationships with many hundreds of men by mail, leading them to Christ. Like Jesus says the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. We so desperately need prayer. And if anyone would like to support us we sure need and would appreciate it because our total obscurity means lack of exposure and support.
To see life through the eyes of Christ is like listening and dancing to a perfect song. It reaches into our deepest sorrows then lifts us to the greatest heights. We experience His crescendo of resurrection each moment, each day. It is dying and rising, again and again, and again. It is failing, being forgiven and leaping into another realm of understanding. Are you willing to learn the skill of seeing both His suffering and His glory? Jesus says “Learn from Me”. It is the monster of pride that whispers to your ears “Oh ya. I know all that already?”. As if being born again is the end. It is the beginning of growing by constant discovery, through self-abasement, the eternal ways of the eternal God.
Making ‘the leap’ of faith offers far more reward than cost. It is “seeing” your spirit fly while you walk. The living Jesus offers His colors of divine life to carry you beyond the mundane dictates of a world etched in black and white. Jesus says “He who loses his life shall find it…”(Jn.12:25/Matt.10:37/Lk.14:27,9:60-62).
Do I see angels and rainbows? No. I see Jesus, as revealed in the gospels living through me each day. I leap from one world to another by the simple instinct of faith. He reaches down to me in the morning by my bedside and welcomes me into the grace to believe to live this day in HIm. I live to love; to care for others more than myself. Jesus says “For this is the will of My Father, that everyone who BEHOLDS (sees) the Son and believes in Him will have eternal life” (John 6:40). To love with His love is to live eternal life in Him.
I used to shy away from Matthew 5:8 where Jesus says “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God”. Yikes. Me, pure in heart? No way am I going to be a phony and say that about myself. I felt I could never walk in the Spirit or identify with being “pure”. Then I researched this word “purity” and, as with all invested study, received profound revelation and blessing.
The word “pure” is from the Greek word katharos – “cathartic”. Pure is not a finalized absolute moral state but an outcome of a deep purge. Another way of understanding this verse is “Blessed are those who have been intimately dealt with by God, for they will “see” and know His ways and love Him because of it”. To be pure is to honestly break through your sinful ways. It is to attain an objective perspective of obedience to God’s revelation that you are wicked to the core and sick of heart (Rm.3:10/Jer.17:9). There is a world of difference between just admitting this as the token sinner’s prayer and actually understanding the process of conversion and repentance. You got big problems that keep you from God and you NEED to allow Him to come in and deal with you with TRUTH. To “break” through the realm of the fallen soul so as to give birth to “a life-giving spirit” (1 Cor.15:45/ John 4:24/Heb.4:12/John 12:24).
Do you know this smell of leather wet from sweat? Some “Christians” freak out over any mention that they have to fight. But life-obstructing problems don’t float away. A prayer doesn’t eliminate lies embedded in our mind. Even learning accurate knowledge does nothing. We must attack our “enemy” with the will of a “violent” warrior (Mt.11:12). Paul compares his attitude to a champion boxer (1 Cor. 9:26). We need to “Mike Tyson” our hero Pretty-boy Pride until we “see” a knock out by the cross. The greater the fighter the greater the joy.
I earned a degree in Psychology and studied all the psycho babel that is used to describe common human struggles. None of it offers answers except drugs and never-ending therapy. They define “catharsis” as a moment when a “complex” is eliminated by bringing it to awareness and affording it expression. This “complex” is the result of a traumatic time or event. These are true, in a sense but this cannot happen through drugs or therapy. But rather through the repentance and conversion of rebirth. The Person of the living Jesus offers His cross to discard our ‘old man’, and all “complexes” associated with it. We must be willing to go deeper than a superficial sinners prayer in order to find true healing from past suffering. It is the love and forgiveness of Jesus that “causes” a man to be born again (Read 1 Peter 1:3-9).
People use the word “complex” to describe a vexation of negative attitudes they see in themselves or others. Inner problems can result in any number of bad experiences and repeated cycles of failure. It can result in a group of repressed feelings that put a dominating influence upon our personality. They can make you seem like you just can’t get things “right”. One prisoner, with eyes full of tears, in reflection of murder, said “I can never make things right”. So many think this way because they do not understand true righteousness (what is right). I told him that was a lie. In God’s eyes any man can make anything right by making his life right by faith. Living a right life is “reckoned” not achieved (Rom.4).
The world exerts serious influence upon our mind, both conscious and subconscious. If we do not bring them to the forefront we can never conquer them. The only escape is the purge of rebirth. Our mind must be transformed. We must let God purify everything we think is right. It requires nothing less than our death (Rom.6:6). We must find the repentance expressed in well-balanced sorrow (2 Cor.7:10). Just be real.
We watch countless men who experience our program in prisons go through a type of purging and release of emotional tensions. It a result of strategic work to put proper emphasis on the way, the words and the music we create. It is not bragging. It is the Lord. It is “seeing” the outcome of His wisdom. The realignment of confused thinking leads to the permanent relief of their “complex” by a catharsis in Christ. They are brought to “see the kingdom of God”.
The gift of being able to “see”, beyond ourselves, into the pain of others is accompanied by the mercy to bring them into the Christ-catharsis so as to relieve their burden and heal their pain.
I am not talking about some far-out spirituality. How many times have you heard the expression “Oh, I see” when someone finally ‘gets it’. When things click with God an accurate perception is made to suddenly “see” what you have never seen before. It is marvelous, not a bummer. To be born from above stabilizes distorted emotions by providing the alternative modus operandi called FAITH. Real faith leads to a virtuous disposition where love takes over self. Paul explains “faith works through love” (Gal. 5:6). Jesus washed the filthy feet of His twelve brothers as a way to graphically define the detailed extent to which His love reaches men in practical ways (John 13:7-17). Jesus calls us to ignore the personal risk of helping the prisoners, homeless and mentally ill.
The conscience is an innate faculty we are born with. It renders all men the undeniable accountability to “see” God in creation (Rom.1:20/2:24/ Heb. 2:9/ 1 Cor. 13:12). But it is corrupted by sin and guilt and requires being “washed” in order to see the living Jesus. God reaches into the depths of our existence; i.e. conscience to “…cleanse (purify/purge) our conscience from dead works” (self- redemption) (Heb.9:14). No more “I can serve God in my own way and I can make things better”. You must be born again.
The journey into which Jesus calls us involves a loneliness but not like the world knows loneliness. It is the solitude of relationship totally unique to you with a loving and intimate Father God. It is the beginning of eternity. It is finding thoughts you’ve never had and a love that expands who you are.
Jesus says “Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He purges, (cleans, purifies) so that it may bear more fruit” (John 15:2). God doesn’t throw aside anyone, no matter how carnal. When the seed in a man is divine God sees to it that He is purged to become greater. All of God’s work in us is so that He can work through us. The only hindrance to bearing fruit is our self-obsession and for this Jesus offers His cross. He offers us a death already rendered and just awaiting our participation. He works in us so we see how to work in others.
In prisons, many fear they will commit suicide. Some fear losing their minds. So many are so entrapped in the memory of their crime their emotions are buried as if dead. Every time my wife sings a certain song when we perform I anticipate the crescendo where she reaches a beautiful high tone. There are times when so many “badass” guys are brought to tears because we “see” the Spirit of Jesus reach through her words, singing about the Father’s love for them, and bring men into a purging of their deepest pride and fears.
Imagine listening to the most beautiful song you’ve ever heard. The way you know this is because you don’t just hear it. You feel it touching your innermost being with frequencies that give you an identity in destiny. This is seeing sound. It is seeing something that no one else can ever see but you because God’s love is so individual it’s what makes you YOU.
My dear friend, please listen to me. The command to be born again is not optional. It is the only way to enter heaven because God is holy. The Father is playing a song to the universe. The crescendo is the resurrection of His Son. The only cemetery that failed is the one in which Jesus did not let the grave hold Him down. He lives today waiting to bring you into His kingdom. I have “seen” so many people willing to open their eyes. Jesus says “Blessed are the eyes that see what you see and the ears that hear what you hear” (Matt. 13:26). The world says “I’ll believe it when I see it”… God says, “believe and you will see” (Mt.11:40).
REGRET is the greatest secret agent to undermine God’s purpose for your life. It prevents the gospel impact. It is the most destructive force hiding beyond our feelings of inadequacy and failure. Regret is not just a bad feeling over a past sinful decision, act or event. Regret undercuts all efforts to find new life.
It is the hidden culprit that keeps you running on a ‘treadmill’ to nowhere. It is a cycle of death that continually erodes away our life like a sand castle on an ocean shore. You can’t figure out why you just can’t change, get anywhere, not realizing regret has established itself at the deep-center of your mind.
Regret is deep-buried and hidden. Every time I hear “Time heals all wounds” I think of how this thinking is such a load of crap. Time heals nothing. You may forget something but it’s regret remains deep. It only deceives you from forgiveness from Jesus. We are held back from real change because we envision our past effort to change realizing we failed and felt terrible regret. So, deep inside, we figure we don’t want to regret failing again. This hidden fear prevents ever finding true change. No matter what we do there is always that underlaying lingering hesitation that past failure ensures future failure. The regret of constant failure ensures constant failure.
Of the many things I have seen in life the most grievous is seeing someone caught in the throes of rue. When a man is vexed within himself by himself he can’t see his way out because he has established himself as the way of thinking about himself. Get that? The smile is never full. The expression are never true. Why? He is snared by regret.
Life can become a cycle of not knowing what to do and always doing the wrong thing. A double-minded man receives nothing from the Lord.When you have no real incoming flow of the Spirit of God, regret becomes the endless underlying fear and “influencer” of life. It is no small thing.
It is only when the actual mercies of God permeate our human cycles that the escape from regret becomes possible. It is no little thing. Regret is fed by our cycle of self-justification. We become fixed on the “reliable” old ways we’ve come to know.
There’s this thing called TIME. While we are fixed on the past as our measure for our present it passes us by with years. It’s sets the gages on all our behavior. It insists there is no reason to find true change because you’ve made it this far. Why go deeper now? The answer is because we shall be judged by the gages of eternity. By the giving of His Son the Father demands we change. Salvation in Christ is not about what we must do, or what we must undo, but whether the winds of the One Who dwells in eternity are allowed within our consciousness. It is the only way to expose and capture the vicious scoundrel of regret. There is no place for regret to function within His dimension of the Spirit.
JUST TO REITERATE AND CLARIFY: Our human nature holds us into the confines of time and flesh. As we age we continually look to our past as a reference for our future. We evaluate our lives by what our body and mind tell us about our days and months and years and thus we establish some type of thinking that we now use to regulate our future life. But this is all within the confines of time and space. But this is a “curse” of sin because God seeks to regulate us by His eternal Spirit. To intervene in decision-making with eternal perspective.
Regret can burrow itself so deep within us that we don’t even realize it’s daily impact. One time when we were in a horrible filthy campground in Morocco, Africa I had a terrible pain in my forearm and began scratching it. After a time, I had no idea a bug had burrowed itself deep into my skin. I was grossed out when I watched itself back out. This was like regret. We don’t even realize it’s there at a conscious level. We may “itch” at it by countering thoughts of guilt with false repentance. But it doesn’t do the trick. Until we pay close attention to our subconscious awareness and realize its’ impact on our thinking.
Regret keeps us from full release of God’s love. It keeps us carnal. It is having an impact on everything. We don’t realize we are reacting to its impact on us at a deep level. This “bug” got under our skin at some time in the past. And we must STOP and go deep. For the blood of Jesus to get to this regret, and get it out of our system requires an understanding of His forgiveness.
We have given immense credit to our past to determine our future so it does not disappear in an emotional moment. Brain paths have been established and discipline and “dealing” is required (Heb.12). We must change the cycles of time centered thinking. We must realize the absolute sin in looking back to evaluate things and conclude that what we’ve taken from our past, is right and good, so we can then use to determine our present and ultimately our future. Paul says “ONE THING I DO…forgetting the past and reaching forward” (Phil.3). Regret is an instinct in our flesh. It does not ‘learn its’ lesson’. It is always there so unless we understand true repentance and forgiveness it may fake it’s surrender but it is a relentless adversary. It’s still in you to think that what you learned from the past is right. Regret now becomes a monster that plays with our mind. God says “if any man is in Christ old things pass away and NEW THINGS COME” (2 Cor.5:17). Jesus says when demons leave a man many more come to fill the void and unless the Spirit has come to occupy the last state of that man is worse. This is no game. This is warfare for you soul my friend.
Forgiveness is the most essential message of Jesus come to earth (Lk. 24:47). Repentance is the only thing He commands as a direct outcome for His resurrection power. Otherwise, our “power” is of the flesh not of His Spirit. So many skip over true repentance and thus allow regret to linger and keep them from true forgiveness. This is the danger of the “sinners prayer”. A token formula does not reach deep into a subconscious level of regret and sorrow. So you do not come away with a full washing of the conscience.
True repentance is not an action of behavior: works of the flesh; self-sacrifices (Romans 4/Heb.10) . There is but ONE “once for all” act and sacrifice to atone for all sin past, present and future. Repentance does not atone. It brings into His atonement. It is a condition of heart; to become “broken and contrite” over all things (Ps. 51:17Rm.10). God despises all thinking that “I shall do this for that (to be right with God) (Isaiah 66:1-3).
Jesus waits to answer our call of true repentance (Jn.6:37). When you get real face to Face, heart to Heart with God about every angle of your sin you release true forgiveness in exchange for true repentance. What an amazing Savior. To end the cycle. Those nails in His feet and wrists when deep in the agony of regret as He bore every aspect of sin. He did it all. Now, He waits. Blood atonement rendered. Then He waits. “Who will believe our report?” (Isaiah 53). True forgiveness is seen by true happiness (Romans 4:7-8). Happiness is not emotion or feelings. It is the drive of His Presence to love a lost and dying world. This is proof that regret is not your rudder.
Regret takes away any hope of change because our fear of failure is greater than our hope for redemption. In other words when we give such weight to what we have done, so as to lock us into that “loser” persona, we then judge our life by that past criteria. God has no room to come in. It is an endless cycle of holding you to the past. The older you become the more likely to fall into The Throes of Rue.
Regret is no little bear cub. It is a gigantic fierce adult grizzly that has tasted human blood. Satan would not own the world if he were a ‘dumb ass’. Once he sees that you are caught in his mind game he knows he’s got you. You will never go forward because you still think “your salvation” got you to where you are. The stupidity of this thinking is that you are NOWHERE. His claws andthe teeth and strength of his bite will rip anyone to pieces. Over and over and over again this torment thrashes its’ victims.
I watched my earthly father die in this manner. So many times we came to his argument “I’ve believed this way all my life and I’m not going to change now”. How smart is that? Everyone is at a different stage of Christianity so their level of doctrinal understanding ranges from basic thinking of trying to be good and ‘accepting Christ’ or having a deep knowledge of the Bible. But no knowledge can save you from the throes of regret.
This “grizzly” has two claws. With one it rips you one way, telling you “You can’t reexamine your life at this late stage. You’ve thought this way all your life. That would mean you wasted your life. You must be right. You can’t regret it now!”. With the other claw it pulls you “But you know you are not right. Your life is miserable. You are full of regret.”. This battle rages all day, every day, at a subconscious level and you have learned to look the other way. It is between self-righteousness and conscience and the only resolution is to find the mercies of humility in the living Jesus. Full surrender and loss of face.
Jesus says “Unless a man is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3-8).
“Come to Me” He beckons; “And I will come to you” He promises. There is a way that seems right to man but its’ end is the way of death. The things of God do not happen with lightening bolts of experience and thunder of emotions but in the most casual ‘just another day’ setting. God has clearly and fully set out the truth. I write this article as man whose had no vivacious “Wow” experiences. Just simple faith in the unquestionable revelation of Jesus in the Scriptures. So many, laid back and careless; “Oh that’s your opinion but I know I’m right with God”.God warns today if you hear His voice do not harden your heart.
As I am writing this, a Warden I was just sitting with, herein Colombia, was shot in the head by a ‘drive-by’ gang as he was arriving home.I was sharing with him in his prison office as we just finished being with a group of prisoners in his prison. I was explaining the reality of being ‘born again’ and how to read the Bible. We couldn’t believe it when we just heard he was killed.
Death comes in a microsecond. No “Headsup!”No cinemagic music or melodramatic scene. You live. You die and you don’t know when. You go to heaven or you go to hell. You lived your life. You made your decisions. Now, Eternity is before you.
So let’s cut with all the small talk. Forget all the “Oh I already know it all” attitude. Any such attitude of presumption exposes that you are caught in the throes of rue. You fear reconsideration because, down deep, you simply don’t believe this Word of Jesus. The impact of Gods’ Spirit never leaves a soul in the throes of presumption.
How much will regret these matters here now on earth compared to the regret you will face when you die and go to hell? This regret will be as nothing compared to that regret. Who cares how long you were wrong? None of that time will matter when you stare in the face of eternity. Lets look in each others eyes and realize death is no word game.
So let’s rise into the higher level of our created capacity to reason with intelligence and love. Let’s meet together as two brothers andsoon-to-be-skeletons and talk of deep and beautiful things, as if on the same page. Our dead bones will be all thats left of what ourheart did on earth. You may tie your shoes in the morning but a total stranger may untie them latter that day when he disposes of your body.
Nothing survives death….but One and His forgiveness.
A TEST OF A CHRISTIAN – The growth from human to divine love (John 13:35, 15:12/1 John 4:7-21)
The anguish of tragedy and its’ aftermath resonates around us all, every day. Itis the silent scream of millionsaround the world feelingbetrayed, defiled, forsaken and alone. All men search for a rescue from their plight, whatever the misery. No one really knows how to respond to the trauma each of us bears in life. Suffering hits an individual and sometimes all those surrounding the consequences. Jesus is the Mediator Who offers His intervention, compassion and resolution. Could you consider that every time you face someone who hurts it is a test for you to show His love (Jn.13:35) ?
Clint was 17 when his parents left him at an Iowa Rest Area. They told him to stretch his legs. But when he got out of the car and closed the door,they sped off. He chased the car a bit, but then, everything inside just collapsed. He just stood there…. staring; as his only link to the world drove away out an “Exit” ramp. Could it be; they weren’t coming back?
Clint was not born an orphan, but worse yet, was traumatized into becoming one while in a stage of an undeveloped young man. Think about it.
Panic made him frantic. Tears welled up inside and he ran into a field of tall grass, just behind the Rest Area. He laid there all day, on and off,just weeping. The next morning it all just hit hard. Clint said his mind feltlike it was trapped a forest fire of mental anguish; “How do I get out of this? What do I do? Where do I go? What just happened?”. Dark thoughts burned within. His parents just disposed of him like trash. “I must be so worthless” he concluded.
Begging in the Rest Area went nowhere and the workers there warned him they were going to call the police. Then Clint made a horrible choice. He robbed a 78 yr. old lady.Where did that thought come from: “Criminal DNA”? Hardly. It was out of the ashes of pain over why his parents did this to him and the desperation he felt inside. How could he ever comprehend this?
Fast forward: The lady hada heart attack and died on the spot .
Clint went down 28 years; never had a job or one visitation. He sat alone in a cell with a labelin a steel file cabinet “Career Felon”. Nobodyelse would ever know the pain-level this brother suffered. It could be more than an entire city.One day, while feeling unhinged, Clint got lost in the brain-fog of his despair. His frustration swelled as he sensed total ruin in his peril of injustice.Frustration grew to anger and lit the fuse of rage.
In an instant, his fires unleashed a scream, a curse and a forsaken cry for help.“God! You don’t care.I’m so damn alone.”He fought. He grabbed. He kicked. He smashed. He cried.It felt like hours but it was 57 seconds of pure rage.Clint was now laying on the floor. As if 500 volts of electricity almost killed him, he was puzzled.and bewildered. “What just happened? Whatjustcame out of me?! Was that really me’?!”.He was cuffed and brought into a room of terrifed faces at this ‘nice’ inmate gone biserk. Then what?
The Aftershock – Sin-eruption. Shock over our sin can turnthe mind upside down and inside out. All that built up mental torment, affliction and hypocrisy can end in tragedy or a gasp of cathartic release.
Before anyone could speak, Cliff said “I know what you’re all thinking: I am dangerous.” A guard with chains. – A doctor with a needle. A nurse dropping her phone trying to call security: “We can’t put him in The Hole. Send him to Medical”. Clint slumped into a dazed stupor. The aftershock of rage intensified further trauma. If we could see inside Clint, we’d see ourselves. He’s not from Mars. No android. No wires. If you were put in that situation it would be your name here _________ not Clinton. We share his exact composition: this heart, his reaction thought process, this tender mind, how many of you know similar hurt and misunderstanding? How do you respond? Don’t you want to shout, clarify and cry? There’s only One Who truly knows. Why? How? He walked the worst path of human misunderstanding, false accusations and suffering. He came to Clint intears in healing. He comes to you before, or after.
The public wants to employ technical terminology to classify Clint as an isolated case. God seeks to clarify the anatomy of all human composition being the same. What Pauls is not merely for Christians but all men. Man does not do what he wants to do. Rather, because of sin within us, we all do the very evil we hate.
Paul concludes …but no longer are we the one doing it but sin that dwells us…we find than the principle that evil is present in us, the one who wants to do good (Rm.7:15:21). This is the source for compassion for all brothers of humanity. This is not an excuse but the reality of sin. Can you see this, not just for yourself, but for all around you? It is how to learn compassion.
I’ve had my experiences of not understanding Gods’ ways and so have you. You didn’t want the anger but couldn’t stop it. Once I was shot and blinded for a time in my left eye.Ilost everything that was anything to me. I cursed so severelyI erupted into a violent storm that I thought shut the door on God.But years later I was ”shocked” by a calm as I found grace for my trauma andlearned God’s mercy is never ending.
So I can now help you my brothers and sisters around the world.But who, these days, even cares to hear Gods’ truth? They got their “preachers” and web sites. He who has ears to hear let him hear the truth. Sin can explode in wild ways or simmer silently in lust, unbelief orrevenge. Either way, none of us can deny that, at some time, in some place we have seen “the monster within”. Aftershock impacts us all with our own hidden “Hiroshima”. Don’t lie. Don’t deny. Answers come to the humble and transparent. Embrace the truth.
A prisoner is tagged, labeled and caged. The majority walk free, denying and lying. “Oh me. Not that. Never”. People talk of sin as “the unthinkable”. But nothing is “unthinkable” if you think it. And if you think it Jesus thought it because “He who knew no sin became sin”. Self-righteous builds an imaginary self-image: “Oh there is little hope for him” abrother is told. But, on the day of judgment, each one of our hidden sins will be laid bare. Do you want the compassion you showed to others or the judgment you show to others? Jesus says the way we treat others He will treat us. People ask me how to witness. I tell them treat others the way you would want to be treated. Bless others and instantly the Spirit will give you both wisdom and boldness because that’s Jesus.
There is only One Voice of the One Present to us all saying “Come to Me “Clint. Stop judging. Start loving. You are overburdened, and I free you and will cause you to find My rest.Take My yoke upon you brother and learn of Me, I did not come to condemn but to save, for I am gentle and humble lowly in heart, you will find rest relief and ease and be blessed in your soul. For My ways are not harsh, hard, or pressing, but comfortable, gracious. My brethren shall find acceptance.” (Mt11:28-30).
The main emotion I touch in individuals amongst the vast prison-community is the aftermath of rage.Contrary to social condemnation, rage is not a fixed DNA “criminal” predisposition. It exists in all levels of society and institutions. It’s the “dirty word” SIN. God identifies it as aninfirmity lurkingin all mankind due to a seismic separation of hurt, pain and fearat our “epicenter”. God responds in compassion not retribution or anger.
Jesus demonstrated the heart of The Mediator. This means He not only took on the deepest surge of rage ever vented. He actually BECAME SIN (2 Cor.5:2o-21). As He pleaded with His Father on the cross to have mercy on us Jesus felt every iota of trauma.His very body raged with sin. At that very moment Jesus wept with bitter sorrow to conveyed to the Father our hopeless plight of being captured by our own evil.
The “silence” of God is not His unwillingness to answer your prayers but His ways of leaving you to show your heart to Him. God is not into the manufacturing business. At 12 years old Jesus was out loving the world. When His mom got worried He said “I am about My Fathers’ business”: love. Build your mind, memories, logic, plans and words with love. God promises to richly bless you. Stand on self-pity and you will “see” how compassion comes easy. Instead of allowing your sin, and the sin of others, become your obstacle, take heed to the revelation of God’s Word and see it as the stepping stone to divine compassion.
Listen, my brother or sister, this world has no answers.Does a“good man” suddenly, out of nowhere,become a “bad man”? This is theB.S. we are told from childhood. It’s a lie. To see the depths of our sin causes two things: our gratitude for His forgiveness and our compassion for other sinners trapped in the blindness of sin. God says no man is ever good and all men are always bad (Read Rm.3:10/Is.59). There are no levels of: Real bad, better bad, Good, Better, Best. All of us are wicked to the core. This is absolutely “Good News” (gospel). “I came for the wicked…to save that which is lost…not to condemn but to save…”
I felt a giant sigh of relief: “Whew. I no longer have to pretend I’m ‘a nice guy’ inside, knowing full well I’m not. If you get any love out of this article from me it’s proof of God because I’m a dreadful thug.The answer to sin is not despair but “faith working through love”. “Ya. That’s what I am inside. So what? Jesus is my Exonerator”. It was resolved 2000 yrs. ago.God demonstrated that He loves, understands and forgives us. It’s laughable cool. Because you will fall again and again…..
The ultimate “cage”is our own humanity. In the prison world the word corruption is a no, no. But in every facet where there is humanity; divorce, military, athletics, corporations etc. there is corruption. The whole human race is corrupt. And this is the “cage” was obliterated by His death and resurrection. Get it? You got to. It’s awesome. We often find ourselves in “the hole” of our own bottomless pit.In that place God brings the wings to escape: Faith in Jesus.Brother or sister, you must learn to understand how to deal with you or you are sitting on a keg of dynamite playing with matches.
Rage is likeno other emotion in that it expresses every man at his core. Ready for this one? It is normal not abnormal. Poke any tiger and it will roar. Read Isaiah 59 to find your Ancestory.Every single human has rage sitting at the bottom of his cage. But I assure youthe ultimate “Aftermath” is not anirreversible identity. Gods’ mercy is closer than you think.Sonship is His promise. Instead of sulking in bewilderment: “How could I do this?!” Answer. “Because I’m a sinner”. Done.Trustthe Mediator.What brings a grizzly into a camp is that it smells the beef.Eliminate the food, eliminate the danger. So yes, you DO have a lot to DO with your sin. If you ‘play’ with self-pity and preserve the “food” ofhurts and feelings“the beast” will rip your ass to shreds.Allow Jesus to mediate and exonerate your sin ‘once and for all’ and you will not fall prey to your beast.
To some who read this story, Clint is like an item scanned at a Wal-Mart checkout: “Beep”. Surely you’ve met people, no matter what you share, they only see themselves. They find no compassion for the plight of others. “God so loved the world” He gave up Himself (Jn.3:16). Any pagan can love those who love him (Luke 6:32). But Gods’ love is to love beyond yourself.
Contrary to what many Christians believe today, Jesus holds us accountable to a shared brotherhood with all humanity. This is His absolute revelation: from the homeless, to prisoners to enemies “…for both He who sanctifies (God) and those who are sanctified (lost men) ARE ALL FROM ONE FATHER (We are all from one humanity created by one God including the humanity in which Jesus shared);for this reasonHe (Jesus) is not ashamed to call them(us) brothers (because we were all created by God)”. Undeniable: (Read Hebrews 2:11).
Jesus had not yet risen from the dead so there were no Christian brothers in Jesus’ day. So what Jesus said, He was speaking to all lost mankind.
From the Sermon on the Mount to all His interactions with mankind Jesus undoubtedly exemplified how we are to treat others with His heart towards them as brothers and sisters. This is what makes Jesus head and shoulders above all teachers. It is totally contrary to the ways of sinful men. It was only the Pharisees who were offended that He spoke the same to pagans as to all because they differentiated and isolated themselves as superior . “But wishing to justify himself,” he said to Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”. Jesus does not say “Whoever accepts Me as his Savior” but rather gives the example of the heart of the Samaritan. (Luke.10:29). Powerful stuff.
Have your world changed by THE MAN WHO CHANGED THE WORLD
God can come to you at any moment, in any place; if your heart is truly open. It’s all about HEART guys.
A photo captured in the “auditorium” (large warehouse style room) at La Modelo Prison In Bogotá Colombia.
The other morning we were on our way to this prison outside Bogota, Colombia. It was early rush hour so the streets were packed with people everywhere: young, old, rich, poor, common, official. As you know, it is the same in the many, many, cities all over the world: 7 billion people.
But as I sat in the taxi, gazing out the window at all the people, I wondered what if one man yelled out “I’m going to change the world”. No one would even flinch. Of course it would be quite absurd. Then I imagined the tiny, remote overcrowded city I once visited called Jerusalem.
There, one morning, long ago, amidst such multitudes, one ordinary nobody stood in such a rush hour and yelled out that he was going to give something to change the entire world (Jn.7:37-38). Did He really expect people to stop, listen and change? I don’t think so.
Amongst all the loud clamor, no one really pays attention to anyone else, too busy getting to work. So what about this ordinary guy; “who had no stately form or majesty that we would look at Him, nor an appearance that we would even notice Him… and was oppressed and afflicted” (Is.53)? We know he was homeless because he explained “…foxes have holes and bird have nests but I have no place to lay my head”. So why and how, out of nowhere, for what motive, would this common man make such a seemingly ridiculous claim?
It astounds and baffles me to realize everything Jesus did was a WORLD EVENT but there was no fanfare. No one even noticed. He was no different than anybody walking the streets. What could he do to “change” a world world 20,000 miles around? Was he going to stop its’ rotation or heal all diseases? Maybe create a utopia. His dynamic was in the massive power of His resolute will hidden within His body.
So let’s just sit and ponder for a moment the plan Jesus was shouting about. We know that when Adam sinned God’s original purpose for mankind to walk in His love was thwarted. Satan tore the heart of man away from Gods’ love by luring Adam and Eve into sinful rebellion.
So God turned His back on man? No. God instantaneously, inaugurated an even far greater plan. Jesus agreed with the Father to implement a plan to redeem the entire world, one person at a time.
Tragically, this plan would require the torture of Jesus. Why? Because the entire body and soul of man became defiled. Salvation would not take place in some kind of doctrinal theory land ‘out there’. God would put His Son in the very heart of a man.
The one and only way Jesus could transmit His work of salvation to us would be through sharing a common body of sin. So, although Jesus did not sin, yet He took on a body of sinful flesh (Rm.8:1-4/2 Cor. 5:21). And by sharing in this body and soul with all mankind it is “where” Jesus would execute His plan of redemption. The body of Jesus would become the battlefield, where He would take on our sinful flesh to win the human soul back from Satan. The human soul is a complex composition of sinful feelings, moods, thoughts, lies, etc. which Jesus had to experience and conquer. (see the 17 listed below)
Why did Jesus deliberately bear such horror? Because His HEART is not like ours. Sin has rendered our heart “more deceitful than all things” (Jer.17:9). His heart is essentially full of pure mercy. This love calculated the cost and Jesus was willing to enter into this Mediation and sacrifice everything of Himself for us. This Man Who Changed The World does so out of HIS NEW HEAVENLY LOVE. The entire process of salvation, every minute of every day, is about winning us through resurrection love. Every wicked sinner can know THE FATHERS ULTIMATE LOVE: His only Son Jesus.
We connect with this gift by faith. But this faith is not passive. It is super-charged by the experience of this divine love. It is born from above out of contemplating the demonstration of Gods’ love in the crucifixion of Jesus.
In the story of Abraham and Isaac God gave a “full-length feature movie” on earth to prepare mankind for the heavenly revelation of sacrificial love. The Father manifested HIS NEW LOVE to change the world. His heart is the opposite of our selfish heart. The crux of God’s heart is seen in the sacrifice of one’s own life; as Jesus displayed for all the world to see.
God’s plan is not to change the economic, educational, military or prison systems but the “system” of our soul. When Jesus returned to heaven he left the world exactly the same as it was when He was first born in the manger. But for the first time there were men and women on earth who were now willing to sacrifice themselves for others. This sacrificial love spread throughout the world. Even to fill a bum body named Michael with Jesus. The Father frees us from ourselves; by the inner work of what Jesus manifested. This is how your world can be changed.
Jesus promised He would not leave us as orphans. He began a new family. The Holy Spirit would give us the mighty works Jesus won through the cross. Jesus provided His body as the shared means to put His death and resurrection in us.
“For the word of God is living and effective and sharper than any double-edged sword, penetrating as far as the separation of soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It is able to judge the ideas and thoughts of the heart…Christ in you the hope of glory” (Heb.4:12/Col.1:27/Jn.1:1,12-14).
Salvation comes within our body to perform the interior work Jesus accomplished in the human soul. By His saving work we become “set apart” (Agios); “divided” so as to “fellowship” with Christ in the very work He did for us on earth. By fellowship in the Spirit we become transformed by rebirth into truth and transparency from lies, exaggeration and presumption. He frees us from the sins of self-pity etc. If God can put His Spirit in a bum body like me He can do it for anybody. Death is at my back whispering my time is short but I rejoice.
My heart is united with His death and resurrection I am secure in eternity. I have gone from stress to peace and comfort, from living for ‘the big ME’ to compassion for others. This is called sanctification. It is a fruit of justification by faith. I no longer have to strive to be right. He changes me as I ponder His heavenly love revealed in the crucifixion.
Jesus is the Master of my soul. Think of all the gym equipment that focuses on specific body parts. Likewise, in regards to all the specifics areas of sin and struggles, Jesus is there as The Instructor (Intercessor/Mediator). He took on all our sin (Vicarious Atonement) and teaches us how to “work out” and lift us above sinful memories, feelings, hurts, imaginations, etc. and build His Word into our consciousness. This is a salvation that never takes place by a “sinner’s prayer” but only in the living Jesus.
Jesus is the Mediator and Intercessor (see 17 things below). So He is at work in me “to do and will His good pleasure” (Phil. 2:12-13). “I do not have a High Priest Who cannot sympathize with my weaknesses, but One Who has been tempted in all things AS I AM, yet without sin” (Heb.4:15). I am being transformed from my body of fear and condemnation into His risen compassion of joy and wisdom. It was in His excruciating experiences of human suffering that this “Man Who Changed the World” touched every aspect of our soulish and bodily infirmities (Jn.12:25). There is no fear in the love of God because every aspect of my consciousness of Him within me is His sacrificial love to the Father.
When Jesus shouted out to the crowds it was about the “living waters” of this profound provision of all His “theological” (I hate that word) accomplishments to give us (Jn.7:37) (see below) . Our hearts can be won back from Satans’ impact. Sheer genius. So what I’m saying is that salvation is not at a theoretical mind play of trying to emulate ideas and concepts. Salvation is a REAL HEART CHANGE from ‘being in the flesh’ to ‘being in the spirit’ (Spirit-Jn.4:24) (Jn.3:3-8,6:63/1 Cor.2:11/15:45).
It is the proof that His cross is at work within you as you learn to apply the things listed below (Jn.12:25/Rm.6:6). Paul says he is “found in Him” by a ‘participation’ in “the fellowship of His sufferings” in His death and resurrection (Phil. 3:9-10).
Jesus said to the Father “You have not desired sacrifice and offering (outward things of behavior), But you have prepared A BODY for Me” (Heb.10:5). If Jesus did not change the soul in the body we would still be living in the Old Testament existence. Jesus was tortured in body to the full extent of all the horrors of sin to meet any man in the horrors of his sin. He suffered the most of any man so bring total salvation to every man.
The following are facts, and quotations, in a summary of my research into historical documentation and medical journals. (References: Journal of the American Medical Association/Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine/An Appraisal of Evidence/The life of Flavius Josehpus/A Forensic Inquiry).
I would plead and beckon you to enter a deep, serious contemplation to envision the experience of the crucifixion. The Holy Spirit can right soften your heart and give you His light.
So imagine you’re living in ancient days. One day while at a market buying some bread, you hear and notice a large parade yelling and laughing over something you can’t quite make out. You walk over to see what’s going on. So there’s this pitiful guy falling all over the place stumbling down the street carrying a beam of wood over his shoulder. (The convict was forced to carry either the 100 lb. vertical or 300 lb. horizontal beam to the place of execution.) You think “Another criminal felon getting what he deserves.” Crucifixion was very common in those days.
But there’s something in the air very distorted you just can’t put your finger on. This is the same man you heard days earlier shout out, in midst of a morning rush, that he’s going to change the world and is king. Well, he is wearing a crown, but the thorns are an obvious ridicule. Doesn’t much look like He’s changing the world but it’s sure changing him. Blood is pouring out of his back, and head. His entire body is covered with holes and deep scars. The crowd is quite vicious and mocking him with spit and hostile assault.You follow to see where this spectacle ends. In the distance, it seems obvious that a hill is awaiting the felon to fulfill his dire sentence. The hill called Golgatha (place of skulls) is strewn with crucified bodies. The soldiers often just left victims to rot because it was such work to bury each one. Many are dead and being eaten by wild dogs and birds. This is where the world decided to put the Son of God (Jn.15:25).
Maximum pain and excruciating agony were intrinsic to the design of a crucifixion so as to inflict a savage violence by a commander and soldiers. First, the condemned was stripped naked and scourged 40 times with a “scorpion” affixed with multiple metal tips to give a flesh-tearing “bite”. This would cause the person to lose a large amount of blood, and approach a state of shock. Historical documents affirm that in the case of Jesus a crown made with thorns was driven into his head.
During the death march, the prisoner, would be led through the most crowded streets. Upon arrival at the place of execution, selected to be especially public, the convict would be stripped of any remaining clothing, then nailed to the cross naked.
The body weight was upheld by the victims outstretched arms anchored by four 7 inch nails driven through the wrists and feet. Upon the cross being raised with ropes and dropped into the anchor hole, the nails would jerk into a position under the hand bones and the feet would bear the entire downward weight.
“The typical cause of death was asphyxiation as the condemned would suffer severe difficulty trying to inhale, due to hyper-collapse of the chest muscles and lungs.Natural instinct would repeatedly force the culprit to repeatedly pull himself up by the arms in order to breath, leading to exhaustion. When no longer able to lift himself, the condemned would die within a few minutes. This method was to achieve a prolonged torture. There is scholarly support also for heart failure or arrhythmia, hypovolemic shock-acidosis, dehydration, and pulmonary embolism. including sepsis following infection due to the wounds caused by the nails or by the scourging that preceded crucifixion, or from stabbing by the guards.”
The crucifixion was an execution that encompassed absolute humiliation, by making the condemned as vulnerable as possible. A sign was fastened to the cross to notify onlookers of the person’s name and claims as they hung on the cross, further maximizing the public humiliation. Jesus did this fully cognizant of what would be involved and DID IT FOR YOU! For all your sin past, present and future. This is His love for you. What was for generations and throughout many cultures a very common death sentence the crucifixion became notable from Jesus. The plan of God?! This is love of God for you and I. Not what we deserve.
The life and death of Jesus is not up to any man to interpret according to his own whims. There is only one clear revelation of God’s Word. It is not a generational rumor or medieval folklore but a historical fact documented by even unbelieving scholars like Josephus. The Man Who Changed The World crawled repeatedly on all fours to his own torture.
The fact is Jesus is the only One Who fulfilled every divine requirement by God for a man to be reinstated into fellowship after the sin of Adam and Eve separated man from God. Salvation does not occur by repeating the tenwords of the man-invented “sinners prayer”. Nonsense. Diabolical. The modern day prayer formula is an outrage to the excruciating price of agony Jesus endured. Our Adam-nature must be broken and cleansed of sin to be reconciled to a holy God. It is not a personal subjective option. The fallen soul is the same generic evil entity in all men and thus requires the same exact work by the Holy Spirit to “cover” sin and impart a new born again spirit. The commonality of the human soul is clearly seen in every institution of men from the military, to education, etc. as even advertisers base all their endeavors on the predictability of humanity. So Jesus could bear the exact same body as all men and by His death and resurrection provide the essential needs for salvation.
These are the phenomenal endeavors. Jesus is like the ultimate “Marvel Super Hero”. He is the “Man of Steel” super hero “Thor w/ hammer” accomplished on earth so that a sinful man could be reconciled back to our Creator God. Jesus had to fulfill each one of these requirements in his life and on the cross. It is in personal fellowship with the living Jesus that we become recipients of and participate in these spiritual realities.
Theological Terminology for what Jesus accomplished on the battlefield in His body. All these works are reckoned by the Holy Spirit in return for individual faith.
1) SUBSTITUTION -Jesus put Himself in our place to bear the wrath we deserve
2) IMPUTATION – the Father put our sin on His Son
3) MEDIATION – What Jesus was doing on earth between His Father and man
4) ATONEMENT – He fulfilled the required of O.T. blood sacrifice
5) PROPITIATION is the soothing impact His death totally calmed the wrath of God
6) INTERCESSION as the required prayer to win the Father’s understanding of our hopeless plight
7) VICARIOUS proxy- indirectly
8) EXPIATION- restitution- reparation -to extinguish effects of guilt
9) RECONCILIATION – reunification
10) APPEASEMENT – peace offering
11) EXONERATION – setting free from a wrong doing
12) REDEMPTION – turning a bad event into good outcome
13) SALVATION – deliverance
14) SANCTIFICATION – to make holy
15) JUSTIFICATION – the composite of all these works and the grounds for salvation
16) HOLINESS- the state of being fitting for God’s fellowship
17) RIGHTEOUSNESS – the gift of perfection reckoned in return for faith
The expression “change the world” is common. They say people like Einstein changed the world because they implemented a superior range of “advancements” from the cave man days. Can’t deny that.
We often hear college students boast of how they are going to “change the world” and “make the world a better place”. My response “It is you who must be changed”. Why invest yourself in this world? It is like putting wall paper and new carpeting in a condemned building (this world) about to be destroyed. But the real changing of the world in every body in which Jesus lives today.
The streets, prisons, hospitals overflow with broken souls in desperate need of love and care that any student, rich man or common laborer could expend even one ounce of sacrificial love but only Jesus can change the inner world of selfish men. The world of men is set in a destiny of death and destruction (1 John 2:15ff/Rm.6:23). Jesus says, “The world hates Me without cause” and “He who makes himself a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God” (Jn.15:25/James 4:4).
You CAN change a man’s world with the love of Jesus in your heart. We are reaching multitudes. The photograph above is my son Joshua bringing Gods’ love with broken words to broken men. Paul says “I have been crucified with Christ…” (Gal.2:20). We lose our lives to participate in His working within. The next time you wonder where is God’s love for you, it was demonstrated in such a far-reaching manner it only needed to be done one time in all history (Rm.5:8).
As we work in hundreds of prisons we always come back to working harder with industrial effort of heart and mind to find new ways to express God’s love to these who suffer so greatly. In the hardest of hearts these broken souls have only one hope to change their world; the path of salvation. It is for me, for you, for us to love them, beyond our own limitations, so that our love might soften them to Him; because “with the heart a man believes”(Rm.10:10). If the heart is ruined so are the chances. It can be changed.
A person who is hit by trauma can become shut down. The target, therefore, in order for him to change, is the heart. And the weapon to hit the target is love. It is the only power able to soften the heart. The Man Who Changed The World created this potential for change. The Holy Spirit is the only hope to bring supernatural change. If Jesus had not done what He did, long ago, there would no such hope for change today. The next time you see someone wearing a cross ask them if they know it’s a torture symbol of love.
Try to picture a desert scene with a tiny sprout of a plant sprouting out of the sand: “For He grew up before Him (the Father) like a tender shoot, And like a root out of dry ground (the world)” (Is.53). There is no crowd or trumpet sound, no awe or celebration, when Jesus comes to you. Salvation is between you and Him. Today, as back then, His offer to change you is ONE HOPE FOR GOD’S PERSONAL LOVE
So because of His love in us, my family and I work by His supernatural force to give men the only hope for their world to change. Like Jesus, Stephen was being stoned to death, yet cried out “Do not hold this sin against them”. So we must change to do everything we can to love the unloved and unlovable. I have no problem yielding to ongoing change because it shows Jesus at work in me and gives glory to God and hope to others. It’s not that I was wrong and now I’m right. It’s that I am always wrong because of sin and will never be right according my flesh. Paul says “I AM” the chief sinner and “Wicked man that I AM”. It’s never about us but Him in us. As far as it depends on me I will help anyone who asks for my help (Jn.6:37). Jesus is soon to return. Please, open your heart to His love.
Imagine a 17 yr. old kid laying on plush grass on the side of hill tending his dads’ sheep. He’s already killed a lion and bear to protect them. He had no clue he was being groomed by God to rule over God’s people, Israel. No seminary or Bible school.
In my simplistic ways I want to be like him. What qualified him for such an enormous endeavor? One “little” thing:the stuff going on in his heart. King David wrote 150 letters TO and about an unseen Being. Crazy? No. He was all alone but knew the SILENCE to still his heart. Loneliness was not an issue. He saw the Unseen.
His psalms are more tender and loving than any romantic letter between a man and a woman. His depth of wisdom and revelation are astounding. This kid lived in the Old Testament yet the invisible God was N.T. revelation. He wasn’t thinking doctrines. He ” groaned and even yearned” for the PRESENCE of God in Whom He received profound revelation (Psalm 84).
David writes “Let me experience Your faithful love in the morning, for I trust in You. Reveal to me the way I should go because I long for You”. Obviously God heard David.Why? David had something we all possess but few realize its’ power, before men and God. It is called HEART. It is the essence of salvation. “With the HEART a man believes” (Rm.10:6-10). In today’s “christian” culture most people use their mind to assimilate doctrine rather than HEART to find His Presence.
If you would let me, I would hold you with a deep brothers warmth. I know your life is very tough. No matter who you are, or how small or big your pain, God wants to comfort and help you. I know you life is very tough because mine is the same. Unless you are an alien from. Mars we share the same common human vessel.
In the vast range of human history we see one indelible vulnerability. Each man has a throbbing pain of loneliness and severance from our Creator God. Life itself is a cold winter night. The very air we breath is bitter with hostility (Eph.2:2). It permeates our senses with strange feelings, and our mind with bizarre images that alienate our heart into a bewildering dark space.
We don’t know why, or are even aware that we do, but our walk is as zombies on a pretend mission of nothing to nowhere. We exchange a nod and glance with a fellow stranger who, if we dare look closely into his eyes, see that he also hides shared sorrows and a shattered existence. Am I ‘out to lunch’? Gooblie gop or real?
It is my heart desire to spend my remaining time on this planet to help anyone who wants what I have found as the only means of comfort, recovery, sanity and stability. One breath of actual revelation can lift you out of impending darkness all around us and inside us. Understanding how and why all things are the way they are provides a head map to navigate into His “still waters” (Ps.23). The word REVELATION can hit you as a bit intimidating. Right? In our boring mundane routine life it’s like “How could I ever experience THAT”? We’ve all heard stories of people, both present and past historical figures, who frame their “revelation” as a high and lofty mystical “vision”.
But, if we listen closely, we can discern the lack of real, and file them in the mental category of “Loony Tune Nutsies”. So I would just say, don’t buy the lie that revelation is exclusive and “out there”. In fact, true revelation occurs when you merely take Jesus into your conscious recognition. It is “easy” to receive His “light” (Jn.1:9/Mt.11:30).
The proof of revelation is not in a sensational description of an ultra-emotional ‘heavenly’ experience. It is known in the ‘down-to-earth’ real change seen in someone who has come to understand GOD Himself as having come ‘down-to-earth’ to them in Jesus. My dear friend, in this world of ‘survival of the fittest’, there is no time to play games about God. Jesus warned that in the ‘last days’ delusion would be rampant. Biblical documents reveal Jesus as the weakest, most wounded and most rejected man ever to walk this earth. He did so to offer the very triumphant power He attained in His resurrection (Is.53/Jn.6:37).
You can come into the divine embrace of this living Brother, right now, right there, in the cold isolation of this moment (Jn.6:40). God IS love. Jesus is love. Not a theory or doctrine for salvation. Everything about Him is about you. It’s just that there is “stuff” that must happen to generate ETERNITY in your blood. Stop. Listen. Ponder. Revelation is not out there someplace that requires you take on a long distant rugged journey. HE is here beside you Who only requires the full investment of yourself (Mt.7:7ff). No. He doesn’t need your moral capacity but heart sincerity. You don’t need to get the right words. Just ‘spit it out’. Your love for Him that is.
You need to be YOU. I know because I lost myself to find myself (Jn.12:25). It’s awesome. I am nothing. But I know Him Who is my Everything. Courage starts, not by standing against a violent mob, but standing “violent of will” against your own lazy self-pity. Only then can you ‘soldier up’ and set your inner man free (Mt.11:12/Jnn.8:32). Of course, there are levels and dimensions of revelation for it is merely another word for the Fathers’ love: starting now and on into eternity. There is width, depth, length and height (Eph.3:18).
Right now, in this moment, I ask you to show courage. Stop playing games with your soul. Admit that you feel the impulse to either disavow, or presume, you already know what I’m writing. It’s just wicked human nature. It’s not your personality. (Study Rm. 7:14). You are at war with yourself. You need to learn how to use weapons against your self (Eph.6:12/2 Cor.10:3). ‘Captain Self’ does not want there to be any more to following God than you already know. ‘Captain Self’ defies God’s revelation. You must incite an uprising to takeover the reign of Captain Self. A “sinners prayer” is a counterfeit to keep you a captive of yourself: “I don’t need revelation. I’ve got mans way”. It’s all obligation, legalism and token. How do I know? Just look at your life brother.
Be real. Soldier up. Pretense is an enemy to deep heart engagement. God doesn’t want “right” or “good” ways. He wants your love bro. Rip up that old heart before Him. Better yet reckon him to the cross. Banish the lip-service and token thing. If you get real you will hate token. You most certainly will hate it on the day when you stand before “the Lamb slain before the foundations of the world” and answer for all He has done for you.
So beautiful; “The Word (logos-revelation) became flesh and walked amongst us” (John 1:1-14). He (revelation)walked, talked and felt all the darkness of our sinful human body (but without yielding to sin). He wore sandals. He coughed, sneezed, laughed, cried and died. But imagine the ecstatic surge of power and joy the second He rose again. He yearns to bring His entire experience within us today. His entire goal is to permeate our wicked flesh with His risen Spirit. We can never meet God’s demands for righteousness by any of our efforts. But this is the gospel; good news. He awaits to quicken His righteousness within us. He is as close to you right now as the words in your mouth. But it is the presumption of self that blocks His revelation (Rm.10:5-10).
I remember, long ago, in my “Crazy War” days, when I was playing college ball. I wondered CAN ANYONE RECEIVE REVELATION? Even a scumbag like me? Well, here I am, fifty years later in Him Whom I love. It was all about being real. I never once deferred to the “Christian” games. I came into “the kingdom” where Jesus actually empowered me to no longer care what anyone thought (Jn.18:36). I broke with peer pressure and social conformity. My image, ego, died with Christ (Gal.2:20/Rm.6:6). Personal revelation of the living Jesus came from absolute surrender to the Word of God in a contrite heart. He opened up the flood gates of light and love.
I put up a huge picture of Jesus, similar to the one above, in my dorm room. My buddies ‘freaked’. It may sound like no big deal but to this 20 yr. old kid, having recently had a “Bad Ass” image, peer pressure was enormous. Nobody defies “the guys”. But now, I was no longer searching. I was declaring. My heart was infused with divine security of being a son in the living Son. My buddies, coaches and family utterly despised me. Any mention of Jesus made me a social outcast but I was unflinching. I built a defiant love FOR Jesus as I had once held to my rebellion against Him Light (Jn.8:32).
Everyone, including christians, batted me over the head with Bible verses, trying to inform this ‘misguided’ catholic kid that my picture of Jesus was idolatry. I just had to laugh because God used that picture more than anything they told me. It constantly reminded me to do one thing: FOCUS ON JESUS as a loving Person and by-my-side Brother. I was a young babe in Christ but my spirit knew the token “salvation” they proposed was contrary to Jesus Who bore all my filthy sin in agony. Eternal life IS revelation of the living Jesus (Jn.17:3,14:6,9).
I began to understand Gods’ “light” of our sinful focus on our external image and His focus was on our internal reality. Faith empowers us to rise above human fear, worry, anger, insecurity and defensiveness and enter His Spirit. Faith brings Jesus within us. To get out of His way, we must die with Him on the cross. In our death we begin to sense His Presence. His Spirit draws us into an intelligent love that presents options like EXIT signs to escape the highway of human behavior.
My life went from a dead STOP to the beginning of a journey into the Spirit. Revelation comes out of a common sense, gut-feeling, when you face the brutal reality and choose to seize the light and truth (Mt.11:12/Jn.7:17). It is seeing yourself, and the darkness of this world, then going beyond to believe Jesus: “The way, the truth and the life” (Jn.14:16). It is absolutely necessary. Let me explain.
When you get real- He will reveal
Revelation is not far-fetched or some sparkling image. Every human is born with a “radar” for revelation. It is called conscience. Jesus says His very entry into this world as the Light brought His light to “every man” (Read Jn.1:9/Luke 2:32). When you look at the heavens or behold a bird or mountain scene you see and hear God speak to you “I AM THAT I AM” (Ps.19/Rm. 10:17-18/Ex. ). Whether or not you choose to see, or remain in blind rebellion, is an individual CHOICE (2 Cor.4:4-6). God is everywhere using all sights and sounds to show Himself to men. The greatest window into His manifestation is the living Jesus. Behold, GOD.
Revelation is common. It is a depth of constantly NEW reality that instantly manifests a new dimension of God’s love. I live in a kingdom of revelation. It emboldens the courage to stand for Whom I see: Jesus. When I finally made my determination to follow Jesus it was the outcome of years of try-but-fail. I invested months of contemplating New Testament revelation. Many christians, to this very day, do not like my emphasis on “the living Jesus”. But I can never deny the moments in which the historical Figure became a living Presence. When you see His light there is but one response; to give His love to others (1 Jn. 1 Jn. 9-11).
Today, christian status-quo puts all emphasis on a kind of mental osmosis of Christian doctrine and behavior. “Just pray this prayer and get the system going”. Hogwash. It offers no power, all hype and ultimate shipwreck. Jesus took a modern secular term of his day, for actors in the market place, and applied to the Jews. A hypocrite is someone who pretends. Everyone knows it is not REAL. The absence of the living revelation of Christ breeds hypocrisy. It is play-acting. It is guesswork. IT is trying to fill your dark air space with colors that fade quickly.
The idea that Jesus offers His very Spirit is the coolest thing in the universe: the living God Personally enters the life of a sinful person. Shazam. No striving to “be good enough” The only One Who is good dwells within (Mark 10:18/Rm.3:10/Gal.2:21).
When I first read Pauls testimony it was a gut feeling that this is the “voice of the Shepherd” because it bears witness to my conscience (Jn.10:27). Paul explains “For I would have you know brothers that the gospel…is not according to man. For I neither received it from man, nor was I taught it, but I received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ…When God…called me…to reveal His Son IN me…” (Gal.1:10-24/1 Cor.2:10). Ahhh, now there’s a beautiful witness of a fellow brother.
Of course anyone can “know” and “follow” Jesus, as anyone can know and follow the historical figures throughout time. It’s what composes all religion. The muslim emulates the teachings of Mohammed; in politics men emulate an image or a Republican or Democrat; in philosophy, education, Hollywood, rock’n roll groupies follow the ‘top dog’. It is giving allegiance to an image. Sad to say this is the norm for salvation today. It is a natural recognition that the teachings, love, wisdom, humility, etc. of Jesus is worthy of admiration and emulation. But this is not fellowship in the living Jesus. Paul said “to reveal His Son in me” and “I no longer live…but Christ lives in me” (Gal.2:20). I stopped off at the cross to leave my life to as to allow Him to occupy.
I am not writing with any sense of exclusivity or self-righteousness. God knows I have no ‘better than thou’ feelings. I am only writing this for you to realize revelation of Jesus is offered to anyone. From a “hard ass” soldier, “sleazy” 7-husband lady, corrupt business man to a bunch of low-lifes waisting their days scratching their bellies and fishing on a boat. However, the Scriptures reveal that without the Holy Spirit you are left with mere concepts of the historical Christ figure. It leaves you striving under the law in a phony lifestyle. Way down deep, you know your life is miserable and void of being a participant in divine life. Don’t do it bro, or sis. It’s just laziness and unbelief. Jesus loves you. No. You are not worthy. No one is. This is Gods’ gift. Revelation IS FOR YOU. It is not for a select few. The only thing you have to do is find and be real. Which for some is nearly impossible.
SILENCE IS GOLDEN- Want to “see” God? Be quiet.
As a father of six children there has been countless times when I have answered endless questions with deliberate silence. Why? Because it is in silence when a person must choose to be who they will be. Each of my children has struggled to forge individual character on their own. We are not clones or robots. Neither are we created to live by the motivation of others. To find revelation requires the same thing for everyone; FAITH.
God invested His very own majestic creative process to compose us as brilliant individuals made in His very image. The sin of lazy unbelief prevents fulfillment. Our will remains as a handicap dwarf, never developed. Sin has sent us so far from His revelation that our will remains in a limbo of spineless accusations and rebellion. Our insistence on God “doing something” more for us, than the crucifixion, is the very obstacle to seeing Whom He already manifested Himself to be.
Once I made the determination ( think of the meaning of that word) to follow Jesus I figured it was “cold turkey”. I didn’t need any emotional “experiences” just faith. The majesty in the life of Jesus revealed in Scripture is so stunning it’s either ‘all in’ or ‘all out’. The light in His Word began to propel me beyond myself to marvel and wonder of Him. I became nothing. He became everything.
It was a thought replacement therapy fueled by believing GOD IS (Hebrews 11:6). I’m not talking about emulating platitudes found in the common market of christianity. Jesus promises, if we obey His revelation, He will “disclose” Himself. When we close our mouth we understand that He has opened His to speak to us. It is in the silence of self-life that we receive revelation (Jn.14:21-23). Yes. It is a spiritual “experience” in that my entire life is new now walking in His revelation of the Spirit. It is not an emotional roller coaster. It is 1 Corinthians 2.
“BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD” (Ps.46:10, 62:1)
The cross is the bridge and portal where we silence our own self-obsession, loneliness and self-pity. We “reckon” our sin dead and BELIEVE JESUS. The constant pitfalls arise out of unbelief; “Where is Jesus? Why doesn’t He answer my prayers? Why doesn’t He do something for me?”. It is the flesh of our human gravity and depravity demanding a sense-orientated complicity. God is Spirit. Those who relate to Him must be spirit.
You can’t touch the Spirit without spirit (Jn.4:24/1 Cor.15:45). A spirit is born out of faith. Learning to find God in our flesh is stupid. But our “silence” is fascinating. When we die our stupid insistence becomes silent. It proves you want and believe His revelation of the cross. It is not about whether God chooses to hear your prayers but whether you choose to be…lieve He already has. What is faith? What does it look like? It can be as tiny as a mustard seed. Yet, Paul says, it is nothing without love (1 Cor.13). An individual love for God is the birth place of all things real.
It is not about what you must do but whom you ARE in full surrender to Him. Are you a mouse, a maggot or a son? It is in the utter grasp of our wickedness that we can choose to “silence” ourselves, to the cross. Our self-righteous pride blinds us to the outrageous nature of our “questions”. I hear people say “God told me this” or “God showed me this”. Maybe He did. Maybe He didn’t. The Scriptures reveal God has already done and shown everything to show Himself in Christ. He now waits on you to fully comply; to “shut up” and die (Jn. 12:24-25/Rm.6:6). In our silence we see the magnificence of His revelation.
The choice, to BE…lieve God, and so act, produces the character of men of old. They weren’t looking for sensory manifestations. They let God be God. They stood in silence and awe. A man of God is one who “sees” God and “hears” God for Whom He has already revealed Himself to be (Ps.19/Rm.10:18ff). He is silent in his humiliation and worship. It is in this revelation “where” a man lives by faith (Rm.1:17,20).
My family and I love you my friend and offer our help to capture this most marvelous revelation of the living God.
The determination to follow Jesus, is no different than it was for Peter and Paul. Their faith was not proven by how much God showed them but how much they believed Him. Jesus asks you exactly what He asked Peter “Who do people say that I am?”.afterwa
Peter expressed the popular acclaims. But then Jesus asked Peter Whom he himself saw Jesus to be. Peter shared his revelation and Jesus said this was remarkable. This passage offers us a window into revelation. Peter made a determination not a consultation. He had been talking directly to God.
Jesus said “Flesh and blood (common knowledge) did not reveal this to you Peter but My Father Who is in heaven” (Mt.16:17-26). This lowly fisherman received revelation, in his daily routine, directly from the Father. Soon afterwards Peter was used by Satan to try to stop Jesus from going the cross (v. 22-23). A few years later, Peter also flatly denied he even knew Jesus (Jn.18:25).
So we can see that serious human failure is no obstacle to revelation. Jesus does not, in any way, hold our wicked ways against us (2 Cor. 5:19). However, in this same passage Jesus tells Peter to “take up your cross”, which is the resolve to reckon our sin to His cross.
Jesus explains Peters’ revelation as “THIS ROCK”. Revelation is the substance to becoming the “Eklesia” (Greek- one called out of the world by seeing revelation of Christ; i.e. the true church). Jesus is not referring to Peter as the source of revelation but the Father. He just finished declaring that the”flesh and blood” of Peter was not the source.
My friend if you truly want to change it is not by undertaking some enormous efforts of your flesh and blood. A HEART OF LOVE FOR GOD is having the courage to switch your allegiance from ‘Captain Self’ to the “Commander and Lord of hosts” . The reason people find it so hard to change is lack of truly knowing Him. Obligation will never result in real change. We cannot change ourselves no more than a leopard can not change its spots (Jer.13:23). Flesh and blood is the blood, bones and guts in our body. It has no spiritual capacity. It is only “something” from heaven that provides “something” to motivate us to live on earth (Jn.3:3-8). Jesus says it is “living waters…bubbling up to eternal life” (John Jn.4:14, 7:37-38/ Rm.10:17).
ANYONE CAN RECEIVE REVELATION. He is the” Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.” (2 Cor.6:17-18/Is.9;6).
My dearest friend, please, listen to me. Pride has a thousand disguises and each one keeps God away: “God resists the proud”. Don’t play games with this monster. Only the cross can destroy its powers. Humility is not in a fixed response. It is not a box. It has no limitations. Any real variation is the answer to pride. Explore its’ depths.
“I praise Thee O Father that you hide these things from the wise and intelligent and reveal them to mere babes. Yes Father it was well pleasing in Thy sight. All things have been handed over to Me by My Father; and no one knows the Son except the Father, nor does anyone know the Father except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son will to reveal Himself” (Matthew 11:25-30). Do the “work” (Jn.6:29). I love you bro, or sis.
The purpose in this life is one thing: to secure true revelation of eternal life and tell others (Jn.17:3).
The entire focus of the Scriptures is the good news of how to find a new life that comes into a man when he comes INTO Christ as a result of “being united” with the death of Jesus. There is no gospel to be found in trying to emulate pious sounding words and a moral “good” guy.
In all 4 gospels Jesus explains how a man must “deny” self to get Him in you (Mt.16:24/ Mk.8:34/ Jn.12:25). Likewise, the apostle Paul, explicitly declares how he was “crucified with Christ” and no longer lives (Gal.2:20/Rm.6:6).
Jesus begged the Father “if it is possible let this cup pass from me” (Mt.26:Lk.22:42). But the work of the cross is essential to reckon the vile Adam nature dead through repentance. Jesus had this nature in Himself so when He died with it He provided our means to merely “reckon” ourselves to the cross with Him.
Today, Christians act like there is an option to the cross. They bypass this very crux of salvation. There is an alternative. It is called “the curse”. It is the grief of sin and a troubled conscience a man lives under as an internal consequence of self-life (Gal. 3:10-14).
So how do we get beyond this most natural inclination? As a catholic, I used to think Jesus required a morbid life style of a kind of self-flagellation. Can’t do anything “fun”. Got to read the Bible and be “good”. Boy was my mind blown when I read Romans 3 and John 7:37-38. Joy? Happiness? Say what? Jesus knows I’m wicked yet loves me and will come INSIDE me? My brother, or sister, we know Jesus is not complicated, miserable or complex. He says “Let the children come to Me” (Mt.18:3). The 12 apostles, and the common street-folk, who encountered Jesus, did not become sophisticated scholars or religious zombies. They stayed REAL but were changed by one thing: the dynamic personal love of such profound intimate LOVE that they joyfully walked away from their selfish lives and into the living Christ.
Meeting Someone Famous
The other day I heard a reporter ask a sad woman what it was like when a famous person spoke to her. The lady said that “he was present” and this simple fact greatly comforted her. I thought “Wow. That is so simple but profound in helping us understand Being in the Presence of Christ”. It is not some “out of body” experience. It is not a metaphysical encounter that you must wait for “someday” to happen to you. God is present there with you now. It doesn’t require a kind of ooze-woozy religious feeling. BELIEVE!
You and I instantly recognize when someone else is present. Well, this “Someone” happens to be invisible. But He has fully described His Presence in Scripture. So His Presence only requires that we believe He is present and He already is so. But faith will change YOU. It will “quicken” or “reckon” Him to permeate your psyche. This is the miracle of FAITH. My dear friend, please, I beg you, before it’s too late; get beyond the noise within your SELF. Get present with the living Jesus. Don’t make it complicated. Faith is the profound gift an old pagan named Abraham left us from his journey in the desert when he beheld the stars like never before and came into the Presence of God. It’s the the only way to be in Christ. God cannot lie. His Word is absolutely truth. If you extend your faith to any of God’s promises in the Scriptures the blessing of His unconditional love will be yours.
So, make it real, for you. True faith will displace all the inner dark noise by the promise of His love (Jn.7:37-38). David says ” He leads me besides still waters”.
When someone is famous we imagine being with them as a sensational experience. But the famous person doesn’t zap us with his, or her, famousness. They just are who they are. It is we who imagine the specialness. Let’s replace imagination with FAITH. It is not up to God to impart a hyper-feeling upon our physical senses. It is up to us to believe, beyond all our dark noise. The Scriptural revelation (the living Word of God) imparts the attributes of His Holy Spirit. So when we generate faith we enter His promised love, compassion and personal Presence. We walk by faith not by sight.
I constantly “reckon” all the stress within my self, to the cross, for His promise of Presence; “My peace I leave with you…Do not be anxious…the peace of Christ will rule in your hearts” (Jn.14:27/ Phil. 4:7/Col.3:15/Is.26:3/Will you read these, now?). Heart obedience to Jesus quickens spirit-life.
When I came to Jesus I was totally bewildered and intrigued by the idea of whether this “dead” historical Figure could be alive today. Must I follow a past historical icon, rituals and laws constituted by men or could I find personal touch with a living Jesus (Mt.11:27ff/Jn.6:37)? Glory to God. Jesus came to earth so we could come to His living Person. Not mere 2nd hand knowledge of christian theory), but BEING IN HIS SPIRIT (an intimate relationship- Lk.24:49).
The No. 1 misery of the curse is a troubled conscience over sin. The enormous work Jesus did on the cross is the only way to engage the retroactive endeavor of dying and rising that washes the conscience clean with the Spirit Whom Jesus imparts when a man fully surrenders his carnal life to Him. When I was born again in the football stadium of Notre Dame a phenomenal catharsis washed away all my guilt, that I didn’t even realize weighed me down.
The Father sees that we are all slain within. Our body, mind and soul is absolutely ruined with wackiness. As descendants of Adam we inherited a cursed human nature of sin. So the Father and the Son did everything to reconcile: “ONCE FOR ALL” (READ: Rm.6:10/Hebrews 7:27, 9:12-28,1 0:10/1 Pt.3:18). The “Word”became flesh, put sandals on His feet, and walked on earth to explain how to leave this “Adam-nature” and come “INTO” His Spirit. Recognize and appropriate His living Word in you by faith. Faith is the only way to “see” God (Jn.1:18,14:9,6:29/Rm.1:17/Jn.1:1-18 Greek – LOGOS – revelation of God).
Think of someone who loses their legs, sight or some essential component of existence. They weep. They fear. They hurt. They come to their end. The self within them is crushed. They enter a deep calculation; “If I do nothing, then nothing will change”. Sooner or later, most learn a kind of “death to self” to go on. In Christ this point of calculation and desperation crystallizes the WILL to believe and die to self.
You can leave yourself behind by faith. You can establish Jesus. A thousand failures mean nothing. It’s the one real touch of Jesus where salvation finds foundation. This is the gospel; the good news; “Come to Me…abide in Me…”. Jesus is ‘over the top’ in His blunt mission statement; “I did not come to call the righteous, but the wicked”. (Jn. 15/Mt.11:28/Mark 2:17). In His eyes all our sin, no matter what or how often, is not an obstacle but rather the recognition necessary to qualify us for His mercy as our only hope.
Don’t you think it’s about time you quit making excuses? Most people go to the grave never being in Christ. They are too busy being in the chaos of sin. Without Jesus a man cannot withstand the powers of sin. They work from the inside out and will bring your end into hell. No game. Jesus subjected Himself to all our sin. He left us with no excuse. He became sin, died with our self-obsessive human nature, then rose again and walks over to you, right now. He is waiting to breath upon you and say “…receive My Spirit” (2 Cor.5:21/Jn.26:22/Acts 1:8). His Word, as documented, so long ago, in the Scriptures, is living and active today, for you right now (Jn.6:63/Heb.4:12).
Every job, venture, talent and hobby in life requires discipline and focus. Train your mind and will. Change your life. How seriously do you believe the Scriptures contain access to the actual divine Presence of the living God? The Bible is the only inroad to God to escape sin. Jesus shall not speak to you in an audible voice or swoop down as a white dove. God’s Word is not a literary challenge but a heart venture. Can you get beyond black letters on white pages into the Presence? The living Jesus is the only One BEYOND yourself. The only way “into” Christ is through His revealed Word.
Few people ever take this seriously. Today, the Bible is a source of occasional inspiration and a tool for men to enhance self-image. But the gospel is not a school of self-help knowledge to merely offer “Christian” thinking. There are two definitions of righteous: 1) One credited by God as a gift in exchange for personal faith 2) One gained by human efforts to do what is right. Paul said he wanted nothing to do with the first one, “derived” from trying to obey the law (Phil. 3:9).
How living are the Scriptures to you “I will give you rest” and “My Father and I will come to you and make Our abode (place-home) within you” (Mt.11:28/Jn.14:23). King David said “He leads me besides still waters” (Ps.23). And again, and again, “Lord, You have been my dwelling place..” and I dwell in the shelter of the Most High…My refuge and my fortress (castle) (Ps. 90,91). “Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to what he has done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” Rev. 22:12-13
“When I became embittered and my innermost being was wounded, I was stupid and didn’t understand (hurt = bitter): I was an unthinking animal toward You.Yet I am always with You; You hold my right hand …Your Presence is my good”. King David (Psalm 73:21-28/read the entire chapter).
Most people think God has to do something special to heal you. As if He isn’t quite aware of what YOU need. Maybe, somehow, you alone fall outside the lines of all humanity. No, my friend. Sure, God meets each person at some unique point but the Father has done one thing for all time to heal everyones’ predicament. Now it’s up to us. And we have the secret power. It’s called free will.
“This is all too difficult for me to figure out.”
Such is the reaction right out of The Inmates Handbook of Excuses. I hear it often working in prisons. If anyone had an excuse to give, they do. Every day they exist, smitten with guilt and regret, in a stinky 6×6 cell, battered as being ‘lazy and ‘good for nothing’ by corrupt guards. Brother, we have no excuse my friend.
The truth is we are all afflicted with spiritual laziness due to the sin of Adam. A man can work the hardest of worldly jobs but when it comes to God, well, a token “sinners prayer” is sufficient. “Don’t bother me. I got it already”.
When a person refuses to see this laziness, in his dark soul, he blames Gods’ revelation for being “too difficult”. But the facts are 400 years before Jesus was even born the prophet Isaiah predicted that the face of Jesus would be full of such love that the suffering it drew from Him would be etched into His suffering face for each individual (Isaiah 53). Jesus made the gospel for dumbest, laziness and most wicked to access by his will.
Scriptures reveal how Jesus went to the most lowly, uneducated people and beckoned the smallest children “Come to Me” (Isaiah 61/Mt.11:27). Simple, humble, transparent honesty is the “formula” for understanding the merciful revelation of the living Jesus. “Hidden” only from the proud (Mt.11:25). There is nothing difficult about receiving His love. Unless DOING is beyond you.
What do you DO for God? Jesus promises if “any” man is willing “to do” His will he will know everything needed (Jn.7:17/Mt.11:25,-29). The WILL is the operating mechanism of faith and obedience. It is of immense importance, showing, on the one hand, that singleness of desire to please God, produces the fortitude to gain light on all questions, and on the other hand, that the lack of will, whether realized or not, is the chief cause of failure and grief. The will alone exerts the surrender and obedience to claim God’s Spirit.
God promises those who wait on Him shall become as EAGLES…Those who hopefully wait for Me will not be put to shame ” (disappointed) (Is.40:31/Ps. 49:23,25:3). Waiting is not passive. It is anticipation within. It the only means by which a man finds answers. The definition of “wait”, in the Hebrew lexicon, contains a picture of someone crouched behind a rock ready to leap upon an oncoming horse.
Imagine an eagle, with a broken wing, trying to leap into flight. But its’ wound leaves it crippled. I’ve seen this pitiful sight. Everything in me wanted to heal the eagle. But it wouldn’t let me come near. It would screech and run. Yet it could not do the very thing it was created to do. And, worse yet, it could never cure its’ own wound. So many people are like that eagle.
Contrary to an eagle, we human beings, we can heal our wounds. We can position ourselves in truth so God can heal us by HIs Word. I have learned, like David, how to heal my broken wings. I think of wings as our will. We create thrust by moving our wings.
Everyone has the potential, or wings, to fly. But the road is “narrow” of those who venture the obedience of faith. The majority never truly learn to fly because they never “flap” their wings. Men remain blind and wounded. He prays a “sinners prayer” but changes nothing. He sees his “Christian” life like a painter working on the fine touches of a self-portrait. It’s all flesh. He never learns to wait on God.
The word trauma in Greek means wound: “a disordered state resulting from severe mental and emotional stress….a deeply distressing or disturbing experience”. Everything, and everyone in life is one of two things; real or phony; truth or lies. God promises to make us as eagles to rise above what is not real into the Spirit of truth if we obey His revelation.
Aimlessness is inevitable when our wings are broken. “…without vision a man is lost” (Pr.29:18). It is the deep sense of God’s Presence and being a part of His purpose.
He says ‘I will restore you to health and I will heal you of your wounds…because they called you an outcast, saying… no one cares for you… I will be your God … you will survive the sword and find grace in the wilderness… when you come to find rest in Me I will say ‘I have loved you with an everlasting love…I have drawn you with loving kindness…I will rebuild you…take up a tambourins…go forth to dance…sing aloud with gladness…give praise and say ‘O Lord, you save Your people, the remnant of Israel’ (Jeremiah. 30:17-31:7).The repeated Biblical scene of Jesus is His constant healing.
Jesus said “Father forgive them they know not what they do“.God knows you don’t know the dire consequences of your pride. So He just requires a budge. Faith is as small as a mustard seed. It is written “God is love…By this the love of God was manifested in us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world so that we might live through Him (1 Jn.4:9).
When we are born we are all like one of those paratroopers you see in a World War II movie landing, out of the sky on earth. Bam. Pow. Zap. We don’t have a clue what to do with our life. We drop into a dark foreign land called EARTH. We just listen to everybody else whose already here. They say work hard at this thing called living. Unlike those paratroopers, we have no mission, no briefing or preparation for our purpose. Then we find there is nothing on this planet. Nothing.
God is love, and He understands all these deep feelings of being lost. It’s why Jesus came. He offers a REAL healing for all that has happened beyond enemy lines. Jesus set His will to engulf all the evil of our humanity. He Who knew NO sin BECAME SIN (2 Cor.5:21). He knows the strangest and most fearful hidden inclinations.
In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins”; that is, our depths of inner scars, hurts, pain and regret” (1 Jn. 4:8-10).
Speak to God as “Father” (Mt.6:9/Jn.17).
You CAN DO this. You CAN utter “Father!” Thats not too hard. This is your will; your wings fluttering. You CAN go deeper, higher. Right here. Right now. Pour out your heart. I could never list all my regrets of things I wish I did or didn’t do: “Why did I say that? How could I think that?”. It is at this most weakest point where we can begin to build feathers into wings.
Consider this precious example. “Like an eagle that stirs up its nest, that hovers over its young, He spread His wings and caught them, He carried them on His pinions… I have wounded and it is I who heal”. A mother eagle attacks the nest of her young, out of instinctual love, forcing the eaglets to employ their wings to fly. This is the purpose of hard times. It is God “attacking” your comfort zone so you find your will.We must choose to exert our faith and move out. (Deuteronomy 32:11, 39)
I’d like to serve as a messenger and brother of God’s love; a healing agent of the Holy Spirit. I’d like to ‘show my wings to inspire you to budge; to rise up. God takes no delight in any of our suffering and grieves over all the trauma that has befallen you (Lam.3:33). Remember He does not own this world (2 Cor.4:4). He paid a heavy, heavy price to provide healing.
God didn’t want it for you. But will use it for your good if you trust Him (Lam.3:75). He sees you, in Christ, as His beloved. Now you must just come into HIM.
Do you know the word ‘cauterize’? It is to seal your past, once and for all. “Forgetting” and “reaching” (Phil.3:10-12). No more regret. I can take you into the healing chambers of the Most High. It is a grand “place” (Jn.14:23). But, like my daughter Mercy had to walk to the helicopter, because of the fierce winds at her rescue. Despite her broken neck, she had to GET UP and go to the rescue chair to hoist her into the helicopter.
The answers I share with you here I had to find for myself. For so long I thought there was some kind of “magical” spiritual healing I needed. Then I realized. There are no Scripture verses of a “healing service” (as is common today) because what Jesus said in the market places is directed to you and I concerning all suffering. He IS the healing to all trauma; all “PTSD”.
Just before John 3:16, the most popular verse, Jesus reveals a profound simple truth about FOCUS. Most people never see it. As Moses told the tribe of Israel to stare at a bronze serpent, he formed over a fire, so must we FIXATE ourselves upon Jesus to be healed of all poisons from this world (John 3:15-16).
Jesus promises “…the truth shall set you free” and “Father, sanctify them in truth, They word is truth (Jn.8:32-36, Jn.17:17). Life causes many complex distortions in our mind. These “imaginations” capture us and can hold us bound for our entire lives. Obedience is simply exercising your full will power to break their hold. We fester our own wounds by caving into self-pity and unbelief.The healing to all trauma is to set your will to “fly” in the living Jesus.
Clarity and understanding lift us like the wind under our wings. Obedience is like our thrust to propel us upward. When we replace lies with acting on the promises of God. Years and years of habitual cycles of negativity can be broken by one full resolution of will. King David says that as he began to “run the way of” it was like the first domino that causes the landslide of darkness into an open sea of mercy and God “enlarges the heart” (Ps. 119). Healing is a process of obedience to the Word of God.
I have watched presumption slay the masses. The days slip away never to return. The Scriptures repeatedly warn there is a raging battle for your human soul. Passive adherence to doctrines does nothing to regenerate the will. Knowledge repetition means nothing. Obedience is the answer. I was born to fail. I was born again to conquer.
“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses (established ways of thinking)” (2 Cor.10:3-5).
Become what Jesus intended by His resurrection; a spiritual man. That is, a man above a typical natural man. So many benefits await you. Aside from wisdom, understanding, truth, light, etc. is just the wonderful constant blessing of His Presence. I wish I could zip open my heart and mind. As a result of my obedience to the truth, Jesus fills my inner most being, like streams of living water (John 7:38).
My wife and I have been married almost fifty years, preached in hundreds of cities, many countries, to millions of people, in hundreds of prisons, facing countless difficulties and seemingly hopeless situations. Six warrior adult children; Ruth, Elizabeth, David, Sarah, Abraham and Joshua ride the wind to bring inner healing to the lost. We fight by the Holy Spirit of the living Jesus. The end is near. No cliche. Please, we beg you. Wake up! Before its too late!
For the eyes of God roam (Hebrew – “run to and fro”)
throughout the earth to show Himself strong
for one whose heart is completely His
2 Chronicles 16:9.
God’s revelation of the heart is phenomenal! It is a ‘shortcut’ to bypass all the religiosity man put on men. It makes everything about knowing God so simple.
No “sinner’s prayer” here. No “right” doctrinal knowledge or formula required. No legal demands for “righteous” standards of living. Individual heart is the means Jesus uses to save an individual; His Heart to our heart. It takes heart to find heart. It takes heart to know heart. No one can come to Jesus unless the Father draws him in heart (Jn.6:45).
There is a tragic ill-conceived presumption common today; that ‘the heart’ is an easy-whim claim; “Oh I have a heart for God. I love God in my own way”. The Scriptures warn there is a deeper explanation. Everything about God is all about HEART. But how does your heart react right now? Do you show your heart? How big, wide, deep and humble is your heart? Do you know what heart means? Do you think “I already know all this?”. Consider:
“The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; Who can understand it? …
He who trusts in his own heart is a fool…
the hearts of the sons of men are full of evil and insanity is in their hearts throughout their lives…
in whatever our heart condemns us;
for God is greater than our heart…” (Jer. 17:9/Ecc.9:3/Prov.28:17/1 Jn.3:20).
I’ve been caught in the battle of trying to figure it out for over fifty years. Back and forth, up and down, inside and outside. I guess you could say I’m a bit slow. But better late than never. Praise be to God. In my lowest, and highest point, I have come to see my heart. I don’t know how much I got it right. But what I have, I offer you. Accurate understanding works. I have sadly realized most people don’t get it because they don’t want “it”; heart. In general, men want to strive to prove they are right and this very fact exposes lack of heart. Striving results in anxiety and ends in turmoil and darkness. Few people realize salvation is not knowing about the things of God. It is knowing God’s heart.
BARE WITH ME FOR THESE FEW BOLDED PARAGRAPHS; So this may all sound a bit lofty or irrelevant, depending on your own desire for honesty with yourself, and also your exposure to the realities of the mass population. Your manner of response will show you your heart. I write this to offer someone ‘out there’ a helpful context to find a mental clarity and crystallize the heart, amidst the sometimes immense daily struggles and existence.
Every other day there is a news report about a killing or bizarre event involving people with mental health issues. How many times do you encounter someone whom you think “Wow. He’s got issues”? Walk around where you live and you will find everyone is suffering from mental oppression, full of sadness and grief. The very air of these times is filled with demonic oppression like never before. Demons run rampant on the earth.
We think we are distant from the mental darkness others must be facing. This is both true and false. Surely the darkness of sin has varying levels severity. But the source of sin is the same in us all. The evil potential that lies within sin is incomprehensible and operates within each of us. We all carry the dark potential of ‘going over the edge’ as declared in the above Scriptural revelation. But Jesus offers a REAL resolution by offering us His resurrection heart for us to access.
What we deal with at one time in our life may, in another time, due to a number of things, explode, both inward and outward, into a complex massive struggle later in life. So the sooner we unpack God’s truth and understand how our human being functions the sooner we can identify and subject our humanity as a true disciple of Jesus.
Jesus uses one word to describe sin; “darkness” (John 8:12,12:35-36). Society has no remedy to darkness except psychiatric drugs. Christianity offers hyperbole and doctrinal theory. There is no definition or even informed recognition of darkness by “professionals” or “preachers”. Yet TV is full of drug adds that use social-psychological terms to identify specific mental breakdown, all have countless side effects. Suicide is not only a fear in prisons, or amongst Veterans and the homeless. It is everywhere people suffer depression and despair. Mental decline increases with age and wherever drugs, alcohol and sexual perversion are prevalent. Christian delusion floods this country and takes the place of the living Jesus using empty Bible jargon and a false image of what it means to make your mind right-eous.
Let’s be honest. We have each had times when we recognize within ourselves the darkness that threatens our mental equilibrium. This is THE HEART “desperately sick”. The concept of a sinful heart sin is so vague it carries no relevance. This ignorance has debilitating impact in our lives. We must come to understand how our own human makeup is “programmed” to works against us. Sin is not neutral or passive. We are by nature negative creatures driven into laziness and self-deception. Mental health is established by actively subjecting ourselves to God’s remedy over all our composition.
Our heart is transformed by obedience to the truth of God’s Word. It is through faith that we can access and utilize THE heart, as an objective mechanism, for our personal direction and expression. Faith brings us into God’s heart of peace and happiness. The blessing of God’s promise to Abraham was fulfilled in him by his heart of faith. Despite the fact that he was still a sinner (uncircumcised) it was his heart to believe God that made him see God. Instead of the curse and vexation of sin wrought in birth Abraham found God and God found Abraham.
“…for with the heart a person believes,
resulting in what is right before God” (Rm.10:10).
The most familiar passage about heart is when God chose a young kid named David, who was taking care of sheep, on a hillside. His appointed him king over Israel. God wanted someone to rule His people like His own Son would do. The one and only qualification to rule over a million people was something David couldn’t purchase or fake. But he sure did learn; HEART.
Over ten thousand years ago God wanted to show His the one and only means by which He sought amongst men. God wanted to show His own heart to the world so He chose David. Then David showed his heart was after God’s heart. David understood the sin into which he was born and he shut his mouth to open his heart. (“I was born in sin and in sin did my mother conceive me”). He knew God did not want a sacrifice of “right behavior appearances” to atone for his sin but rather a “see-through” heart.
David committed adultery and the murder of his greatest general. Yet what God saw was HEART. God saw reflections of His Son in such a “broken and contrite” like no other man (Ps.51). And this was something David chose out of his own will. Transparency is no little thing. Sincerity is no little thing. They are powers to get beyond a heart “desperately sick” to a heart that pants after the living God.
David was so transparent before God he could sense the Spirit of Christ, though not born again, he wrote over a hundred prophetic declarations. Consider Psalm 22.David was like Christ and Christ was like David. The depth of anointing; the awareness of Christ, upon David was so great he manifested the Spirit of the Messiah. When men were around Jesus they recognized Him and said “this is the Son of David”. Jesus took honor in being like David.
The number one characteristic to avoid confusion and delusion and focus in on heart shown by David to be broken transparency with God. No word games. No presumption. Laid bare. If you want to escape mental anguish it starts with a blatant palpable honesty. When others talked to David they felt like they were drinking fresh water amongst all the polluted hypocrisy. He was someone who would bear enormous suffering from rejection and thousands of enemies because reflected a heart response of constant praise for God. How could He do this? What was going on in this dude? He did not defend, pity or build himself. David had NO CONCERN for how he appeared on the outside. David was enthralled with the Person of God.
“For the Lord sees not as man sees;
for man looks on the outward appearance,
but the Lord looks on the heart”
1 Samuel 16:7.
The origin of the American culture is not Christian. Our culture is rooted in the lies of Christian delusion. It is neither republican, democrat or sane. The “founding fathers” like Thomas Jefferson were rooted in pagan Greek philosophy; the self-betterment of man. Thus todays “Christians” are rooted in self-righteousness. Transparency and heart are as foreign as Chinese currency. Christianity is a religion of a self-betterment image.
So what I’m saying, my friend, is that for David, things concerning his heart for God were not complex and compartmentalized into a Greek philosophical thinking of “Well, I want to do that, but in my heart I thought this, and I didn’t feel that but I didn’t know this so I figured God didn’t want me to do that because I must do this”. God is not a God of confusion. This is not heart. It is the mind full of Christian knowledge and rationalizations.
Jesus said if He had not come and made everything very clear we might have an excuse for our excuses but now we have no excuse for excuses, hypothetical situational reasonings ( John 15:22-26). Excuses are born out of the wicked heart and lead down the path of endless darkness. The heart of Jesus made things childlike in order for any man to serve His Father.
What do you want to do? Who do you want to be? Are your actions a calculation of your appearance as righteous or simply a release of love to the Father? A heart is not occupied by the obstacles or opposition. It may have the initial impulse of sin but always follows the secondary impulse of love. It is not by calculation but by gut reaction. What drives me is not trying to be right but my transparent love for Jesus. Ultimately, I make nothing of everything tin order o give Him the “something” His eyes search for; heart.
When I was in college I majored in Sociology and Psychology. I always thought it was quite funny how “professionals” invented a psycho-babel jargon as though they were inventing some mystical knowledge about things long ago described as basic common sense issues in the Bible. Below is my second oldest son Joshua posing as a “gangsta” to get to the gangsters in a prison just like Paul said to do (1 Cor.9).
The French psychologist Pierre Janet and German psychoanalyst Zigmund Freud argued that underneath the layers of critical-thought functions of the conscious mind lay a powerful awareness they labeled as “the subconscious”. Scientists argue that the “subconscious” is not something immediately accessible but rather requires therapy and both past-personal experience and dream analysis.
They say it is where people hide their real self. What they call the subconscious God’s calls HEART. It is not only constantly accessible but essential to understand so as to function in Christ. Of course, their speculations and conclusions have no reference to sin and darkness that occupy our old “subconscious”.
They used a bunch of psycho-babel to try to dissect the inner workings of human existence. Although their conclusions are all nonsense it all served me to glorify God for my phenomenal human constitution as explained in the Scriptures. It also helped as I read Romans 6-8 and discerned what they discuss is the difference between the Presence of the Spirit and self-consciousness soul rooted in sin. Also they make no place for the operation of the conscience.
The conscience is the seat of God’s inner law. It is implanted within our heart. It is not the heart but rather utilized by the heart, as is the mind, the memory, instincts, feelings, moods, etc. The essential mechanism of our identity, which they define as the subconscious (sub-“below”- like in submarine) conscious (like in awareness) is THE heart, prior to salvation.
Our heart awareness (consciousness) “is desperately sick” and extremely negative. We must be regenerated by the Presence of the Spirit to transform our self-consciousness into God-consciousness. The only reason I mention the pyscho-babel is because their exhaustive efforts, although wrongly defined, emphasize and highlight for us the multi-function of our various God-created mechanisms. Paul says we must “discern” between the natural and spiritual existence or we remain “carnal” (1 Cor.2,3).
Today the “New Age” culture exploits this ideology as if offers some novel aspect of humanity. It is all about the exploitation of SELF. Thus men become involved in endless cycle of mental trauma with something that can only be resolved by the cross of Jesus. We must die to self. Sadly, today’s Christianity offers religious mumbo-jumbo and has no understanding of how our mind, heart, will and memory are to be sanctified by the truth (John 17:17). . That is to say that our entire human being and brain paths must repent, be reborn, retrained and renewed into the Spirit.
Right now, your daily awareness is focused on your internal state (SELF: moods, feelings, events, frailty, memories, etc.) by way of mental cognition and 5 senses. You are aware of some thing by your mental cognition and are aware of other things by physical senses, while other things. You may be aware of a story in a book in your mind (or Bible verses) but your senses make you aware of the taste of an apple or hot sandwich. So awareness is multifaceted.
Most Christians think that by ascertainment of Bible knowledge they receive an awareness of God. This is not true. It is merely an awareness of the THINGS of God. It is what the Pharisees possessed. It is knowing the letter of the law (2 Cor.3:6).
David says his awareness was of the very Presence of God’s Person. It was like dwelling under the shadow of His wings (Ps.91). The conscience and all creation bears witness to His existence. But this is not God-consciousness. Rather conscience is a mechanism that beckons us beyond itself.
Most Christians wrongly, and tragically, equate the conscience, the things learned of God, and awareness of God in creation, as salvation. Thus they live under the laws and dictates of conscience rather than being personally saved and led by the Presence and freedom of His Spirit.
All creation bears witness to us of a God-awareness (Rm.1:20/Ps.19). However our conscience burdens us with our sinful state until the blood of Jesus frees us to submit to the heart of the living Jesus. We begin to “see” Him (Heb.12:1). We begin to trust Him, not as a distant entity, or doctrinal package, but in the life of the Son. “He who has the Son as the life” (1 Jn.5:12). His life within us is the only power to motive us to die to ourselves.
The cross of Jesus is “where” this old self-awareness must “die” for God-consciousness to be “born again”. When the Spirit of the Son comes into our hearts crying “Abba Father! our heart awareness becomes God-consciousness. We become “spirit”, not just a soulish creature (1 Cor.15:45). It is the only way to become a person after the heart of God, like David. We BECOME Christ-like.
The apostle Paul says this awareness of His Spirit empowers us to transform our mind as our conscious soul is regenerated into spirit-life (Rm.12:2/1 Cor.15:45). Our conscience becomes “washed clean” from “dead works” (thinking righteousness is based on our behavior) and also serves as a daily “witness” to us of truth and when we die to our entire life to God on the day of judgment (Rm.2:14-15). But this is not heart.
God-consciousness, is eternal life and continuously sustains and regenerates our spirit into changing levels to become like Christ.
Our choice to believe God transforms, not only our mind, but our heart from “stone” into love (Ez.36:26). The apostle Paul explains that his flesh had to die for him to enter the life of Christ. In other words we can’t be self-centered in a God-centered awareness. It just can’t happen. It’s one or the other. Sin is the constant pulse of our flesh but it is “covered” by the forgiveness and blood of Jesus. Self-life is not our conscious pursuit of life when we are born again. Rather, our heart pants after God like a panting doe after a stream.
The Old Testament teaches the wholeness of man, in that, although our mind, heart and soul function as separate faculties they are woven to work together by our submission to redemption and participation of our will (Heb.4:12). It is Michael who determines the function of my life out of my regenerated heart for God. My heart is the center of my being. It is the flight control tower where I “control” and send off the decisions and patterns of my intentions, reasoning, motives. I have now brought into subjection all the mechanisms of my human being. Jesus says the first commandment is to love God with all our body, heart, soul and strength.
The manner in which I love and treat others, the choices of how I spend my mind-thoughts, time and finances; the feelings and things that depress me and grieve me, the level of my maturing process and the course of my years on earth all show my heart. The driving force of the heart is not knowledge or good behavior. Those things fluctuate and fail. The driving force of the heart is your love. What is the nature of your love? Do you love? Why do you love? How do you love? For what reason do you sacrifice your own feelings, time and ways in order to help someone else? How authentic is your care for others? The inner workings of your mind; the deepest desires within you manifest your heart. God sees it and deals with you accordingly.
Jesus says “For out of whatever fills the heart of a man flows into a man’s life;
his words, actions, time, finances, ….
Imagine running “to and fro” desperately looking for someone you love. This is what God is doing. He seeks for simply a true, real person with no games or arrogance.It’s all about one thing a heart, or love, for God. It is what you must do, be and live for. Everyone has gone their own way. Everyone yields to the complex mind games and struggles of self-pity. “It’s all too hard” is the cry of the multitudes. The natural ways of human striving end in failure. The ways of love always end in blessing; i.e. newness of life. This was the promise of God to Abraham. The wind of the Spirit is the most beautiful means to creat a heart of love (John3:8)
His Spirit is “running to and fro” and down every beach, neighborhood, block and dwelling. Like a young man with vigor and strength, God yearns to find and to give His Spirit to someone who is giving their heart to Him.
You are what your heart chooses to be. It is not meant to rule you until you are able to rule it. Want to be confused and vexed, then make things complicated with thoughts, words, excuses and rationalizations and justifications.
“WHAT DID YOU DO?” is what Jesus is going to ask us when we stand before Him. In other words your life is not what you say butis what you do, who you are, and how you respond. This is your heart.
My dear friend rivet your heart on the living Jesus (Hebrews 12). Be honest. Be real. Trust Him. Believe Him. Hope in Him. As all the people recorded in God’s Word responded out of heart in faith “seeing” the unseen (Heb.11:6ff). Put your foot down and believe. Watch and wait. You will rise up like an eagle with wings on the wind (Is.40:31). He promises wings to make you fly. This is no allegory. You are meant to be a son or a daughter reflecting the love of Jesus to the Father.
Jesus promises to give you His heart.I love you my friend. Don’t be complex. Let go of all that mental undercurrent that holds you down.
Jesu s promises if we will go into all the world and proclaim His gospel He will show the world His heart. His love is an “ART” of the Spirit. It is like having all the paint and brushes, all the tools and equipment to shape the greatest composition right within you so to give yourself to Him by giving yourself to others. This is the greatest blessing a man can know. The end is near. You can do so much and find such reward within. Change your mind. Create your own HeART Work.
“I’m so sorry father. How could I think to tell you that you did not understand? How could I? Running off into my own ways because I thought you did not know what I needed was my own rebellion. I have been such a failure and I just saw how wicked I am by seeing what I am apart from you….I’m not worthy to be called your son….I just thought there had to be something for me out there but all it did was make me question why I was the way I am” (Luke 15).
Is this not a question we have all asked ourselves? Come on, really? The sad thing is we have done so many times and never realized God has actually long ago answered it. So much of our stress arises out various reasons for asking “Why?” We sit alone in our vast empire of speculations, sadness and fear pondering the deepest issues of our life. God in His vast empire of love and wealth of understanding has explained the deepest questions of our heart.
I just think its absolutely amazing how Paul tackles the issues most people think are a slam dunk against the existence of God. In Romans 9 Paul confronts the question of why and how we can exist when God clearly states “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion” (v.15). Then Paul goes to the next reasonable thought process. He says if God already decided on certain people whom He will love and certain people He will reject what’s the use of existence. If God is against us why should we even make any effort to improve our lives or for that matter have any hope in life at all?
The backdrop of all such thinking starts with the creation and fall of mankind. Paul says “On the contrary”, as any brilliant lawyer, he refuses to accept the premise that any man can presume to make a conclusion upon the Character or reasoning of God. Period. He refuses to go with any initiation of any thought. The groundwork for reasonable thought starts with God, not with man’s conclusions. Man is completely untrustworthy in any self-made propositions.
Before any man can conclude any statement about God he is faced with the fact that he is MAN and “who are you O MAN who answers back to God. The thing molded will not say to the molder, ‘Why did you make me like this, will IT?” Clay can not talk. It is NOTHING.
The anointed prophet Jeremiah says he learned how to face extreme difficulty of living a life of constant hardship. He says of himself “Let him sit alone and be silent… LET HIM PUT HIS MOUTH IN THE DUST perhaps there is still hope” (Lam.3:28029). Over the fifty years I have served Jesus I often say to myself “Shut the hell up!”. I am the greatest enemy to myself. And I am not a passive enemy. Ego is an all out hostile evil.
I call it “pre-launch” of thoughts. Jesus says to “calculate”. The origin of this word is calculus which is an ancient mathematics to break large things into little things. It is to breakdown the big issues into the actual motives, reasons, emotions, etc. It is the time when I am pondering my response. I am separating between “soul and spirit” because God corresponds at the realm of “spirit and truth” (Heb. 4:12/Jn.4:24).
I must find the place within me where I “launch” my actions from pure motives. It will determine my own course. Before I can even ask God anything I must examine my deepest motives. It is here where I see the undertow of unbelief and must enforce the law of “Shut the hell up”. I put my finger over my mouth and realize as an enemy of God my flesh is a direct channel of Satan.
Imagine what it is like to literally “put your mouth in the dust”. It is the only response that proves you GET IT. God is God. You “O Man” are wicked dust and to dust you shall return. This is the only fitting strike against the core ego of pride. After all, he thinks he’s got something to say to God. In this case the farmer named Job might have some counsel. He says man is the food for maggots (Job 25:6).
“Why do you take Him to court for not answering anything a person asks? For God speaks time and again, but a person y not notice it. In a dream a vision in the night, when deep sleep falls on people as they slumber on their beds, He uncovers their ears at that tie and terrifies the with warnings, in order to turn a person fro his actions and suppresses pride” (Job 33:13-17).
So I use this expression only to convey the dire resolute nature we must use to deal with our SELF. To die to self is no light matter. If we can get to this point of “putting our mouth in the dust” S.T.H.U. we can begin to find the real depth of resolution and answer to “Why did you make me like this?” or “Why has my life been of such nature?”. Because God goes on to put forth a profound reasoning. Basically He says “Look, you defiled yourself with sin. You absolutely corrupted your entire humanity.
The composition which I intended for you to have was in my divine image. But you said you would rather live without me. And this was so foul and vile that IT, not me, obliterated your design. You began to perform all manner of evil. It got so bad I had to wipe you off the earth by the flood in the days of Noah. But then I figure I’m not going to waste my creation of mankind. So I will provide a way for them to escape their foul human nature. I will choose a people to reveal Myself to and make a covenant as I originally wanted of fellowship and love.”
So the birthplace of the answer to this question is that God “endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction” (v.22). In other words God was putting up with man from the outset of sin of Adam and Eve. The offspring of our wicked ancestors became so vile they were like the beasts (Isaiah 59). Paul quotes from this passage in Romans 3:10ff. There was no Israel. No David. No Abraham. Just filthy wicked people doing terrible things.
God wanted to wipe them out again generations ofter Noah but Moses interceded. So God said that He would keep the promise to Abraham and fulfill it with something mind blowing. God had originally designed 12 tribes of Israel to be the people whom He would redeem. But as He saw how they corrupted themselves He said “Look. I’m going to enact a plan that cannot fail. I will call those who were not my people, “MY PEOPLE” and her who was not beloved “Beloved”.
In other words God would go to the most wicked of humanity and treat the as His people. The word is Gentile. It simply means nation or people: “the world”. He would now look on the world as “His people” if anyone so wanted. They would not need to be jewish or maintain sacrifices and visit the Temple. All they would have to do is believe His revelation.
Who is this who comes from Edom, With garments of glowing colors from Bozrah, This One who is majestic in His apparel, Marching in the greatness of His strength? “It is I who speak in righteousness, mighty to save.”Is. 63:1
Paul concludes Romans 9 by saying “Behold I lay in Zion a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense, And He who believes in Him will not be disappointed”. What an understatement. Faith. Sounds so simple, and indeed it is. But, like the Jews, today people insist upon “making myself a better person”. Trying to improve yourself by your own efforts of betterment is a formula for disaster. It is always ends in the subtle and ever so silent question “Why did you make me like this?”. You fall into the darkness of a life rooted in yourself. The “talking back to God” never stops. It becomes the norm. Ever so hidden but ever so loud in the ears of an omnipresent King.
Consequently, like with Israel, it is not the majority who recognized God’s plan. It is “the remnant” (v. 27). It is the very few who are more than willing to “Shut the hell up”. To recognize they are “O Man”; the wicked of the wicked; deserve nothing, but hell fire. If you can come down off your tower of presumption and pride and, in the depths of your being, S.T.H.U. when it comes to all your complaining then my friend you can become the people of God. Because indeed you are “not My people”.
If you can identify with Esau and know “Esau I hated” then you can become “Jacob” whom God says “I loved” (12-13). Instead of saying “there is no justice with God” because no matter how hard I try I can not win His favor, I cannot improve my life, you will say “God has given me the divine privilege to be called His son or daughter””. You will realize that having nothing but His willingness to save you is everything. Because what we deserve “O Man” is hell fire.
(To my brethren who associate pictures of Jesus as against the Bible (Exodus 20:3-4). Please realize that God was not referring to intangible and immaterial CG; computer graphics. He was warning mankind not to form wood and stone into an image and then worship it as a god.
It would only follow that any pictures of anyone or anything would be idolatry. Actually, a house or job, even our own self-image can be idolatry. But the following pictures help us to formulate an understanding and ponder the mystery and outstanding Character of Jesus. The facial lines, the look in the eyes and posture all indicate the depth of His wisdom, compassion and mission. The detailed brush strokes of an artist gives us insight into the Incarnation: God Almighty walking in human flesh; Jesus. Anything that helps us grasp the enormous composition of His work on the cross is a blessing, not a curse.)
Jesus saw into a thousand tomorrows. He felt our angst and forlorn despondency. Sin bankrupted earth. Nothing of man’s world could ever satisfy the human soul. He saw the ‘hell’ that could come upon anyone. Jesus took on the ‘dark logic’ that paralyzes us with misery. He realized He was the only One Who could provide what we would need to “more than conquer” (Rm.8:31-38). The one amongst us, who is the meanest, most confused and hardest of heart is the person who has been hurt the most and loved the least. This is the very target audience of Jesus. I am such a man. I spent my years dying of thirst, in search of water. Today, I search for someone in search of this same “something”.
I remind you, that it is in the stillness of a choice, that any man can contemplate Jesus. It requires no theology or good behavior. The easiest thing a man can do is the rarest thing any man will ever do. It is in isolated meditation where Jesus awaits to divulge His light; “I am the light of the world. Anyone who follows Me will never walk in the darkness but will have the light of life.”(Jn.8:12).
Jesus designed a plan “hidden” from the proud aristocrat “Christian” (Mt.11:25-28). His purpose is for the destitute pagan (Mark 2:17). So the lower you go, the higher you will get. The farther you see yourself to be, the closer He will draw you. Consider the Prodigal Son (Lk.15). He will never “cast anyone” aside who truly comes to Him in spirit and truth, with a broken and contrite heart (Mt.9:12/ Jn.6:37/ Jn.4:24 Ps.51:17).
Jesus did not come to condemn you, for any of your failures and evil ways. He came to engage with you in His intimate disclosure of supernatural light (Jn.3:17). It is what flooded my heart as I contemplated Jesus. I was not offended by His confrontation of my wicked nature. I was overwhelmed by His love despite it. He doesn’t want to offend anyone, but to shepherd us into His dimension of a new world (18:36).
He says we will be blessed if we teach ourselves how NOT to be offended by seemingly harsh demands to repent and obey His revelation (Matthew 11:16). He works relentlessly to bring the heart of the Father into the heart of man.
The Incarnation is a word to describe John chapter one verse one. Stop and consider the Holy of Holies actually becoming a lowly man. God actually decided to put His feet upon our sin-infested earth to solve our every problem and give us eternal life.
You see, my friend, there were two very powerful forces at work in the heart of Jesus. He could see with the eyes of God. No prejudice. No accusations. No betrayal. No cynicism. Yet, in order to fully bear the weight of our sin, Jesus also had to see with our prejudice, self-righteousness, guilt, shame and animosity. It was anguish.
He was deeply hurt in every way, more than we can know. But He also knew the hurt in His Father by Adam’s sin and subsequent corruption of mankind. Jesus was torn, puzzled and confused. (Read Psalm 22). He speaks through David.
He would feel our, loneliness, anger and frustration. He felt provoked by men’s stupidity. This had to be. It was the Incarnation; the Mediator. In order to bear our exact human plight. He felt our “God where are You?” Jesus said this exact same thing on the cross (Matthew 28:46). Think about it. Jesus bore a sinners death (2 Cor.5:21/1 Pt.3:18). This is our comfort.
When you feel like nobody knows you. Nobody really cares. What you need is not another person, who feels the same, but the One Person Who felt this exact pain and ran to the Father like a deer panting for water.
“Father, Father what can I do? This loneliness hurts so bad.” The Father instantly sent His Spirit to comfort this “docile Lamb’.
Jesus brought Himself into a disposition of compete submission. He already knew what He must do. He must die for Michael. For Rachel. For Paul and Joseph and….. What’s your name? He died for________.
When Jesus died on the cross He reached through all time and space. He then accomplished everything needed in the heart of every sinner. He offered Himself as our blood atonement to the Father . It is written “He entered the most holy placeonce for all, not by the blood of goats and calves, but by His own blood, having obtained eternal redemption…. the blood of the Messiah, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without blemish to God, cleanse our consciences from dead works to serve the living God? Therefore, He is the mediator of a new covenant… because a death has taken place for redemption from the transgressions committed under the first covenant.” He chose to bear each individual sin(1 Pt. 3:18/Hebrews 9:12).
Jesus displayed perfect love throughout His Life. So He reasoned that if His perfect love for men ended in such despicable death by men, all would be forced to deal with this witness to both man’s vile sin and God’s love; “if I be lifted up, on the cross, it will confound men and force them to decide. I will bear all their evil, the curse for sin, and draw them to see….I will extend My love to the whole world, and allow my arms to be nailed in this position to show my love is all encompassing ….for I am the truth to all man’s search. There is only way for them to know the Father. I must give, not laws like Moses, or mere teachings. To give MYSELF to them I must give MYSELF for them. Mercy without measure. Jesus promises, that if we get a hold of Him, we will get a hold of the Father, and everything in Him (Jn.12:32,14:6-9/Galations 3:13).
My friend, He is trying to get inside your head with new reality. And this blog is part of this work. As you sit alone Jesus sits with you.
“Join Me. Mesh your thoughts into Mine. Let us ponder together all the tendencies of this sinful human nature. I get you. Though your sins be as scarlet I will make them as snow. Feel sin gnawing within?. Can we recognize it together?”
He resisted sin for 33 years. Countless times, whispering silently as walked amongst men. Other times talking to the Father in a solemnity of solitude. He thoroughly explained our wretched condition. With “loud cries, tears” and even blood Jesus pleaded with the Father for His reconciliation to us (Hebrews 5:7). He agreed to the ultimate demand; His death.
Ultimately, Jesus did the unimaginable. He gave way to actually become sin (2 Cor.5:21). He became our Substitute and bore the Fathers’ wrath for sin we deserve. It killed Him. It killed sin. Once and for all time. He is the living Mediator to do this for you today, everyday. Think about the manner of such love. He looks into your eyes and pleads with you to trust Him. “Let me take your sin. I know the guilt and condemnation is so dark.”
What a profound Brother. What a General. What a King. What a heart. “I’ll follow You anywhere Jesus”.
“You paid the price to become the One Mediator of a brand new promise; The New Testament. You actually became sin to sacrifice Yourself as the Lamb slain”. My friend you got to get a hold of this. It is nothing like The Old Testament that required animal sacrifice and strict obedience to 10 commandments (actually 10,000). Many Christians actually maintain that legalism today. They try to follow Christianity but never come to Jesus. His promised covenant is all about receiving FROM HIM the free gift of salvation.
Our deepest drive is to find our identity lost when Adam turned from God. Who are you in this population of chaos? This is the motive behind going to college, getting a job, doing good works and finding purpose. To say you are a Christian is an absolutely generic term. Not even once does Paul call himself a christian. Just a fact. It is an affiliation to doctrine, not Jesus.
To become a son can not happen if you refuse to go there. It is not some vague sentimental term. It is the answer when Legalism and lawlessness fight each other in your mind. I am not a “christian” battling doctrines. I am a son inheriting the rich Presence of Jesus.” As a Brother knows every sordid thing about you. And yes, as your Brother He does tell Dad. But only to Mediate the propitiation you need. He’s waiting for you to teach you how to understand God as Father. It involves a groping for identity and in this groping latching on to security as a son or daughter.
Do we not all yearn for a caring Father? Someone to sit and hear our fears? He says He does not “grow weary” of us (Isaiah 40). He promises to release all our anxiety. Hey, you talk to yourself, right? So just lift those words, a bit higher, to Him. Be specific. Be overwhelmed by the love you see manifested by the Father in Jesus. Whether you had a terrible earthly father, or a good one, no one could ever give you the love you need
Jesus says His entire purpose was to reveal God is a merciful, personally interested Father (Luke 15). He offers a heart-connection so deep we are pulled into another intimate identity. We go from being an orphan, into an adoption as a son or daughter. No more all alone. Included in this ‘package’ of the New Testament is for us to become family. The Son inaugurated sonship. He was “not ashamed” to become our Brother (Hebrews 2:11-18/2 Cor.6:17-18).
So how is it that we bring tis extraordinary identity our life? Is it by a token “alter call”, prayer or ritual? Is it by trying to emulate a vague notion of what it might mean? Did Jesus talk about sonship and then expect us to pretend to be so? Why then would Jesus succumb to leaving heaven and being tortured on a cross? If any of these efforts could win God’s favor, Jesus could have stayed by His Fathers’ side.
To participate in The Grand Design of sonship we must come INTO the living Jesus. We can easily be misled to think that Jesus is passive towards us when our lax efforts do not trigger some kind of experience. But in every New Testament encounter Jesus is seen to seize upon any opportunity to engage anyone with REAL heart-response of faith and humility. Faith causes us to seize a spiritual aspect of understanding.
I clearly remember how I used to think of a distant Jesus. He was a historical Icon, of the past, Who prompted my catholic sentiments. I thought I had to eliminate all bad behavior and implement good behavior. “Yikes. That ain’t happening.” I thought that was all I got from God: law. So I asked and sought, “Am I missing something?”and received, far more (Mt.7:7).
One day someone showed me a passage in the Bible. I remember how my eyes “came out of my head” and latched on to two tiny little words. I just knew they offered the answer; Born Again (Jn.3:3). Then, long after I read those two words, I was again captivated by verse 8. Jesus describes born again (Jn.3:3-8). Not a little prayer. Not moral perfection. My heart had been opened and now I realized the Spirit is “the wind”.
One day Jesus met a pretty lady at a water-well in a desert. She had seven husbands. Imagine that. He explained the outcome of rebirth; “whoever drinks the water that I will give will never get thirsty again — ever! In fact, the water I will give will become a well of water springing up within for eternal life” (Jn.4:14). This is the Holy Spirit. Do you know this water?
Like a raven riding a current, a son senses this identity in the freedom of living in the Spirit. Like the wind, He IS the voice of the Shepherd. Our fleshly senses must be transformed, as we yield our self to the cross (Rm.6:6). We go beyond ourselves into a new sense to discern His living Spirit (Heb.5:14) .
Please realize, my friend, all sin can become easily forgiven. This is no question. But the lack of reality in the living Jesus exposes a void of truth that will result in repeated episodes of failure. Humble yourself. Changing your present will change your future. Oftentimes in life, we sulk in self-pity; “Poor me. I have no one. No one understands me”. It seems so harmless, almost warranted, but it is lethal. When we become self-consumed, we become an obstacle, not a channel to His love. The truth is if we allow self-pity to fester and grow it will become lodged in our mind as habit reaping far worse circumstances. A gradual decline is assured by presumptuous delusion. Repent. Before it’s too late realign thinking in the ways and power of THE LIVING Jesus.
(Please bear with me as I write from Brazil in the midst of working in the prisons and on the streets. I will need to find the time to finish this article. Thank you.)
Jesus thought “I’m coming for you my brothers. I’m doing the work now, in My life, that you need for your life.”
The Strategy for Tragedy & Solutions To The Unbearable
Jesus – “God saves”… from
Tragedy -“something (big or small) causing suffering”… and
Unbearable – “intolerable, beyond endurance, more than flesh and blood can stand”… by a
Strategy – “a grand plan of action designed to achieve a desired goal”… for
Recovery – “return to health, healing, redemption, equilibrium”… in Him.
Consider The Ravens
“God gives food…to the young ravens which cry” (Psalm 147:9).
The ravens fed me in the desert, as they glided without effort, they led me to my shelter, upon the breeze surrendered, the place I am centered…. alone with my Shepherd!
(Poem by my youngest daughter Elizabeth-38)
(Below from left: Sarah, Ruth, me, Beth, David, Abraham/ Crouched in front: Rachel, Joshua)
At this very moment, wherever you are, whoever you are, Jesus is waiting to meet with you. In your exact state, He yearns to adapt His love to your individual level of struggle and suffering. His heart is to lift you into His Spirit. A common cliche asks “Is it too good to be true?”. No. This stuff is real.
Howdy, partner in humanity. Greetings from your fellow family members. Come on in. We are honored to share our “wings”. We’d like to help you find yours. (Our last name in Polish actually means “little bird”.)
So what I want to give you here, in my own feeble attempt, if you will plow through this Amazon Jungle of words, is a touch of His dimension. In one sentence, or another, He will come to you, if you will come to Him.
You see, my dear friend, Jesus has this distinctive wound in Him that is extremely sensitive to everyones’ sorrow. He knows it so well. As our Brother from above, Jesus was subject to the most excruciating human pain ever known to mankind. This involves all inner fear and hurt resulting from our most hidden sin.
Jesus was literally ripped apart. His skull was punctured by thorns and torn open by laughing guards beating on it. It made a “migraine” seem like an ant bite. Out of 4 nails, pounded into His body, flowed quarts of blood. It was not for His sake that He agonized. He cares about YOU.
It’s like, how many times have we heard ‘Do not worry. Consider the ravens… how much more value are you’. We think “Ya. I already know that. My problems require something far more than a Bible cliche” (Lk.12:24)?
Please. Reconsider. Relearn. What if Jesus Himself was laying on His back, in the stillness of a moment, looking skyward, and saw a raven. There and then this “insignificant” bird drew this God-Man to contemplate the answer of His Father to His own Personal agony? It wasn’t about some morsel of knowledge but the Fathers’ very Presence. My dear brother or sister, herein lies the profound access point to enter the “place” where we can be lifted above any and all tragedy. To find supernatural lift out of our deep seated, mental anguish and suffering. I’m not lying or exaggerating.
This has to do with going to a “place” you’ve never been. Finding a physical place to find a spiritual place. Maybe, to lay on your back, lean against a rock or tree, sit by a stream, at a beach, to engage your heart and mind like never before. You possess latent faculties, like machines, created to bring you into a transcendent process only you can perform.
We live in a hi-tech culture in which thinking is nothing more than a bit above instinct. Meditation is relegated to California cult weirdos. So pathetic. Todays’ “Christians” do a sinners prayer and hour on Sunday and bring forth the fruit of a light hearted twit. Seeking answers like anyone else. The living Jesus compels us into a deep contemplation as the bread and butter of a divine meal. He is the Bread of Life (Jn.6). This is not a mere metaphor but a Personal promise.
“My words are spirit and life…I am the Door… I am the Way, Truth and Life itself…I am that I am…Deep calls to deep” (Jn.6:63, 9,10,14/Ps.42:7). His words in Scripture beckons us beyond nice stories, written with black letters on white pages (Jn.6:63,4:24). They compel us to Him. Revelation of the living Person of Jesus offers a library of disclosure; a fountainhead of restoration, not one answer or a second, but a 3rd answer. But you have to learn how to do it…then DO IT! It’s not magic. It’s passion. What is your heart capacity; King David or king Saul? Do you know the difference? Jesus promises, not only recovery, but the dawning of the Father’s Character (Jn.6:37,14:23).
So how do we get to this light? In His reference to “consider the ravens” could Jesus be sharing with us His key to finding the solution to His own unbearable tragedy? He requires everything in you to back down, shutdown, redirect your focus and energy and ONLY then to find HIS PEACE (Jn.14:27/Phil.4:7/1 Kings 19:12/Ps.42:7)? Not a passive acquiescence but another dimension of life. He requires something so simple our nature of anxiety causes us to miss it. Our flesh desires something sensational. Something of instant gratification.
Jesus asks of you a beautiful nothing. The Answer to the burden of life is awaiting…. just a “bird” away. Sadly, the majority will go their whole lives carrying massive hidden grief, never learning to be still before a merciful father.
If you read this thinking you already know what I’m writing, you will not learn zero. I’m sorry but I’m not the perfect writer. This is a bit long and wordy but what I share is a rare REAL. Essential to discovery is a humble disposition of conscious need. You can only fill an empty cup. It’s exciting to learn real answers. Can you STOP religious presumption? The man named Job, was more righteous than any man of his time.
But suddenly enormous suffering showed him his inner chasm. He realized he knew nothing of an everlasting almighty God (Job 42:5-6). He was a man who knew how to gaze at a bird, or any creation of God, to learn what he never knew (Job 42).
My oldest son, Abraham, claims 6 words are like magic to get him in Gods’ way: “I don’t know anything about You.” Can you even say this? “Well, not me. I know alot about God. This makes me better than the pagan”. Come on man. Let go. If you hold to knowledge, you don’t realize, “Consider who you are…not wise, not noble, not mighty… God has CHOSEN that which is nothing that “He might nullify THE THINGS THAT ARE” (1 Cor. 8:1, 1:26-29,3:19). Yikes. The “things that ARE“?! You mean everything? Yup. Jesus says He didn’t come to earth for the “healthy” but the “sick” (Mark 2:17). That’s me. How about you?
Jesus says “LEARN FROM ME”
Paul says “Follow me as I follow Christ” (1 Cor.11:1). I’ve gone through a lot to learn a lot to pass on to you. I remember 50 yrs. ago when I first read “Come to ME, LEARN FROM ME” (Mt.11:28-29). I first thought “How can I? You are dead and gone. Can’t fly to Israel. You are not there.” Then an astounding “little” truth hit me. He dropped me a breadcrumb. “What?! You are living?! It’s not about me going, doing, or being?”. It’s about YOU actually coming to wicked ol me?”
In an instant, I realized that all my nothingness, which I was intimately aware of, could be to my advantage. Coming to the living Jesus demanded nothing… but childlike Faith: “He will teach me. I will LEARN.” Learning anew is the everything to our nothing.
The word “sinner” is THEE most offensive word in the human language. If “Christians” really knew what it meant they’d likely never identify with it. Rm.3:10-19 is brutal to self-pride and ego. Contrary to famous preachers, who distort verses to win crowds, Jesus does not call us to “love yourself” but to “deny yourself” (Mk.8:34/Matt.16:24/Jn.12:25/Lk.9:23).
This didn’t offend me. It excited me. “God knows I am a selfish wicked man yet has a strategy to love me?”. So read no further if you are stuck on yourself. Any moron can parrot the “letter of the law” Bible verses, but only a heart of nothing learns from “the SPIRIT of the law” (2 Cor.3:6/Jn.6:63). Any parrot can repeat the word “Jesus”. It is not a magic mantra that imparts salvation. Salvation is not a matter echoing “Jesus”, or His teachings. It is learning to live IN HIM. And this requires death to self (Rm.6:6/Gal.2:20).
When I gave my life to Jesus, I was playing college football. I faced my proud self-ego and relinquished in quest of a new beginning (2 Cor.5:17). It is an individual decision everyone must make. We can choose how humble we are willing to go. Humiliation is the ultimate test and cauterizes the trauma involved in repentance. The mockery and humiliation I bore for Jesus, amongst “friends” and family, transformed my mind from this world into His (Rm. 12:/Jn.15:25).
So I follow Jesus despite the hatred of this world (Lk. 14:26-33/Jn.18:36). Two worlds: one insists you become something, and one that requires you become nothing. Your choice. Conversion is the most meaningful and richest experience of my life. It brought me to understand “the cross” and learn why nothingness is so grand, so beautiful, so profound, so real.
I began to learn REAL. Mind blowing. What do people hate me just because I love Jesus? How does my present day loneliness and sin originate 10,000 yrs. ago? Adam and Eve turned from God and thus incurred this painful of isolation and sin in every all human nature. Thus we inherit it from our actual ancestors. Jesus yearns transition our tragedy of loneliness into the power of solitude.
This is why we must die to ourselves; this inherited nature. It is a nuisance. A constant obstacle to faith. God emphatically declares that He is One “Who gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist“ (Rm.4:17-18). So we must find that real place of calculation and personal repentance. It is where we see and identify our sin but go beyond it into His place of grace and hope for redemption.
God found an old pagan dude named Abraham to use in order to create our means for redemption. It’s called faith. Of course, today this word is thrown around like it’s common but it is “strategic”. Abraham found his “raven” moment. One still night, out alone, maybe laying on his back, staring up at the stars. Abraham found his real moment before God: “Man, look at that sky of stars! God, Father, You have got to be real. I believe in You. I give you my life”. Boom. Faith was born. Never before that moment did faith exist.
God wanted to show how faith is only born in “(divine) hope against hope (mere wishful thinking)“. Being 100 years old Abraham was “as good as dead“(Rm.4:18-19).
From this moment on someone who was nothing could now receive everything through an individual still-hearted incorporation of faith (Rm.10:9-10). So, in a sense, the more nothing you are, the weaker you become, the more tragic, the older you get, the greater God Almighty can move on you. IF you are willing to go find the “raven” place. God is just so cool. He really loves this nothingness thing. His Spirit only works “out of nothing” (Rm.4:17). I can never overdo this Biblical fact.
So the strategy of the Father is to bring within our nothingness His Presence. We must discover a place where we bridge the gap of sin into His Presence. If we are caught up in ourselves we will never recognize this beckoning in our conscience. There is no prayer-button to push but a heart to surge. With the heart man believes (Rm.10:9-10).
Our Father is not aloof to our cries, my dear brother or sister. He doesn’t put our prayers in a waiting line. But He does require certain “stuff” from us. He wants our HEART. His has an operative strategy which means He is a merciful ever-present, intimately involved Father, Who longs to be gracious (Is.30:18,43:1). He knows you by name. Are willing to be still…..to silence all voices… and wait for His? If not your burden is sure to continue and increase. It is an individual challenge; this road; you and Him. No bouncing our thoughts off others. We start with nothing, but faith, and refuse to stop until we find our end in His Presence. This is REAL bro. Not “out there”. Not difficult. As near as your mouth, on your lips (Rm.10:6-8).
There are those who are a ‘runaway’ from describing their lives as “tragic”: “Oh no. I’m fine. No problem”. They deny the truth (Jer.17:9). Basically, you cannot teach them anything. On the other hand there are the lowly, quick to label their situation as “tragic,” hoping to find any love. I do not hesitate to identify myself with the latter. The term desperate is not a passing incident but a life-time realization of my state. My sick mind is transformed by the faith of Abraham (Rm.12:2,10:9-10)
Have you ever been in a military hospital, mental ward or prison infirmary? For that matter, any hospital or ward. It’s like a warehouse of tragedy. There’s an unbearable story in every bed, and usually, at least, a thousand beds in every facility. I don’t see strangers but fellow brothers and sisters. I have learned the compassion of Jesus renders divine comfort to us all. We are all brothers and sisters by human nature.
The stillness I discovered I now carry with me and give to my brethren. Multitudes, who the world once accepted as “safe and sound”, they quickly tag the label; “DAMAGED”. Nonsense. The “damage” has long harbored within. It was already there when they were born in sin (Ps. 51:5). But circumstances of mental anguish amplified it to the forefront of consciousness. Jesus promises “I WILL GIVE YOU REST” (Mt.11:27ff). Very few would ever realize that their feelings of hopelessness can be fully redeemed by God’s strategy to tragedy (Rm.8:28)?
God gets inside our “Complex” through His love. Our duty is to stop, and relearn what we thought we knew.
I talk with soldiers, labeled heroes, and folks on Wall Street, labeled “success”. But in secret, they tell me things as casualties of the hidden battle with sin: pain, fear, guilt, and shame. They don’t understand themselves. They do not know the “Complex” of sin can turn any little, or big thing, into a nightmare. Sin influences every aspect of our memories, feelings, mind, attitude, reactions, plans, ect. So I write here to translate God’s strategy to permeate the deepest grief with the love of the beloved Son to help you understand. The only hope is to RELEARN how to deal with life.
When you fall into a place where you feel stuck Jesus proposes His “place”. When we are struck down into a dark negative feelings one choice to believe God can turn on His light. We blame others or grope for some reason because we don’t understand this compelling vortex of evil is imbedded in our blood and exploited by demons. When pressures bear down on us we look within, but find nothing but anger. It is not your personality. It is sin. It renders you disconnected from God, isolated, and feeling nothing. No church group of people or sermon can resolve it.
My friend, the strategy to such inner tragedy is not found in trying harder but in transparency with the Father. Out of love, He tries to use our desperation to break us to “see” we are nothing, so we can find His “place” of TRUTH (Jn.14:6).
We all feel a constant sense of instability. It lingers in the basement of our self-awareness. We look for distractions but these are reverberations turn to anger and irritability and bubble-up at any time over nothing. Have you ever thought “Am I going crazy?”. We’ve all thought this quirky feeling. SIN. God explains “all men are full of evil and insanity is in their hearts” and “they stumble like blind men… the poison of a snake is on their lips” (Ecc.9:3/ Is.59/ Rm.3:10).
Sin is in us, dude. You and me. It don’t go away through “confession”. People say “How can a sane man commit insane acts”? No man is sane. Just look at the world. Everything is nuts. Jesus seeks to come within, regardless of our sin, and give us a second “nature” of His Presence. We learn faith to replace God’s “something” for our nothing (sin). Jesus resolved IT. Believe. This is solid Biblical revelation.
Like “ravens” in the night sky, Abraham let go of himself, seeing God in the stars. He found “the place” of surrender. When we submit to the grace of the death and resurrection of Jesus the tragedy of our sin subsides in His work on the cross. Atonement. Appeasement. Substitution. Mediation.
So many times I see my own self-righteousness can’t process my own depraved ways. So I must simply obey His strategy. I can’t earn my way back into God’s favor. I just admit I’m wicked. His compassion is for everyone always. You don’t have to “forgive yourself”. Jesus did long ago. I merely recognize sin hiding within. Meditate on how Paul understood sin as an objective entity, apart from his true identity (read Rom.7:14 to the end). Mind blowing.
Without understanding the components of our sin we remain prisoners, roaming the long lonely corridor of life. We wonder “Who am I?” We search for love and acceptance. “Am I worse or better than others? What is my future? Do I even have one?” Our “identity” is established to others by our visible points of worldly association. But that’s not us. Our individual identity can only be found in “the place” (Jn.14:23).
When asked to describe someone an acquaintance will give this “unique” description; “Uh. They liked laughing and climbing trees”. So different than billions of others.
God does not dwell on Pluto, but earth. He yearns to reveal Himself and heal our consequences of a physical accident, being in prison, alcohol or drug abuse, a hospital-bound sickness, adultery and divorce, financial distress or any of a thousand things that draw us into the darkness of unbearable tragedy.
My fellow comrade, there is one bottomline-tragedy, worse than all, that we must first deal with: DEATH. It is in you, now, working to steal away your life. Right now, you can take-on an intelligent, level-headed analysis of death. Set your mind anew. Gods’ revelation promises divine “medicine” of His Spirit to neutralize “the unbearable”.
God never wanted us to suffer. He created us to be immortal. But the sin of Adam and Eve began our tragic toil; “the wages of sin is death” (Rm.6:23). Death and sin are inseparable. Wrinkles, weakness and bodily depletion show up in the blink of an eye, out of “nowhere” and strip us of our self-strength. In a moment of time we are brought face to face with one universal truth; death proves we are nothing. We will all be but worms (Job 25:6).
The Strategy of Nothing… The Beautiful “Nothing”… In which He becomes Everything
My wife Rachel sings a beautiful song on the streets, and in prisons, written by The Rolling Stones. Yup. Total pagans used for God’s glory. It’s called “Wild Horses” (Her rendition is they couldn’t drag God away from loving you).
King David cried to God: “Teach us to number our days so that we may present to You a heart of wisdom….Lord, make me to know my end…let me know how transient I am..my life is as nothing in your sight” (Ps.90:12,39:4-6).
So this talk of death, and being nothing, is not extreme, crazy, radical or debatable. It’s like gravity. It’s common sense. The Father yearns to transform our fear into His perspective. His love directly impacts our natural feelings of unbearable grief:
“For YOUR sake we are put to death all day long (We die to ourselves to help others find His everything in our nothing.)…I am convinced that neither death, nor life…nor any thing is able to separate us from the love of God” (Rom.8:28-39).
You will never hear about the tragedy of death on NBC NEWS. It is the conspiracy of all mankind to hide the reality of death. Ever notice how famous people slowly fade from the public eye as they get old? They want no one to see the grotesque shock of aging on their faces. It comes from the inside out.
A young Robert Redford, Paul Newman or once “sexy diva” is stunned by the tragedy in the mirror. I recently saw the greatest fullback of all time, Jim Brown. I was stunned. His “great accomplishments” will register only a few minutes on a news epilogue.
Our youthful hype, tight skin and strong body is slowly succumbs to inescapable depression and misery. The elderly can not cope with the mental hurricane of rapid degradation. Millions are abandoned by children, unless there’s a hope for money.
Death proves one thing: no matter what you will do on earth, its’ end is nothing. Death comes at one moment in time, but its’ grim composition begins in our early lives. Like a huge industrial complex, sin and death corrupt every human experience, cell, organ, muscle, and brain. I’ve never heard a man boast “Hey man. I’m going to die!”.
In some crazy way we feel we are entitled to a better life. We think we“I deserve better.WHY did this happen to ME? No one understands my problems. I don’t deserve this. We blame God. My friend, stop. Consider the ravens. They are not brainwashed by this world. They make no contribution to society. They demand no one to give them a job or ministry. No goals or plans.
They do one thing. They do nothing; but it is the beautiful nothing. They draw us to glorify God. To be thankful that we have a chance of this life for eternal life. They were created for the same purpose as us; to give our magnificent Father His due glory. To get our mind off our sin, our ego our problems our self. Can you imagine saying “I don’t deserve anything because I am nothing”. And I mean really, deep down, grasping all of what you are… not.
I continue to learn how to be a master “safe cracker”. What I mean is I have learned how to still my heart by being trained over years by the Spirit the right “combination” to enter the “safe” place of the Most High; the beautiful of nothing. Everything in me is silent. My mind and heart go to work. Isaiah said “Woe is me, for I am nothing” (Is. 6:5). John the Baptist said “I am not worthy to tie your sandals… and… I must decrease and He must increase”. Job said “I am dust and ashes”. A woman told Jesus she was as a dog looking for just crumb of God’s Presence (Mt.15:27).
Jesus told Mary no human task compared to sitting at His feet (Lk. 10:42). My “work” is to turn the tumblers of my heart, and apply faith to analyze my memories, search my wisdom, examine my weaknesses, see my pride and put the drive to be REAL. Being real is God’s demand (Jn.4:24). Then, and only then, can I find the beautiful “nothing”. It is where I find ME: “my outer man perishes (as nothing) but my inner man is renewed… like the eagle” (2 Cor.4:16 /Is.40:31/Jn.10:10). Jesus says our only work is to BELIEVE (Jn.6:29). So He wasn’t talking about doing nothing but “nothing”.
The other day Ravens “fed” me in my wilderness of nothing (1 Kings 17:6) As I laid on the grass in a remote field, staring up at the flight pattern of ten ravens. My soul was troubled and sorely grieved by inexplicable depression; an odor of death. The adversity of being a sinner.
In and out, the ravens flew, as if designated pilots on a mission to draw me higher. In mid-flight I watched several flutter in place, then suddenly switch directions and catch the wind in the opposite flow. Wow. That’s God. Just magnificent. They glided in a pattern, making their sounds, as if talking to me while weaving in amazing symmetry. Come up hither. Learn from us. Love the Lamb.
Such an event with no crowds to marvel.
-This is part of a song I am working on in an attempt to capture the same sense as I describe here. If you listen closely you will hear the sound of a raven blended in with the synthesizers. Let me know I’ll send it to you if you like.
I beheld High Places. I gave yield to the breeze of the wind as divine. I spoke no words but heard many. I said no formal prayer but felt many answered within. I let go and found me. Ahhh. The old self lifted.
My regenerated spirit was quickened (1 Cor.15:45). It is who I really am beyond my sinful nature. It is my God-certified disposition (Jn.4:24). I arrived in the field bummed out, but left uplifted. Walked as one, but flew as two (Isaiah 40:31/Rm.7:23). Paul explains I am “hidden in Christ” (Col. 3:3). Don’t knock it unless you try it.
It is not in my sinful nature to know who I am. It died 50 yrs. ago. Humiliated by 100 guys and coaches on a national championship football team. Now, I will never “live” that life again. The Fathers’ love is built on His promise and oath (Heb. 6:13-14). He cannot lie. My real identity “…has not appeared as yet what I will be” (1 Jn.3:2). It is not within me to understand the insidious ways of my carnal flesh. Paul says ‘what the heck am I doing choosing sinful ways’(Rm.7:14). Then explains God’s strategy; “Thanks be to God…on one hand I serve God…but on the other the law of sin” (Rm. 7:25)?
My strategy is to learn, study and relinquish myself to His strategy.
To implement the awareness of my nothing as an instinctive attribute of my character. “To die is gain” (Phil.1:21/Gal.2:20).
Paul said “I am the dreg of all things…the scum of the earth” (What is a ‘dreg’?)(1 Cor.4:13). How’s that for nothing? His new spirit ridiculed the tragedy of death: “Oh death where is your sting…the sting of death is sin … but God gives victory through Jesus” (1 Cor.15:56). This is the grand GOOD NEWS OF THE GOSPEL (Col. 1:27). I am confident His Presence in me is greater than everything against me (Phil. 1:6). “Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or distress…or peril, or sword, or famine or nakedness…WE ARE PUT TO DEATH ALL DAY LONG” (Rm.8:31-36).
“He who believes in me will live even if he dies” (Jn.11:25).
The strategy requires one thing from you: authenticity. Being real is like flight. It demands wings. God doesn’t make our wings. We do. It’s not common to be real before God. It’s not a cinch. Few people in this world ever achieve this goal. It involves bringing into confluence many parts of our human entity. How deeply do we think, contemplate and talk to the living Jesus? Does His tragic death turn our hearts inside out? Do we pause… and glide with the ravens? Do we know the sphere of His “wind” (Jn.3:8). Do we ponder and visualize?
Jesus knew that Adams’ sin so corrupted us we would live in unbearable tragedy. No stairway to heaven within us. Mankind would be facing unbearable consequences of sin. So He agreed to come to earth. He would endure the greatest so we could be born all over again if we surrender to His revelation (Jn.3:3/ 1 Pt. 1:23). The Father and the Son conceived The Strategy and the Holy Spirit brings The Solution; The Plan to overcome a depraved world in sin.
“In the world you shall have tribulation but TAKE courage (My power)
Jesus CHOSE to “empty Himself” of His divinity and succumb to the Father’s strategy (Phil.2:7-8). No entitlement. Humility led to humiliation
It demands our WILL (Jn.7:17).
Jesus fell to the bottom of life to bear all the ‘unbearable’ sin. It killed Him and He killed it. So today, Jesus can come alongside us, with His risen Spirit. You yield. He transmits His Presence (Rm.6:6/1 Cor.15:45/Jn.3:3-8). The God phenomenal of Divine comfort is when we hear Someone else feels our exact pain and circumstances. He appeases our sense of lonely isolation and imparts His strength in individual solitude.
The strategy over tragedy requires brutal honesty with Him, in Him, of our old self in hope the ravens will draw us into our new self. It is my sinful self who killed You Jesus. It is this monster who drives the nails and thorns into Your divine body. It is I who blames You for my suffering. Forgive me.
You alone understand why I sin. You felt all its’ compelling pulsations and sensations. You killed every aspect of this crazy insidious entity of sin. Your shed blood reckoned me unlimited forgiveness is mine.
My fellow sojourner, we must work to comprehend and access this magnificent gospel. It is not singing songs at church. It is not having to suffer alone inside while smiling outside and parroting christian theology. The Father has made Himself evident within us, by our conscience, so that we will come to Him our of our individual accountability (Jn.3:16-17, 7:17/Rm.1:19-20/Jn.15:22-27). The man who diligently activates his free will begins to utilize intelligence finds the solutions and strategy to any unbearable tragedy. It is not knowledge. It is His heart; His love; His Character.
“Here I am. Bring your tragedy to Me” says the One Whose mind thought of YOU, then, personally, with love beyond measure. Let go.
Failure is not a personality flaw. They say some are good, and good things happen and some are bad so bad things happen. Absurd. Neither is any person fixed by an inescapable “addiction” to booze, drugs, sexual deviation, TV, video games, etc. These are all cultural myths.
I deal with this constantly in prison work. Men are conditioned to rationalize and justify behavior, that they are told, can only be controlled by drugs and psycho-therapy. Tragically, despair and suicide result. They are told that they ARE evil because they DO evil. So they DO evil because they are told they ARE evil. A vicious cycle of lies.
Blame started with Eve towards Adam. People blame their parents, a job or the past. There is “NO EXCUSE” (Jn.15:25). It is an essential to take full accountability for ones’ life. The work of the cross can only begin with intelligent accountability to find and know the truth.
Just as you failed miserably, so too, can you succeed wonderfully. Seize the reigns of your destiny. Defy the lie. Learn from the raven. Watch the unbearable slip into the bearable. CHANGE. He bore YOU in His body on the cross. God would be a monster if he created anyone with an inbred “addiction”. Sin was a result of our decision, not God’s decision. His is for redemption.
The truth is we are all “addicts” to a thousand variations of sin, at any one time in life. Habits, no matter how established, can be conquered. We have a choice in how we choose to think and interpret our circumstances. Blame leads only to the paralysis of self-pity.
Let God teach you how to “divide” yourself from yourself by His Spirit (Heb.4:12). It is ultimate freedom. In Christ, the Spirit shows sin to be an irrelevant objective (learn this word) non-matter. Paul says “I do not box the air” and “it is not me but sin in me” (1 Cor. 9/Rm.7). The resurrection destroyed sin forever. What and how you believe matters. Words matter. Thoughts matter. A tiny hope blossoms into faith. God expects us to be individuals capable of unique honest heart-found expressions to Him. Freedom. We have to un-think the wrong stuff to rethink right stuff. Repentance is begging God for recovery. Humiliation is a very refreshing process of healing to unlearn and relearn.
When some people hear us speak of the living Jesus, they question our intense warning against the “Accept Christ as Savior” prayer-formula. They don’t understand that our admonition is not out of a casual or flippant chafe opinion. It is a serious, well-calculated LOVE, of the Father, to present the multi-faceted provisions of His living revelation. Our only desire is for you to truly know His love.
God is not a cosmic perplexity. We need not fear we cannot understand Him. He “casts out” all fear (1 Jn.4:18). He has no “brainteasers”. He does not demand moral behavior before He will come to you. It would be a contradiction to expect morality from men, whom He reveals are evil by nature. Remember Abraham was a pagan.
The precise thinking of those who designed the “sinners prayer” in the 17th century (Charles Finney and John Wesley) was to supplant “the complexity” of the New Testament with an easy token prayer-formula. So the lazy nature in all men didn’t need to comprehend a “distant” Being. This is outrageous. It is “defiance” to Jesus Who promises to reveal Himself to the most common of men.
Todays christianity is a magnet for self-righteousness because it instills an instant false “righteousness” as an immovable bedrock based on what a MAN DOES.The fruit is obvious. Not humility but “Don’t tell ME! I’m already ‘saved’ “. The constant recycle of condemnation due to our sinful inability to meet any “Christian” standard. If you never experience the divine embrace, we all long for, you will live in the torment of an ongoing vice between legalism (striving to be right) vs lawlessness (our natural ways).
The Father extends one alternative: SONSHIP (Jn.8:36/2 Cor. 6:18/Rm.8:15/Gal.4:6).
The driving heart of Jesus is to reveal His mediation of adoption to the most wicked, stupid and ignorant (1 Cor.1:18ff). It is not a lofty theology but the intimate experience of a fellow brother touching us as The Brother. We are gripped by another awareness in which we sense a realistic approach to God as “Daddy” (Gal.4:6). Not weird. Not warm fuzzies. Historical fact. The security of identity as a real child of God. The warm caring “embrace” of belonging; “You are mine”.
Jesus became the “prodigal son” Who actually shared in, bearing our rebellion in our experience of sin. He sweat blood, feeling our run of rebellion, from the Father, while on the cross. Yet ran back to the Father, driven by His vision of the Father. Divine love is like the many colors and angles reflected through a prism. It’s not fabricated religious sentiment but historical documentation of God coming to earth to give us His wealth of perspective to any sinner to resolve our greatest tragedy. No one is excluded. The disciples were not brain surgeons. Yet, through Jesus, became profound authors of a New Covenant.
The modern-day “salvation” reduces a mountain to an ant hill. It is a diabolical effort to create a token cutoff point from discovery. It circumvents the entire gospel. “Christians” remain in dire need, but since they prayed the “sinners’ prayer”, they refuse to “go back” and face their void. It would not be denying the Lord. It would be obeying the Lord. Instead of a prism of light permeating their lives with wonderful colors they are left with a useless common stone. My friend, come back to the Father. You have nothing to regret or fear. He awaits with open arms. We’re talking about ETERNITY in heaven or hell.
When I was initially confronted with sin I was greatly relieved and happy. I thought “Do you mean that God, not only fully sees and knows my evil, but explicitly describes it and responds with eternal forgiveness and love?”. That day I will never forget. I was twenty years old. My foundation began rooted in this truth. I became enthralled with the living Person of Jesus. I don’t have to hide or deny what I am to God. Whew. Can you imagine walking each day KNOWING Jesus loves YOU, no matter what? And the Woroniecki family cares about YOU. Give us a chance to show you. Below is a picture outside a prison facility in South America.
A sports writer once described my high school running style, as an All-City fullback, with the words “reckless abandon”. It hit home. In retrospect I realize this is the very attitude I have had all my life to get beyond myself and the entanglements of mainstream religion. I have faced enormous opposition, false accusations, and struggles from without and within. Many mistakes and failures, but driven by love, I have continued to “run” forward.
Pounded and hit from all sides, I turn, catch my balance and surge forward. Maybe I can gain a few extra yards of God-space on this field called the world. Trying, with all abandon for the living Jesus, to put up a sign, carry a cross, give a pamphlet, where people gather. Maybe, just maybe someone comes to Him. It’s all that matters to me.
I’ve found unspeakable joy in giving the love of Jesus. He says “It is in giving that you receive”. When we fill our mind with the tragedy of others it changes our perspective on life. When we see the individual heartache, and hear the horrendous details of their story, it dwarfs our troubles. Over some fifty years God has honored this reckless abandon of love for the lost and hurting.
My family and I are privileged to be sent to work amongst thousands of people who deal with so many variations of tragedy and unbearable sorrow. If you’d like to help us we are not rich. Nor are we supported by any group, church or organization. We need all the help we can get.
We are presently on our way to Brazil and South Africa to reach a population of oppressed, both in prison and common society. So I ask you to please allow this article to help you with what the merciful Father has shown me in the living Christ.
I invite you to check out the Go Fund Me link to my daughter Ruth. She recently incurred a horrific tragedy by falling 200 feet down a mountain. She broke her neck in two places. It brought my family and I into tremendous sorrow and tears but we know the mercy and tender love of the Father as manifested in the living Jesus. It happened on Christmas morning.(Consider our most recent family tragedy mentioned at the very bottom of the page; please see also: L.A. Times: https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-02-23/have-mercy-on-me-hiker-tells-how-she-survived-200-foot-fall-from-ice-trail )
Hey, you. Ya. YOU. Beautiful YOU. If only you will do what you need to do to see you as God sees you, in Christ. Life will become the gift it is meant to be to you.
Listen to me. Ok? I love you. I know stuff. Real stuff. Not a “Know It All’ but a real care about you. So give me a chance. No offense here, my brother or sister, but it’s gonna take some heart to get this.
It’s about the real purpose of your life. In order to feel the touch of God’s love to you as your true Friend and divine Brother, it requires understanding. Nobody knows what you’re going through. But He does. And, man, does He love YOU.
He doesn’t require a Law Degree but your degree…of heart to “seek” Him(Mt.7:7). You know that place inside you that you yearn to express? That place where you’d really love someone to know and cherish? Well, He is waiting for you to give Him that, so He can, in return, fill you with His heart of love. Like no girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, or wife.
So let’s take a pause out of all the generic information you routinely process each day. Especially all the modern-day token “christian” and political “right” – “left” stuff. All of it. Death will render all of it useless. This moment is special. Your life matters. So let’s go low, so we can get high.
Imagine serving “LIFE” with no life: Prison.
Everything is taken away in exchange for a number. Could you handle it? Isolated in horrible conditions; cold and sweltering heat for years. Not justice, not punishment. Torture. Contrary to misguided thinking, today’s “justice system” does not originate from the Bible but from Greek torture. Few understand the horrors of mental and physical torture inflicted upon massive numbers by being in prison. It is the most profound outrage.
In the picture here, is my oldest son Abraham loving men in the Mexican prison in Ciudad Juarez. Cool hat, hey? (“all things to all men” -1 Cor.9). 7 days after we visited, a gang attacked the prison, from the outside, and killed 20 men. We have walked through the circuit of many, many prisons.
We sat with starving prisoners in a 3rd world dungeon, as they were shackled with irons, day after day, month after month, years upon years. What is life to them?
We had barely enough light to see each other; some dealing with a disease, or in need of a wheelchair, and others in physical agony, in need of surgery. Thinking only about death. Thinking there’s no purpose for their life.
I can really say we have touched unbearable pain. 24/7 prisoners question “What is my life?”. They exist in a hidden subculture of torment. We have all done “crimes”; i.e. similar things in our hidden thoughts. Likewise with old people who also question the meaning of their lives. What does an elder man live for when he has no one? I met a homeless man in Chile who fell asleep drunk on train tracks and awoke with his legs severed. Imagine the pain. His life is a flickering wick and Jesus meets Him as such (Read Mt.12:20/Is.42:3). What I am trying to get at, my friend, is that for billions of people, the essential question is the groping for a purpose to life.
One day, while I was out preaching, a mother ran up to me and threw her arms around me, weeping and asking for help. Someone had just kidnapped her autistic daughter. What is the reason for her life? Maybe you have met such people or actually been in such dire circumstances: inside or outside. Maybe you live in a “castle” but inwardly on the edge of deep fear and sin. Thoughts of despair, or even suicide, can knock on your door. Satan is not a “scare tactic” or medieval invention. He is real. Be honest. Look at the world. But there is an answer. It starts with seeking truth. The reason for all distress is not understanding the purpose of life.
Great numbers, beyond belief, kill themselves each day. They suffer from the mental assault of war-time memories, regretful words spoken in a fit of rage, or the unexplainable lure of, and clash with, the enigma called sin. Some battle with physical pain but, everyone, including me, battles with this inner torment (Rm.7:14-20). You may be surrounded by family and friends, yet all alone inside, lying to yourself with false comfort, wondering “What is the purpose of my life? Why do I feel so depressed at times?”
I have sat with countless “Christians” who are just as blind as a man walking into traffic. They know doctrines and parrot Bible verses but are totally void of depth. A trite claim to a vague “christ” leaves them…trite. They are dying, deep inside, yet insist “Oh, I’m already saved. My life is great”. Just so sad.
We can’t see darkness with our eyes, but we feel its eery presence. Jesus speaks of it constantly as the radiation of sin (John 8). We search for a place to hide from it, but the key is understanding it. It drives multitudes into condemnation, sexual perversion, adultery, family ruin, unbelief, isolation, fear, religious delusion, and inexplicable torment. Unless you know the euphoria of drugs, you do not understand why compassion is needed for those who see drugs as the only way to escape life. We hear thousands of “feel-good” stories of intervention for recovery of “the goodness of humanity”, but all are left with no driving PURPOSE; so, sooner or later, they fall prey to an empty life. No understanding. Understanding life is everything (Col.2:2).
“Surely a live dog is better than a dead lion” (Ecc. 9:4).
A lion may seem far superior than any old dog. With its noble mane and impressive roar, its “ego” suits the title “the king of the jungle”. But not once it is dead. Each of us is like a lion in our jungle. We roam and dominate our “jungle” projecting what we think is life. We base our conscious state on our own aura. We walk about like a lion obsessed with ourselves. Are you with me? Honesty is required.
We listen to ourselves speak our bold words and become deluded “Oh, I’m fine. I already know all I need”. But death shows no respect for our self-inflated image. The “mane” and “roar” that feeds our self-identity mean nothing when we are dead. The only thing that matters is REALITY. And the reality is established in the Word of God that LIFE is a gift because of one reason: it affords the time to search and secure ETERNAL LIFE. This is the purpose of life.
Brother, when we’re dead, all appearances and self-defense will mean no more than the noble attributes of a dead lion. So strip away the gloss and see the clay. Your life has no more value than the lowest criminal on earth. A dirty ol’ dog has the same thing we all have. It contains the one power granted by God. It is alive.
With all the many people we deal with there is one bottom line: you are alive. No matter where you are, or what might constitute your life, you must secure ETERNAL LIFE BY A TESTIMONY TO THE LIVING JESUS. Life is what you make out of it, not what it makes out of you.
The main reason for our grief is when we don’t understand how to deal with the gruesome nature of this life. There’s a football coach who talks about a “dawg mentality” in facing hard issues of the gridiron. Continued failure can destroy a football player. But if he thinks that no matter how bad things get, he must hold fast to his gift of being able to play football, it keeps him going.
Likewise, I tell you of a “dawg mentality” that enables us to conquer the “gridiron” of this life. It is the realization that you are alive and able to “play the game”. I have learned this dawg mentality and rejoice, not in what I have, or who I am in this world, but that I am alive, with fingers, eyes, legs, and a heart to actually be able to use this life to find and serve the living Jesus. Hallelujah.
So many times when I played football I would just stand on the field, in the middle of the game, smell the grass, relish the moment in that equipment and love being able to play. Today I do the same in this game called life. Dawg mentality resolves unbearable conflicts by simple perspective. A lowly state of mind cherishes the fact that whatever you face, wherever you are in life, it doesn’t matter, because you are ALIVE and can live for Jesus. One would never imagine that such a simple mentality leads to divine life. But it does. This is the attitude of the “prodigal son” who had to lose it all to find it all. He was brought to eat pig slop, before he could realize the father was waiting, to run out to meet him with robes, new shoes, and a meal of celebration (Lk.15). It is our total desperation that tests and cleanses away the entitled presumption of heart (Jer.17:9).
A dog has no self-esteem or ego. It survives in animal circumstances simply to live. Consider Isaiah 59. We “growl like a bear and moan like a dove”. This is who we really are. Jesus says “the last shall be first” because it is only in humiliation that we can see and accept our wicked nature. We deserve HELL. We must let everything of self-pride go. We are nothing but a dawg. In this is freedom from self. In our nothingness is the realization of joy that we have life as a gift to discover God. A shot at heaven. Wow. The Father wants to remake us to be whom He alone sees we can become. But if we refuse to be clay then He cannot mold us. This is the process of salvation and redemption into eternal life. When we accept our “animal” (sinful) state, we are in the desperate “place” to see God as everything. Our consciousness of Him becomes our only focus in life.
You see, my friend, we must ‘double down’ on this painful realization of our sinful state rather than further the phony image we display. This is repentance. Such attitude releases us and supplies eternal life. Reality is not found by trying to jump out of your struggle, but rather, by learning to walk through it, in faith in Jesus, to allow our mind to neutralize the highs and lows of our emotions: Reality. So faith becomes life. “The just shall live by faith” (Rm.1:17).
Jesus says “This is the will of My Father, that everyone who BEHOLDS the Son and believes in Him will have eternal life and I Myself will raise him up on the last day” (John 6:40). Plain and simple: when you meet the living Jesus you receive eternal life. If you want to sell it short, that’s up to you. But not me. It is Who He IS. I know WHOM I have believed (2Tim.1:12). HIS forgiveness and eternal cleansing.
Jesus says “This is eternal life, that they may know YOU, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent… And the testimony is this, that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has the life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have the life” (John 17:3/1John 5:11-12).
Eternal life is the dawning of a new divine serenity in the midst of inner chaos, fear, regret, and pain. It is absolute security in what… Who God is. It is knowing divine love. It is the absence of striving. Jesus is Who the Father intends for us. It is being you, desperate but fulfilled, as a son or daughter of the living Father.
He is finding the “place” higher than the mountains, deeper than the Grand Canyon (Jn.14:23). He is surviving in the midst of unbearable pain. Jesus describes Himself as “living waters” rushing within your innermost being (Jn.7:37-38). I mean, come on, man. This is not typical christianity, self-morality, or Bible knowledge.
Many people deny and ignore what I say. They think I’m exaggerating or pontificating. They don’t want to come down from their loft and receive help from a brother or friend. They are afraid I will “preach” at them. No, bro. I will love you. Some merely want someone to affirm their conception of life. They want an admirer. Please listen to me.
There’s no denying we all can’t help but think of life in a wrong way. Why? We are desperate to be happy. I beg you. Stop. Think. Don’t convince yourself that things are ok because you have somehow made this life seem livable. The purpose of life is not life. Life is NOT the goal of our existence. It can never make you happy because you are made in the image of Almighty God and need far more than anything life can afford you. The goal of life is not a happy life. All such thinking is deception. A DEAD END. A demonic sham.
My dear precious brother or sister, I am not a “Downer”, but an ambassador to the new world. Life is a gift to take and use to find eternal life… Someone far, far greater. Life is a quest that doesn’t require money, a car or a person. It requires inner things, silent words, deep thoughts, heart expressions, divine engagement, contemplation.
So don’t worry about how much time you waste. Use what you got. Delight in what you have left. Time is a fixed parameter of hours, days and years. You’ve got to bring your conscience to stand trial before the revelation of God’s truth in the Scriptures. What REALLY is your inner state?
LIFE is not about making it better but discovering ways to utilize it, to test yourself within it. Like the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, the radiation of sin has ruined every molecule of this life. The sin of Adam and Eve has rendered all of us a “basket case”. Sin has slammed shut the door to God. Jesus is the new door (Jn.10). It was never difficult for me to admit being a wicked sinner. I only thought “Whew. God loves me despite my evil ways”. The great apostle Paul says “I AM the worst sinner” (1 Tim.1:15). Every saint knows his depravity. The wages of sin for us all is death. So let’s get out of “here”, hey, man? No “bright light at the end of a tunnel”. Only heaven or hell.
No stairway to God inside us. No Bible verse or “experience” to heaven. Just the living Person of Jesus. Sound strange? It’s cuz american christianity has influenced us all to see Him as an “It”, interpreted by a system of doctrines. The Biblical revelation of a testimony to the Person of the living Jesus is the only way to redeem life and be released of the claim Satan has to your life (Rev. 12:11). The apostle Paul constantly declared his testimony. It is the paradigm of how to construct our testimony. A testimony is the present-day working of the power of the blood of the Lamb: i.e. personal testimony to the experience of Jesus IS Eternal life (Jn.17:3).
The modern terminology of salvation is to “accept Christ”. This method is from Charles Finney and John Wesley in the 17the century “tent revivals”. Look it up. I did. They created this quick prayer-formula because they didn’t think the masses could understand the depths of the gospel. It is completely unbiblical. Yet it is accepted because famous men and modern-day fat cats reduce the magnificent promises of Jesus to an unoffensive acceptability and have cemented it into the system of Christianity as law.
The Biblical language for salvation, Jesus says, is “BORN AGAIN” (John 3:3). Are you born again? When, where, and how? Brother, sister, you are alive. Don’t play games. Don’t go along with the religious stipulations. The only purpose of life is to take the Father at His promise of eternal life. He yearns to bring you into His divine reality (Jn.6:37).
It’s NOT about doing some THING. It’s about your heart seeking His. It’s about sitting down and deeply contemplating eternity, now, today, before it’s too late. How do you get from here to there? From this miserable life to God’s eternal life? The bridge is faith (Rm.10:9-10/Hebrews 11:6). So simple. Nobody in history rose from the dead but Jesus. So it’s not an invented term; He is the living Jesus. Consider His earthly steps and words. They will draw you into His living Spirit. Ponder His individual love in tender mercy to each wicked sinner. He loved them, never condemned. He offered no generic prayer formula. He offered Himself. “I am the Bread of life…the Good Shepherd… the Vine… the Way, the Truth, the Life” (Jn.6,10,14).
Jesus wants to bring supernatural living revelation to YOU through the New Testament. Yes, He demands repentance but, when you think about it, it’s all stuff you want to get rid of anyways. He can replace your grief from proud self-obsession, born out of deep anxiety, with His Holy Spirit Presence.
No exaggeration. No personal made-up fable, fairy tale or fantasy. I’m not trying to sound better or self-righteous “I got it and you don’t”. I am rooted in the Dawg Mentality. My only boast is that the cross of Jesus bore my animal nature. Like Paul said, I am the scum of the earth (1 Cor.4:13). It’s where I find Jesus. In His darkest moments, He bore all of mine. You WILL live forever, bro, no doubt; but in either heaven or hell. Your call. Survival in this short 70-year span is for ONE THING; “ONE THING I have asked for… to dwell in Your Presence… Mary has sought the ONE THING required” (Psalm 27:4/Lk.10:42). That Jesus would be exalted. No place for self, no reason for ego. Remember the dead lion.
I recently had a near-death experience that shook me to my core. It drives me to Dawg Mentality. I am only glad to be alive to help others behold Jesus. I re-examine and eliminate all “wood, hay and straw”, to build with “precious stones” (1 Cor.3:10-15). Never had I experienced such excruciating pain that drove me into uncontrollable vomiting. Made me thrilled my end is heaven, as Paul says “For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Phil.1:21). Life is our one and only shot to seize eternity and then bring Him to others. Everything in this life, both bad and good, positive or negative, is a distraction from this purpose. It is ours to DIE to this life, to live forever (Jn.12:25). (Below: 2023 Rose Bowl Parade, Pasadena, California).
No matter how hard things may be, my beautiful friend, or how great things may be, no matter how deep in hypocrisy you have lived, it isn’t too late. You are alive.LIFE IS A GIFT waiting for you to gain the kingdom. “Thy kingdom come….” (Luke 11:2).
“The dead cannot praise You…Those who go down to the pit cannot hope for Your faithfulness. It is the living who give thanks to You” (Isaiah 38:18).
Don’t cancel out a hope for greater things, by being held hostage to a dying image. Stop being of those who settle in Theory Land. Nothing is from the heart. Eternal life is not theory. It is grit reality of faith. It is not ascertained by Bible theory, but only in the heart of Jesus.
From day one, Jesus walked out onto the earth warning men of hard times on this earth and thus beckoning all men to eternal life in Him. “I AM THE RESURRECTION “. He says “In the world, you SHALL HAVE TRIBULATION but be of courage I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD” (Jn. 16:33,14:1).
I challenge you to realize that the Scriptures reveal the eye of His storm is a whirlwind that draws you into the cross, destroys your life, and brings you into the center of His peace.
His life is a focus beyond this world, here and now, to His Fathers’ Presence. Every word, every act, leading up to and centered in His death on the cross and resurrection, was to draw us, by His living Spirit, into eternal life (read 1 John 5:11,13, 20/John 11:25/17:3).
Just as we don’t know the path of wind, or how bones are formed in the womb, we do not know the activities of Almighty God… Who is as high as the heavens are above the earth…” (Is.55:9). Whatever you are going through, He only allows upon you, for one reason, to lead you away from a proud heart to humble yourself and personally KNOW eternal life in the living Jesus.
“Lo, for my own welfare I had great bitterness; It is You who has loved my soul from the pit of nothingness, For You have cast all my sins behind Your back” (Is.38:17).
It is only hard times that bring us “face to face” with our conscience, to be exposed of its need for eternal cleansing by the blood of Jesus. Forgiveness is not one of many things of salvation. It is everything. True forgiveness is the portal to eternal life. They said “Who can forgive sin but God alone” (Luke 5:21). Jesus proved He is able, as God, to give us His forgiveness. No matter what you have done or how deliberate you are in sin, it is crucial to find DIVINE forgiveness. Lingering shame, guilt, and double-mindedness mean something great awaits you. So life, no matter how tough, confusing or void of material happiness, is a gift to have the chance to receive forgiveness into eternal life.
All creation “bears witness” of God (Rm.1:20,10:18). Ocean waves, clouds, wind, forests, and details in our eyes, ears, and body do not speak of pond slime, evolving into monkeys as our grandparents. I surely have acted like it but I ain’t from no monkey. God is my Father. He created and will judge us. So don’t play games, my brother, or sister. Get God on your side… forever. Don’t feed the monster of self-pity. Cherish the gift of life to do all you can to secure eternal life; believe Jesus.
Forget your upbringing. Forget a religious image. All your defensiveness is a dead lion, lying. You must establish a clear and concise “testimony to Jesus”; when and where and what happened when you were translated from this world into His Spirit. This alone is the reason to live.
“For affliction does not come from the dust, nor does trouble sprout from the ground. For man is born for trouble, as sparks fly upward“ (Job 5:6-7).
How often have you heard, or felt within yourself, the cry of self-pity “WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME?”. Hard times are not the exception but the norm of this life. A warrior of Jesus arms himself with this perspective. Have you ever sat by a fire and watched the sparks fly downward? Never. It’s a rule of fire that sparks always fly upward. Likewise, Job is saying, it’s a rule of life that, as sparks fly upward, so too does our life on this earth operate in a hostile and contrary manner to our good. Sin rules the world and Satan works everything against us 24/7. So when you wonder “Why?”, this is the answer. Jesus took all the world on His shoulders and also cried “Why Father have you abandoned Me?”. The Father’s answer was exactly what Jesus did in that very moment. He bore the horrors of sin once and for all time and rose from the dead to offer eternal life (John 11:25).
(Below: Feeding the homeless on “Skid Row”. Side: Ruth working in Philippine Prison).
was on the NBC evening news on January 30th. Check it out. It’s online at the NBC website. “… I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” (Rom. 8:17.)
For anyone who doesn’t know of what happened to my daughter Ruth. She was hiking an eight thousand-foot mountain here in California on Christmas Eve morning. Suddenly we received a phone call from a sheriff in a helicopter telling us they had just rescued her and were taking her to a hospital. She had fallen 200 feet and had been laying in the snow for over two hours bleeding from a severe head wound.
Long story short, Ruth had tripped on a path and tumbled 200 ft. down the mountain becoming unconscious. She then had to hold her neck and walk a long ways to be transported to a helicopter. Many wounds in her mouth,
leg, and back. She broke her neck in two places, had to have a plate and 2 inch screw inserted into her 2nd and 7th vertebrae, and is in a neck brace.
It is a tragic ordeal that we are dealing with. Many tears. But like I share above, such suffering breaks all of us to our nothingness and desperation, leaving us to further realize our the purpose of our lives is meant only to find eternal life before our Father God.
If anyone would like to know more please see our Go Fund Me page at:
After Adam sinned, Scriptures resound with God crying out
‘Does any man want Me?'(Is.65:2,63:5/Rm.10:21)
The Son answered
“Let Me give them my heart for you Father”.
So, in plain sight,
for anyone to ‘buy’.
Jesus freely offers His heart.
Will you say ‘the investment… too high’.
My friend, please listen. It is the last days.
In reading this title, some of you might think this ‘heart of Jesus’ stuff is a bit sentimental ‘fluff’ for the every day dealings of hard-core sinners. Well, let me tell you, Jesus doesn’t think so. Cuz I work with hardened criminals and “bad ass” gangsters who have committed unspeakable acts. They live in a giant cage with five layers of barbed wire (a concept that was pioneered by Hitler for German concentration camps) with no possessions or freedom. They are herded like animals. They are oppressed and deeply wounded, every night having to toil, not just with the weeping of cellmates, but their own internal combustion of torment. Guilt, regret, rage, depression and thoughts of suicide turn in their mind like chain links in bike socket.
Do you really think they’d give me one second of time if what I presented them was not of impact? Yet we are invited to hundreds of prisons effecting thousands of men. You see, I don’t stand in front of them with knowledge or lace-woven concepts of a theoretical image. But as a man of God living in a down and dirty nature and world. This is the brutal reality encompassed in the heart of Jesus. Above all, He did not come in the lofty notions of a holy God, but as a despicable criminal punished on a cross, bearing the identity of a human slave, a brother to anyone that would come by His side (Phil. 2:5-8 /Heb. 2:9:-18).
So I stand before my fellow brothers and rely on His Spirit; that they see His heart through mine. “See it fellas? It’s Jesus. He’s not the one seen on a stained glass church window but One washing the feet of the worst degenerate and most depraved man on earth”. Paul said That’s me. I am the worst sinner (1 Tim.1:15). Do you realize what this means? Imagine all the depraved people Paul met. Yet he says, he is worse than them all.
I’ve dealt with guys who’ve done things that would make some vomit. But I know His blood dripped with love, understanding, forgiveness and brotherhood. One drop of His merciful heart either covers everything or nothing. This is the gospel; GOOD NEWS. I deal with prison officials who get mad at me because they want to insist they are not like criminals. They say “You don’t know the criminal mind or the evil of their acts”. I say “You don’t know the mind of God or perfection of His act of His righteousness”. God says “come let us reason together though sins be as scarlet they shall be white snow”.
They resent the implication that, in God’s eyes, they are no better than the prisoners. I once lifted 405 lbs. My CMU teammates marveled how a little guy like me could have such power. It was heart. My heart was set. My heart is set to believe God’s love for me, for all men, always is compassion no matter what. If you set your heart on it will be yours. Jesus says wherever your heart is so is your treasure. My soul is on fire for my Brother Jesus so men see Him, not me. They don’t need to ‘get it right’. They need to see the heart of Jesus as a Brother Who loves them dearly regardless of their sin.
There was a time when I could decide who I loved. No longer. His heart in me compels me to love the unloved and care as He cares (2 Cor. 5:14). I don’t say this to brag but simply as a matter of His doing. Actually it ruins my life but marvel of divine love dissipates all loss.
No mountain to climb. No ocean to swim. No puzzle to solve. No “getting it right” with a moral image to impress anyone. It doesn’t start with an attainment of knowledge. It starts here with you believing me, Him in me, speaking to you here and now.
The beginning is the end. He awaits you in the chambers of your heart, getting beneath outward image. Opening your heart is like coming into a top notch mechanic shop filled with the highest grade tools to use.
This secret chamber contains latent powers of individual capacity to actually access the Character of God. The majority go to the grave never tapping this wonder within blinded, wounded and driven by sin. Instead, men exist at the level of common human instincts and intellect. They settle for outward religious appearance.
One time a reporter interviewed me for an article she was doing. It was obvious she was trying to portray me as a wild ‘hell fire and brimstone’ maniac. I remember telling her that following Jesus was all about HEART. She was stunned. She expected some complex code, lifestyle or legalistic list of moral demands. I’ll never forget her response. She said “Oh Michael, that’s nothing. I have a great heart”. I thought to my self “How can you be so trite about something so profound?”.
God says the heart is “desperately sick” (Jeremiah 17:9). So it actually takes aheart(individual) to get beyond theheart (common). It takes the individual facet of the heart to freely admit its’ own impediment of original sin. Sin does not have to bar us from God. Quite the contrary, as a result of faith in His magnificent plan, our wicked ways qualify us to discover The Power of Heart; GRACE i.e. “Where sin increases grace abounds all the more” (Romans 5:20).
Stay with me. My friend, In this crazy wicked world, saturated with christian delusion, it is a natural instinct to give up on finding the reality of God. So much hurt and so many doing the hurting. It seems the multitudes of “desperate hearts” have no where to turn. They can not meet the standards set by high lofty ‘better than thou’ “Christians so they just ‘fake it’. But let me feed you some utterly beautiful and magnificent truth.
The answer starts in this magical “something” located right within you. No need to go anywhere or do anything. Paul says “the words are in your heart…for with the heart a person believes” (Rm.10:8-10).
Jesus did not want to leave us alone on earth. He had spent thirty three years in a body like ours walking the earth one step in front of the other. Every human situation we face today was of His concern then. He entered into every feasible situation, relationship and challenge. God actually walked this earth in Jesus. Every minute of every hour of every day Jesus analyzed, felt and took on and concluded what we needed. It was no little thing. Nothing this world or any man could supply.
We all have lazy tendencies in reading Scripture. But if we allow our heart to engage we grasp beyond letters, doctrines and knowledge to Jesus. We see that in His words He is offering us revelation of Himself. We can all read what He says of peace, love and justice. But can you realize that essentially Jesus is saying in every word “My heart I leave with you My heart I give to you” (John 16:33). In John 16:13ff Jesus is saying that HIs heart will guide us into all truth.
It is not as though I live by a message or philosophy as my daily source. I still my spirit, like an eagle riding the wind, and give way to His Presence. Jesus sees into the deep motives of our human nature and why we do and think crazy things we ourselves don’t understand. He beckons us to let go and let His wind lift and carry us. Recently I was laying on my back in the grass pondering God’s glory in cloud formations. Suddenly an eagle came into the picture thousands of feet in altitude. It went so far, so fast without moving its’ wings. Completely still and profound. This is the “place” where heart meets Heart. Where nothing matters but Him (John 3:6-8). We hover in the wind . We live in Christ.
Jesus understands why we are so consumed with ourselves and would never truly want God. Our flesh, that He took on, is “hostile” to God (Rm.8). He realizes the reason for our hypocrisy and the regret of unintended words and actions. He felt it. No one on earth, back then, and in all time, has the answers that He alone holds within His heart. Bible verses don’t supply the answers. His heart supplies the grace. We must have Him to have answers. The King of compassion not only identifies with us but offers to substitute His heart for ours.
Jesus could see this day coming so long ago. This world is crazy and insane. He thought of us as desperate orphans. We once worked with a large amount of orphans in Bogota, Colombia. It was heart breaking to hear of how they were abused and abandoned. They were so grateful for our love teaching Tae Kwon Do and befriending them in trips to the zoo etc. We continue to deal with this tragic life situation in meeting so many prisoners who were abandoned. One guy told me he was driving with his parents and they suddenly just stopped and made him get out of the car on a remote highway. Imagine.
We often think of God as if behind a steel wall. But He is a revolving door goes with us into darkness to bring us into light. There isn’t one person on the face of the earth that does not struggle with the torment of loneliness and sin. Countless crimes and human depravity is a result of simply feeling abandoned and left behind that wall. Jesus saw into this great infirmity, derived from the rebellion of Adam. He thought to Himself “If I could just leave them My heart, it would be the power of love they need to overcome it all?”
Despite the insinuation of “Christians”, who insist they are all alone and have no one, no where to turn or any answers to their problems, I am here to tell you the truth. Either Jesus is a liar or we have access to His very heart here and now. It is up to our heart to find His. It is not a sentiment any more than any living person is a walking sentiment. The composite of His Person constitutes a heart full of limitless forgiveness, understanding with very specific answers as real as any mechanism on earth.
Jesus says “I do not leave you as orphans…I will come to you…” (John 14:18). Everything is about contemplating that God the Father actually sent the Holy Spirit of Jesus to any man to bring His very heart into our conscious existence.
There was this young guy who grew up as the youngest in a big family of brothers. Nobody thought much of him cuz, as many youngest of the family, they are thought of as not having a clue to the realities of life. Well this kid, guy, man, warrior named David didn’t let any of that stuff bother him one bit. The stones they threw at him he took and used to slay a giant. How? Why? God answers this very clearly. He says “I have found David…a man AFTER MY HEART who will do my will (1 Samuel 13:14/Acts 13:22).
David possessed the greatest power on earth; a heart for God. His will was SET. People are dumbfounded how a simple family of eight walk Pinot the dangerous streets, ghettos, prisons with no flinch. Answer: We each have the heart of David. He looked no where and to no one to give Him the love God gave him. He wrote numerous Psalms full of heavenly descriptions of all things. How did David get this stuff? He was a shepherd not a theologian. How could he command armies and remain safe when thousands in battle were out for his head? The power of heart.
The ‘down to earth’ simplicity of it all is mind-blowing. It is the very thing that gave a wretch like me the far distant thought that I, me, Michael, wicked man that I am, could actually have the heart of Jesus. It sounds almost blasphemous if it wasn’t real. The revolving Door constantly, personally, mediates my darkness for His light. God designed a marvelous plan undeniable in its’ childlike sincerity. It requires no superior moral accomplishment. It requires no sophisticated education. It requires no ability to say right things in right ways. It only requires YOU. You have all you need within you.
Most people live by instinct. People as a whole respond the same to life situations. Some go a step farther and develop some intelligence. They say “On second thought, I change my mind to this or that”. But who will go the distance to find the 3rd Answer? The answer that lies within Him.
God told a farmer named Ezekiel “Behold I have made your face as hard as their faces and your forehead as hard as their forehead. Like emory harder than flint I have made your forehead. Do not be afraid of them…take into your heart all MY words which I WILL SPEAK TO YOU”. (Ez.3:8). So the goal is to hear His voice (John 10:27). It is the very first thing I set out to do when I gave my life to Jesus. Without it you are like a tumbleweed blowing here and there. You feel one way one day and another way another day. Something on TV or at work makes you think a certain way. This guy tells you one thing another guy tells you something different. Truth isn neither of them, know squat. There is so much vast profound stuff waiting for you brother, or sister, but it will only come to you when and if you start to be aware of the power of your heart. Utilize all that “violent” attitude you developed for other things in life. Switch it.
We don’t even realize it but we have all been indoctrinated into the system of American Christianity where Jesus is separated into categories of theology and knowledge. He is lost amidst the maze of stuff about Him. The “sinners prayer” mentality to “accept Christ” lays a ground work of God as THEORY not a living Person. You gain more knowledge about Him than life in Him. Those who propagate these ways don’t do it for you but for themselves. You are just a means to their earthly reward of ego.
It is outrageous when you start to realize the truth.The entire world of christianity is set on one thing; feeling better than others. The stairway of self-righteousness may seem like it goes up to heaven but it is headed down to hell. It is the exact opposite of Jesus’ compassion and what the Word of God explicitly teaches (Romans 3:9ff).
The heart of Jesus was the epitome of humility and humiliation (Phil.2). Prison christianity epitomizes the general thinking of Americans. It is interwoven with the whole thinking of “rehabilitation”. So “getting better” becomes the goal that is really secular based. It is a life long failed venture built on anti-christ; self-improvement. It is a crock of crap in light of God wanting to make you a NEW man not better (2 Cor.5:17). An entirely new identity. The very heart of God real within you. The power of heart is the only power able to propel me through all life.
That’s what the cross is all about. Getting rid of the old you. Not just bad habits or wicked ways but your essential constitution as a man of this world (1 Cor.15:45). Paul says that the cross is the power of God because it frees you from yourself to love Him (1 Cor.1:18).
I have seen hundreds, if not thousands of times, how men attack me because they want to insist there is nothing more to the Lord than what they know. They don’t want to go deep. Shallow. Trite. But none of it works. None of it gives you the Depth of the Incarnate Jesus Christ. What happens? Tragic takedown. Just what Jesus saw on earth and why He knew He had to leave His heart. Because no man can follow God without His heart within them.
People ask me how Rachel and I could raise six selfless children. How could we do so without hard driving legalism or fluff-bucket christianity. The answer is we let them see and learn the heart of Jesus within us.
A guy who suffered greatly was another simple farmer named Isaiah. In chapter 53 he speaks of what he saw in himself as a prototype for Who Jesus would be. The key to not only bearing up under injustice and terrible inner grief was the RESOLUTE WILL to BELIEVE GOD. And God richly rewarded him.
“For the Lord God helps me therefore I am not disgraced; therefore I have set my face like flint and I know I will not be ashamed” (Isaiah 50:7). He’s not talking setting his face on farming. His eyes gazed upon the One Who sits on high. He was A Resolute. No wimpymambie pampie set on living for himself. Where is that defiance you had to do acts of darkness? It must never be thrown aside. You learned a great deal in developing the fearless resolution. But now the question is will you sanctify it in truth and do so for Jesus.
He offers far more than anything you wanted. The one thing that is greater than anything you can think you want in life is the thing you can’t IMAGINE. The thing you never thought of is the very thing God offers you; His very heart in Jesus. A profound identity of destiny in His sonship.
But it requires no ordinary man. This is what Jesus istalking about in Matthew 11:12: “the kingdom of heaven suffers violence and violent men take it by force”. There is so so so much waiting for you to SEIZE. But if you give in to the system of men they are lazy ass pretty boys who don’t really want anything to do with the heart for Jesus. The whole thing is to appear righteous before others (Mt.23:28). Look at ME<ME<ME. If you get what I’m trying to say you can catch “the wave” of a life time. You will pick up the “the wind” in regards to all things you deal with (John 3:8).
Jesus says the ME of wemust die so He can live (John 12:25/Rm.6:6). This is true freedom (John8:32). It’s not about finding YOUR LIFE but losing your life to find His. It’s not about going from one set of rules to another. Jesus created the gospel for the poor, the simple, the guys like you and me. Not theology. Reality.
Jesus told the Pharisees they loved Him with their lips but their HEART was far from Him (Mark 7:6). You may have come out of the false churches but their ways still remain in you as long as your life is based on words rather than heart.
Face to face Jesus confronted the hypocrites; “You are those who justify in the sight of men, but God knows your heart; for that which is highly esteemed among men is detestable in the sight of God” (Luke16:15).
Think Jesus. Contemplate His words and thoughts. What a man. What a MAN. What a God. He says all of life comes down to your thoughts and words. It is not about where you go or what you do (John 6:63). It is not about outward physical movement. It is about how and why you think what you do and why and how you live. God has abundantly opened doors into prisons for us to bring Jesus. It is an extremely demanding and exhausting work. Many times we have suffered severe sickness in opening ourselves to their environment. All times we face hard, cold faces determined to not budge, that we inevitably do far more than budge. Countless saved souls. Anxiety often fills our hearts but we tap the individual choice to go beyond ourselves. We have a code word: “Ground Zero”. It reminds us to go to the very bottom of life and realize these men will have nothing unless we give them the heart of Jesus which is simply being ourselves. Many times we have done several performances in the hot burning sun and suffered heat stroke. Nobody knows. Nobody cares. That’s fine because we have everything in the very heart of Jesusl. Come, my precious friend, please, seize the power of heart within you to enter into the heart of the Son and the Father by His Spirit.
Jesus stretched out His arms on the cross and, I say with Him, “I love you so much.”
TRT – Thought Replacement Therapy – My friend, I know you hurt inside. So do I.Neither drugs, sex or money can heal. You know this. Contrary to what you think, this pain is not you. It is something in you. It is sin in you (Rm.7:15-8:4). There is One Who cares. The living Jesus yearns to explain this and comfort you.Judgment day is near. Please, listen to me. Come directly to the living Jesus. Sit all alone. Be still. Talk to Him (Mt.11: 25:30/Jn.6:37,7:37). As seen in the New Testament, Jesus engages individuals. Don’t look for outside affirmation. You will stand alone before Him (2 Cor.5:10).If you really want His relief, freedom and full resolution of sin Read included Scriptures.
1.John 3:14—15- This is no little statement.Jesus uses Numbers 21:9 to spotlight as an epic truth to“Gaze upon” Him and His specific work on the cross. Face your sin. Realize the depravity and consequences. Let it break self righteous pride. Proportionate sorrow is a good thing. Repentance grounds you in humility and eliminates catastrophic presumption 2 Cor. 7:10-11 -Remorseleads to lingering morbid self-introspection (2 Cor.7:10).When the conscience is cleansed the compass for life switches to being led by the Holy Spirit. There is No Return to “dead works” of self-improvement (Hebrews 10:18,22,9:14). Reject regret over past actions (Phil.3:13).Requires “Violence” of will (Matthew 11:12).
2.John 3:14–17-Put all your sin (self) on Jesus on cross – Like the snake on Moses’ staff, Jesus embodied all poison of evil, contemplate, God’s love and forgiveness for you in Jesus to “bear” all your sin for your entire life (1 Peter 2:24). Obey God by faith in Jesus
3. 2 Cor 10:3-5 Must “Cast down” all thoughts and imaginations connected to sin. False piety and self-pity is disobedience to God’s revelation. “Excessive sorrow” is rebellion- (2 Cor.2:7).As far as Jesus is concerned His shed blood resolved the healing process for all the pain of sin.
4. Replacement therapy changes brain paths in your mind. -Thoughts are mere unseen ideas, fueled byobedience or demonic inspired emotion.You are not fighting a vicious bull dog but your own free will. You can replace a thought faster than you can say “How could I do that? I have no hope.”Quality of life is rooted in quality of thoughts and words. Once you stop dwelling on the severity and depression of failure and switch to faith in the Word of God His reality opens to His Spirit.God says “Your thoughts are not My thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8). So LEARN to replace yours with themultitudes in Scripture like these:
“I have called you by name…I love you“ (Isaiah 43)
“not counting their trespasses against them”- ALL sin- no sin left uncovered- No matter how deliberate or intentional (2 Cor. 5:19).
“If we sin we have an advocate”- (1 John 2:1-2).
“Everyone born of the Spirt is as the Wind” (John3:3-8)
“out of your inner most being shall flow rivers of living water” (John 7:37-38). These actions of obedience begin, not a ‘better’ life, but a new life (2 Cor.5:17). Resurrection life replaces self-remorse (Jn.12:25/Rm.6:6ff/1 Cor.15:45/Rom.5:12ff). God requires one thing; a sincere heart(Ps.51:17). No dwelling on how bad you may think your sin is or what you think you must do or feel but resolute faith in God’s revelation. Absolute surrender. His love is worth any rejection by others . If you stand for Him, Jesus promises to stand for you (Matthew 10:32).
Thought Replacement Therapy has 100% success rate. If you implement this discipline for this process it will take hold and become your foundation. You will fail. It will take time. But once the anchor is set in your WILL, the boat is secure. The mind will change. Like multitudes do for thousands of secular programs of “therapy”, SUCESS DEPENDS ON YOUR COMMITMENT. THE REWARD: divine freedom, redemption for all your failure, eternal life and salvation from hell (John 8:32-36,11:25/Rev.20:12-15). I pray for you, my friend, asking God for the one seeking Him. I love you as a fellow warrior.
So sad to meet people who call themselves a Christian but in down to earth, nitty gritty every day life struggles they are void of true power. I want to sit down and talk to them. I want to ask them “Why, why, why would you want to be contrary to the divine revelation of God’s Word and incur the tragic consequences and outcome of demonic control?” It’s not like you have to climb a mountain or swim an ocean. There is no need for any appearance of moral righteousness. Everything God offers is free, simple and yet profound. The one and only requirement is that you come in through The Door (John 10:9). Jesus says His sheep will “NEVER” follow a stranger (same passage).
How can a man, The Man, be a door? Maybe a bridge, maybe water, maybe many other things but a door means one must pass THROUGH Him. There is no doubt the only way to utilize a door is to go in and pass through …Him. Jesus says that one who comes through Him will “find pasture”. Good things, living truth and healing waters await. This, my friend, is salvation. The living Person Jesus. Plain, simple and profound. God declares that the only way to defend oneself against the god the of this world is “…by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony” (Rev.12:11).
Do you realize how powerful such a statement remains? Right along side the blood of the Lamb, which is THEE most profound event and provision in the universe, of all time, is the personal testimony of a person to meeting Jesus. It is the ONLY defense against the subtle and lethal lies Satan injects into our lives. The Presence of the living Jesus is the only One Who can ensure our real access to His Spirit. Kind of common sense. Yet men would rather pretend because they don’t want to expenisd the heart for truth.
The following is the word of my testimony.
We all carry a burden of life’s pain deep inside us. It doesn’t really spill out until outward things break down. Then, we can get angry, and feel so all alone. We do things we don’t understand or want to do. We are driven by something in us that is an enigma.
We fear there are no real answers. I had a “Bad Ass” image when I played college football. I lifted 405 lbs., ran a 4.4, 40 yrd. dash but beneath it all I hid my feelings of being a failure and my deep depression. Do you know what I’m saying? Have you ever tried to face what you feel inside? Society tells us “You’re on your own baby. Got to fake it to ‘Make it’”. Not true, my dear brother or sister. Not true at all.
My teamates called me “Crazy War” (from my wild ways and my last name begins with ‘war’).One night my image drove me to start a bar room brawl. Cops were called. I fled down a back alley and up a chain-link fence. But I landed in jail. My football noteriety kept me from prison, but my ‘crazy war’ kept me locked up in a dungeon of misery. Peer pressuredefined me as others expected of me: “The Crazy War”.
I was desperate for another life. Modern times have corrupted the idea of God, from a living merciful Father, into an irrelevant and impersonal system of hypocrisy, politics and self-righteousness condemnation. So hard to get beyond it because it’s everywhere.
This story is my journey to get beyond it and can help you find reality and resolution to your deepest pain. One night, long ago, while watching The Ed Sullivan Show, my mom just started telling my dad and I about an experience she had of the livingJesus. I was kind of like “Where did that come from?”. I mean as catholics it was all about Mary and the Mass. What’s with this Jesus thing?
My dad was a big-time “ go to church” guy buthe instantlyshut her off. I’ll never forget his reaction sitting in his chair with his bowl of ice cream. He went from cool, calm and collective to a raging lunatic. In that very moment,I was stunned by the collision of two totally different HEARTS. How could religion cause such absolute contrary responses?
From then on, their marriage collapsed, until the day she died of intenstinal cancer. It broke my heart and baffled my mind. I loved her so very dearly. As my dad and I drove home in the black hearse, from the cemetery, after her burial, he told me of his terrible regret of how he treated her. But it was too late.
At that time, I was consumed with my ownworld of football, booze and drugs but their illogical conflict put a deep question in me about another possibility of God, other thantypical churchianity. But what could “IT” be? I kept my thoughts a secret to myself. Yet I began to become aware of how many people are like my dad, they speak “right” words and ACT religious but inside have no HEART. I also watched so many destroyed by religion, catholic but especially evangelical. So plastic and phony. So I completely understood why people stay away from mention of “Jesus”.
I refused to play “church”, or become a cynic and antagonist. Instead, I decided to give God a fair chance. So I made a simple, straightforward appeal. If He existed, I tested Him by asking for an “All-City” football award that would get me recruited,away from my dad, and out of my own home town routine of going to bars and getting drunk.
To my shock, God actually answered my prayer. But I miserably failed to respond. In fact, when I arrived at Central Mich. Univ to play football, my inner‘crazy war’ went “nuclear”. I ran from God into a very dark world.
An Inner Move leads to Another World
Surely, your life-experience is something quite different. You have your own ‘issues’ and case against God. But surely, you desire purpose, meaning and peace of mind. Unforeseen injuries smashed my football dreams. I lost everything and everyone. I was worse than ever before.
I began wonder if I could truly find the living Jesus. I allowed my HEART to move my will to budge. It’s called repentance. You don’t have to climb no moral mountain or got any meetings. Just start to budge. Do you really WANT to know God? Yes, it’s about eternity in heaven or hell. But Jesus promises to replace depression with joy and laughter here and now.If you will move an inch towards Him, He will move you a mile.
As I contemplated Jesus in the Gospel of John I became fascinated with His ways and words. I didn’t even understand the workings of atonement, mediation, propitiation, sacrifice, etc. I just loved Jesus. What a man. What a God. Learning about Jesus is seeing God in action with common individuals like you and me, because He is One (Jn.14:6-9). The ultimate question: Is the Jesus of long ago, alive today? I wondered “If Jesus existed would He do something real forme?” I also read a book about a caterpillarand the dark world of a “cocoon” becoming a butterfly.
Faith is like a tiny seed that enters our“caterpillar”. With my leg in a cast, I made another appeal to God.Jesus promises, not a 2nd chance, but a life of 2nd chances. My injury kept me from playing Spring Ball so earning a scholarship for the next year was impossible. One beautiful spring day, Coach Kramer called me into his office and said, even though I was injured, he awarded me a full-ride scholarship.
I was overwhelmed by God being real and Hislove to hear a wicked dude like me. I walked outside, fully dressed, and dove into a campus pond (I couldn’t stop itching and was later told it was filled with insecticides. Whoops).A few months later I visited Notre Dame during a catholic charismatic conference. While sitting in the stadium, under the library mural of “Touchdown Jesus”, I surrendered to the real living Jesus. The Holy Spirit is real. Jesus repeatedly explains His Character in John 14, 15 and 16. He is actually described as a dove (John 1:32).
I didn’t know it then,but I was “born from above”(Jn.3:3-8).In one moment of time and space I became as the wind. The reality is that we have no idea how weighed down we are with guilt, worry, unbelief, ect. It requires the Holy Spirit to lift this burden. No “accept Christ” prayer but the very impact of Presence of His Spirit. There are no obstacles, no walls, no limitations to keep Him from us. Except our wall of pride and presumption.
The weight of guilt was suddenly lifted and I felt like a butterfly escaping the cocoon. My conscience was washed. There were no angels or rainbows but I was resolved that “the crazy war” died with Christ on the cross. I was reconciled to my living Father. That one de cision of courage changed my entire life. God turned my failures into feathers to build wings to fly (Isaiah 40:31). The proof of what happened then fills fifty years of standing for Jesus since then. Not my strength but His Spirit.
I am not lying or exaggerating. It is shameful and tragic how “Christians” talk on and on about how they changed their SELF, about a ‘church’, Bible verses, a preacher or experience,but not one word about meeting the living Jesus. He will bring you into salvation because Jesus IS salvation. Not some mechanical “sinners prayer” to “accept Christ”. Theory is not Jesus.
The magnificent living Person of Jesus is waiting. He says “Come to ME… Learn from ME…out of your innermost being shall flow rivers of living water (Mt.11:28/Jn.7:37).He will meet you right where you’re at. He is a living Person and His Spiritimparts a life like the wind. It is awesome to actually fly beyond ‘the crazy war’ ; like an eagle (Jn.3:8/Is.40:31).
God is not seen or known by an hourof ascertaining abstract sermon knowledge in a building on Sunday. Jesus says “they honor Me with their lips but their HEART is far from me” (Mk.7:6). There are 67k denominations, 300k churches, and a glut of TV “preachers” that confuse and deceive multitudes.It is not the church but a system of preachers, self-righteousness and Chri$tianity.
The living Jesus is not a title, term or cliche. He is the revelation of God on earth. Yes, Jesus is invisible. But so is air, frequencies, aromas, wind, love, truth and all things that constitute real life. The plan of Jesus is to “credit” your FAITH to you as His righteousness(Rm.4:9/Gal.2:20-21/Phil.3:7-11). No more pretending to be good or failing to obey the 10 commandments.Imagine being “washed” clean of your own ‘crazy war’. Imagine the free flight of an eagle; a son of the Father (Jn.8:32,36/Gal.2:16-21/ 2 Cor. 5:17,6:17-18,). Jesus took it (SIN) into His own body and shed every drop ofHis perfect blood as a substitute and atonement (READ Rom.5:8,3:10,7:19/Ps.51:3ff).
A while back I was up in the high country of the Rocky Mountains. I was laying on my back and watching cloud formations. Just loving God. Suddenly an eagle flew into the picture. Thousands of feet high, it did just one thing. It rode the wind. It glided for miles. So still. No movement yet going so high. I thought of a riddle. What travels into beautiful places without moving? An eagle in flight. Never heard a man talk about John 3:8. Yet it is the one and only place Jesus describes what it is to be born again. So contrary to the “salvation” of a prayer, Bible knowledge and betterment of self. The wind, an eagle, heights in the Spirit, joy beyond joy and destiny of friendship with God.
One touch of His love will budge your heart.Any church that tells you the goal is to make yourself a “better” person is as stupid as the phonies who dragged an adulterous woman to the feet of Jesus. In one sentence, God, in Christ, nullified all human “righteousness”: ‘he who is without sin, stone her’ (Jn.8:7). God understands all the tough stuff, all the deliberate and accidental sin, and yearns to forgive and heal you. Jesus yearns to become your true Brother and teach you how to actually mount up with eagles wings.
We can never “better” our self because there is nothing in self better than self (Rm.3:10). A church did not die on a cross and cannot heal the inner war. God is fully aware of the ‘crazy war’ we all hide inside. Satan tells us that ourpain is due to our own failure or something or someone ‘out there’. No. All struggle is due solely to SIN written in our blood (Rm.7:16).
Satan tricked our father Adam to defy God and ruined the entire human race (Rom.5:12). So we all inherit ‘the crazy war’of sin against God in our very blood (Rom.6:23/ Rv.21:8).Jesus died and rose again to put in us His “life-giving resurrection Spirit”; the only way I conquer the crazy war every hour of every day (Jn.3:7/1 Cor.15:45/ Eph.3:16).
Don’t let the scars win. All the questions are like dominos that will start to fall as youbudge. Decide to make humility the 1st feather to build wings to fly in God’s wind (Jn.3:8). Please, let me help you. Feel free to write. Ask me anything. I love you as a brother and will meet you wherever you’re at. The experience of His wind will extinguish all pain and fear. Flight is far more than a metaphor. It is a promise from the Father.
Be honest. Do you think God has ever spoken to you? When was it and what did He say? Most expect a Moses experience of an audible voice resounding from the sky. So consequently most insist they have never “seen” or “heard” God.
But this is not true. God says He has spoken very specifically and has very clearly allowed Himself to be seen by everyone (John 1:14,3:14/Hebrews 1:1-2/Romans 10:18). Jesus continuously said “He who has ears let him hear” obviously putting it on us not Him. So the question is not whether He has revealed Himself to you, but whether you are willing to see.
The living Jesus comes to us with the gift of His unconditional love. God sent Jesus to openly display to all men, on the cross, no matter how wicked, “I LOVE YOU AND FORGIVE YOU”. Everyone, and I mean YOU and I, feel like we must earn God’s love. It matters not where we are in life. What matters is whether we are will “see” and believe He is the Mastermind of a divine plan.
In the scuttle and hustle of our daily lives, in this unfettered world of chaos, how is that we can be so still, so silent, so resolute to allow Him pierce our moments so as to “hear” and “see” His love come?
Are we so consumed with our inner turmoil that we refuse to welcome His appeal? Are we so consumed and given over to our self-designated plight that we can not imagine He has another plan?
What do you think of when you think of the death of Jesus? Really, we all think basically the same. We picture a distant and ancient historical event of a setting where something beyond our imagination took place. Our mind is saturated with our own life and world situation. But if I you will let me take you back, I assure you that your life will go forward in leaps and bounds.
So let’s stop for a moment in time. You there and me, here writing this. I hope you don’t think it too bold or presumptuous that I tell you the Spirit of Jesus is upon me because He loves you so much and yearns to tell you things to draw you to Himself. You see my friend, Jesus was not merely another man, as so many others, brought into the horrors of a crucifixion as punishment by the government of His time.
Jesus was way ahead of what would befall for the declarations He was to make to the world upon His arrival and growth in becoming a spokesman for the Father on earth. He laid forth divine revelation He brought directly from heaven. The Father instructed Him precisely what to say and do. He then took it into Himself how He would conduct His every step on our earth and shattered and grim world.
Jesus was to mastermind the plan. He was to inaugurate an entirely new manifestation of life. It would a completely new REVELATION. No man could ever conceive or even receive what we were about to behold. Yet, like the inventor of the watch, or any sophisticated mechanism, Jesus would put together a precise way that we could leave our present state of being and enter His divine state of being. It would not depend on our ability to project ourselves, by a matter of will power, but yield ourselves by the execution of His work imputed and imparted within us.
It begins by our “entry” into the cross. As the Mastermind of plan engineered for hopeless men, Jesus had to become hopeless. As the Mastermind of plan engineered for dying bodies and ruthless hearts, Jesus had to suffer ruthless pain, while becoming ruthless. He had to walk, live and talk in a body subject to death, and indeed die in its’ worthless state. He who knew NO SIN BECAME SIN (2 Cor.5:21).
You see my friend, while Jesus was on the cross He was not just dying. He was masterminding. He was in His most pinnacle state of intelligence as He negotiated, propitiated, atoned, appeased, bore and intermediated with His Father for His mercy on us. He masterminded a way so that no a man does not have to DO even one thing to allow His plan to be inaugurated. So if a man does not have to DO anything could this mean a man does not have to DO GOOD?
The “Good for Nothing” Someones
So there’s this guy named Paul. He like ‘got it’ as far as the living Jesus. His life is like really beautiful. He did all kinds of miracles and suffered for Jesus like no one else. So one day he’s writing a letter to some guys in Rome. He like just starts bearing his heart to them. He says “Look brothers and sister, there is not even one thing GOOD thing in me. Nothing. I’m as wicked as it comes. In fact, I’m AM more wicked than anyone else on earth” (Romans 7:18/1 Timothy 1:15).
So Paul is so into the state of trying to declare his state of being is wicked that he culminates it with the ultimate joy of a guilt-ridden man by saying “There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1ff). Think about it. Why would he conclude chapter 7 with the first four verses of chapter 8 unless he is giving a narrative of his own conscious life? He is not writing something foreign to his daily experience. He is not like a guy who never played football narrating a football game.
They called the man who orchestrated the terrorist act of 9/11 the “mastermind”. He was responsible for every detail of how, where and when the men who flew the planes into the Towers would take flying lessons and exactly what they would do on the day of the attack. Well, as terrible as this all is, consider the exact details Jesus had to consider and implement so that He cold bring down the “towers” of man’s pride, while providing the alternative of His Character to implement into our corrupt state of being.
“God will to make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the pagans, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27,2:2/Romans 16:25).
Jesus made it so that we can actually enter the very Presence of God. So often when we go into prisons I find myself pondering what the ultimate thing is that we will leave with them. It is not a prayer. It is not even knowledge. Our goal is to leave His Presence. His tender love and creative thinking is in us to convey to them. Our goal is to pierce the dark mind with light. To give you, and all men, nothing less than the thought that you can freely access the divine light of the living Jesus.
If you will fully surrender all that “I can be a good man” pride you can become the special “good for nothing” someone to access the divine plan of The Mastermind.