Teaching, TravelsJuly 30, 2024


The plan: Provide mankind a way to be reconciled back to God through an intimate connection through Jesus.

God strategy:  Send Jesus to earth drawing any one into His Character and work and thus draw a man into divine connection.

The dilemma: Sin not only divides sinful man from a holy God but sin takes away any desire from man for God and leaves him in a state of rebellion.

Solution: God must do everything required.

Means: Faith

I love this word connection. It is my constant goal with all whom I meet. Of all words that describe my life I am to establish connection with men and women in and for the living Jesus.

I’ll do whatever I must to establish this bridge of communication. This is no easy thing. There are innumerable obstacles on my part, the part of others  and facing a world of conflict and an all out assault upon each one of us from birth.



Can I help any of you to come along?


This mission of Jesus is the purpose into which I was reborn fifty years  ago at the University of Notre Dame football stadium while attending a catholic charismatic conference. God had used my world of football that had brought me to Central Michigan University on a football scholarship. Actually I did not earn it out of High School because my grades were horrible. So I had to earn it by proving my abilities in Spring Ball the following year. I was a “walk on”.

But somehow in my dark world of nothingness God, my Father, intervened. I had no idea He was working through the many injuries I incurred. It “broke” me. Injury after injury. It broke my soul. I became desperate. Without football I was nothing. Not that I was anything with it but in my mind it was all that gave my life meaning. Ahh. Meaning. Purpose. These are delicious words. I love to say them. I love to chew on them. It’s what every soul craves on the earth. I do not deserve this calling.

Long story short, I gave my life to the living Jesus. He washed away all my guilt in a microsecond of time and it never returned. I was truly BORN AGAIN (John 3:3-8). And as Jesus promises in v8 my life has become like the wind.  Everything inside and outside changed drastically. I became subject not to the dictates of men but the revelation of the Holy Spirit. People thought I had taken drugs or ‘gone off the deep end’. It didn’t matter to me because I knew the magnificent living Jesus. I chose then and now fifty years later not to listen to the accusations of men. I continue this walk of a warrior flashing my sword across this earth. Come Lord Jesus. Return.

Presently I am in Bucharest, Romania. This morning my family and I brought  Jesus, in word and deed,  to thousands of very desperate, suffering and destitute women in a facility for those who recover from multitudes of afflictions. For the next four days we will be working with thousands of men in similar backgrounds. It is what my life has become; the love of the living Jesus working through this selfish man with all I am, all I have, and searching beyond my own human parameters for that golden moment of CONNECTION. There is no greater joy than to connect a man or woman to the way, the truth and the life of Jesus that leads directly to the Father and into eternal life (John 14:6-9). At 70 years old I ain’t got much longer on this earth and so I am doing all I can with what I have. It is brutal work but the reward is eternal.

I call anyone who can “hear”to  come, as you are  to the living Jesus. He loves you. He forgives you. Jesus doesn’t throw you a life preserver. He jumps in the water to swim you to shore. Don’t play christianity. Become a warrior filled with His Spirit. He loves you. Fight with all you have because soon, very soon, He shall return. I love you. Can I help you?