Teaching, TravelsOctober 03, 2023

What is “Inner Healing”?



“When I became embittered and my innermost being was wounded, I was stupid and didn’t understand (hurt = bitter): I was an unthinking animal toward You.Yet I am always with You; You hold my right hand …Your Presence is my good”. King David (Psalm 73:21-28/read the entire chapter).

Most people think God has to do something special to heal you. As if He isn’t quite aware of what YOU need. Maybe, somehow, you alone fall outside the lines of all humanity. No, my friend. Sure, God meets each person at some unique point but the Father has done one thing for all time to heal everyones’ predicament. Now it’s up to us. And we have the secret power. It’s called free will.

“This is all too difficult for me to figure out.”

Such is the reaction right out of The Inmates Handbook of Excuses. I hear it often working in prisons.  If anyone had an excuse to give, they  do. Every day they exist, smitten with guilt and regret,  in a stinky 6×6 cell, battered as being ‘lazy and ‘good for nothing’ by corrupt guards. Brother, we have no excuse my friend.

The truth is we are all afflicted with spiritual laziness due to the sin of Adam. A man can work the hardest of worldly jobs but when it comes to God, well, a token “sinners prayer” is sufficient. “Don’t bother me. I got it already”.

When a person refuses to see this laziness, in his dark soul, he blames Gods’ revelation for being “too difficult”. But the facts are 400 years before Jesus was even born the prophet Isaiah predicted that the  face of Jesus would be full of such love that the suffering it drew from Him  would be etched into His suffering face for each individual (Isaiah 53).  Jesus made the gospel for dumbest, laziness and most wicked to access by his will.

Scriptures reveal how Jesus  went to the most lowly, uneducated people and beckoned the smallest children “Come to Me” (Isaiah 61/Mt.11:27).  Simple, humble, transparent honesty is the “formula” for understanding the merciful revelation of the living Jesus. “Hidden” only from the proud (Mt.11:25). There is nothing difficult about receiving His love. Unless DOING is beyond you.

What do you DO for God?  Jesus promises if “any” man is willing “to do” His will he will know everything needed (Jn.7:17/Mt.11:25,-29). The WILL is the  operating mechanism of faith and obedience. It is of immense importance, showing, on the one hand, that singleness of desire to please God, produces the fortitude to gain light on all questions,  and on the other hand, that the lack of will, whether realized or not, is the chief cause of failure and grief. The will alone exerts the surrender and obedience to claim God’s Spirit.

God promises those who wait on Him  shall become as EAGLES…Those who hopefully wait for Me will not be put to shame ” (disappointed) (Is.40:31/Ps. 49:23,25:3). Waiting is not passive. It is anticipation within. It the only means by which a man finds answers. The definition of “wait”, in the Hebrew lexicon, contains a picture of someone crouched behind a rock ready to leap upon an oncoming horse.


Imagine an eagle, with a broken wing, trying to leap into flight.  But its’ wound leaves it  crippled.   I’ve seen this pitiful sight. Everything in me wanted to heal the eagle. But it wouldn’t let me come near. It would screech and run. Yet it could not do the very thing it was created to do. And, worse yet, it could never cure its’ own wound. So many people are like that eagle.


Contrary to an eagle, we human beings, we can heal our wounds.  We can position ourselves in truth so God can heal us by HIs Word. I have learned, like David,  how to heal my broken wings.  I think of wings as our will. We create thrust by moving our wings.

Everyone has the potential, or wings, to fly. But the road is “narrow” of those who venture the obedience of faith. The majority never truly learn to fly because they never “flap” their wings.   Men remain blind and wounded. He prays a “sinners prayer” but changes nothing. He  sees his “Christian” life like a painter working on the fine touches of a self-portrait. It’s all flesh. He never learns to wait on God.

The word trauma in Greek means wound: “a disordered state resulting from severe mental and emotional stress….a deeply distressing or disturbing experience”. Everything, and everyone in life is one of two things; real or phony; truth or lies. God promises to make us as eagles to rise above what is not real into the Spirit of truth if we obey His revelation. 

Aimlessness is inevitable when our wings are broken. “…without vision a man is lost” (Pr.29:18). It is the deep sense of God’s Presence and being a part of His purpose.

He says ‘I will restore you to health and I will heal you of your wounds…because they called you an outcast, saying… no one cares for you… I will be your God … you will survive the sword and find grace in the wilderness… when you come to find rest in Me I will say  ‘I have loved you with an everlasting love…I have drawn you with loving kindness…I will rebuild you…take up a tambourins…go forth to dance…sing aloud with gladness…give praise and say  ‘O Lord, you save Your people, the remnant of Israel’ (Jeremiah. 30:17-31:7).The repeated Biblical scene of Jesus is His  constant healing.

Jesus said  “Father forgive them they know not what they do“.God knows you don’t know the dire consequences of your pride. So He just requires a budge. Faith is as small as a mustard seed. It is written “God is love…By this the love of God was manifested in us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world so that we might live through Him (1 Jn.4:9).

When we are born we are all  like one of those paratroopers you see in a World War II movie landing, out of the sky on earth. Bam. Pow. Zap. We don’t have a clue what to do with our life. We drop into a dark foreign land called EARTH.   We just listen to everybody else whose already here. They say work hard at this thing called living. Unlike those paratroopers, we have no mission, no briefing or preparation for our purpose. Then we find there is nothing on this planet. Nothing.

 God is love, and He understands all these deep feelings of being lost. It’s why Jesus came. He  offers a REAL healing for all that has happened beyond enemy lines.  Jesus set His will to  engulf all the evil of our humanity. He Who knew NO sin BECAME SIN (2 Cor.5:21). He knows the strangest and most fearful hidden inclinations.

 In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins”; that is, our depths of inner scars, hurts, pain and regret” (1 Jn. 4:8-10).

Speak to God as “Father” (Mt.6:9/Jn.17).

You CAN DO this. You CAN utter “Father!” Thats not too hard. This is your will; your wings fluttering. You CAN go deeper, higher. Right here. Right now. Pour out your heart.  I could never list all my regrets of things I wish I did or didn’t do: “Why did I say that? How could I think that?”. It is at this most weakest point where we can begin to build feathers into wings.

Consider this precious example.  “Like an eagle that stirs up its nest, that hovers over its young, He spread His wings and caught them, He carried them on His pinions… I have wounded and it is I who heal”. A mother eagle attacks the nest of her young, out of instinctual love,  forcing the eaglets to employ their wings to fly. This is the purpose of hard times. It is God “attacking” your comfort zone so you find your will.We must choose to exert our faith and move out. (Deuteronomy 32:11, 39)

I’d like to serve as a messenger and brother of God’s love; a healing agent of the Holy Spirit. I’d like to ‘show my wings to inspire you to budge; to rise up. God takes no delight in any of our suffering and grieves over all the trauma that has befallen you (Lam.3:33). Remember He does not own this world (2 Cor.4:4). He paid a heavy, heavy price to provide healing.

God didn’t want it for you. But will use it for your good if you trust Him (Lam.3:75). He sees you, in Christ,  as His beloved. Now you must just come into HIM.

Do you know the word ‘cauterize’? It is to seal your past, once and for all. “Forgetting” and “reaching” (Phil.3:10-12). No more regret. I can take you into the healing chambers of the Most High. It is a grand “place” (Jn.14:23). But, like my daughter Mercy had to walk to the helicopter, because of the fierce winds at her rescue. Despite her broken neck, she had to GET UP and go to the rescue chair to hoist her into the helicopter.

The answers I share with you here I had to find for myself. For so long I thought there was some kind of “magical” spiritual healing I needed. Then I realized. There are no Scripture verses  of a “healing service” (as is common today) because what Jesus said in the market places is directed to you and I concerning all suffering.  He IS the healing to all trauma; all “PTSD”.

Just before John 3:16, the most popular verse, Jesus reveals a profound simple truth about FOCUS. Most people never see it. As Moses told the tribe of Israel to stare at a bronze serpent, he formed over a fire, so must we FIXATE ourselves upon Jesus to be healed of all poisons from this world (John 3:15-16).

Jesus promises “…the truth shall set you free” and “Father, sanctify them in truth, They word is truth (Jn.8:32-36, Jn.17:17). Life causes many complex distortions in our mind. These “imaginations” capture us and can hold us bound for our entire lives. Obedience is simply exercising your full will power to break their hold.  We fester our own wounds  by caving into self-pity and unbelief.The healing to all trauma is to set your will to “fly” in the living Jesus.

Clarity and  understanding lift us like the wind under our wings. Obedience is like our thrust to propel us upward.  When we replace lies with acting on the promises of God.  Years and years of habitual cycles of negativity can be  broken by one full resolution of will.  King David says that as he began to “run the way of” it was like the first domino that causes the landslide of darkness into an open sea of mercy and God “enlarges the heart” (Ps. 119). Healing is a process of obedience to  the Word of God.

I have watched presumption slay the masses. The days slip away never to return. The Scriptures repeatedly warn there is a raging battle for your human soul.  Passive adherence to doctrines does nothing to regenerate the will. Knowledge repetition means nothing. Obedience is the answer. I was born to fail. I was born again to conquer.

“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses (established ways of thinking)” (2 Cor.10:3-5).

Become what Jesus intended by His resurrection; a spiritual man. That is, a man above a typical natural man. So many benefits await you. Aside from wisdom, understanding, truth, light, etc. is just the wonderful constant blessing of His Presence. I wish I could zip open my heart and mind. As a result of my obedience to the truth,  Jesus fills my inner most being, like streams of living water (John 7:38).

My wife and I have been married almost fifty years, preached in hundreds of cities, many countries, to millions of people, in hundreds of prisons, facing countless difficulties and seemingly hopeless situations.  Six warrior adult children; Ruth, Elizabeth, David, Sarah, Abraham and Joshua ride the wind to bring inner healing to the lost.  We fight by the Holy Spirit of the living Jesus. The end is near. No cliche. Please, we beg you. Wake up! Before its too late!